Welcome to InterNACHI's free, online "Wildlife Damage & Sign for Home Inspectors" course. This course is provided by our accredited college at internachi.edu and developed in partnership with the National Wildlife Control Operators Association (NWCOA).
This course aims to teach students how to identify potential wildlife damage or sign during an inspection and to keep themselves and others with them safe. Inspectors will also receive recommendations on where to get additional wildlife training and where to refer homeowners who need a wildlife control technician.
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
This course is free to all InterNACHI members.
Wildlife Damage & Signs for Home Inspectors Course | ||
www.nachi.org/wildlife-damage | ||
Student Work | Time Calculation | Estimated Clock Hour Time for the Average Student |
Attendance for "Seat Time" 1 | # of minutes of student attendance / 50 | 18.4 |
Participation in Learning Activities 2 | # of minutes of online student participation / 50 | 0.5 |
Interactivity 3 | # of minutes of student interactivity / 50 | 0.5 |
Reading the Course Text 4 | # of words in the course / 100 words per minute / 50 | 2.0 |
Reading the Course Textbook 5 | # of words in the book / 100 words per minute / 50 / 2 | 1.0 |
Academic Engagement 6 | # of words in the course / 100 / 50 | 0.5 |
Direct Communication 7 | # of minutes of communication / 50 | 0.5 |
Instructional Video Learning 8 | # of minutes of video / 50 | 0.1 |
Reinforcement Q & A 9 | # of questions X 1.85 / 50 | 0.25 |
Writing Assignment of the Inspection 10 | 2.0 hours per assignment | 2.0 |
Writing Assignment of the Research 11 | 3.0 hours per assignment | 3.0 |
Academic Activities for an Inspection 12 | 4.0 hours for each inspection assignment | 4.0 |
Performing an Inspection 13 | 4.0 hours for each inspection | 4.0 |
* nachi.org/catalog-credit-hour-calculation | 18.4 | |
Total clock hours | 18.4 clock hours 18.0 InterNACHI CE Hours 1.8 CEU |
Reminder to members: InterNACHI's Code of Ethics 1.10 requires that you comply with all government rules and licensing requirements of the jurisdiction where you conduct business. InterNACHI's courses and Standards generally exceed the Standards of Practice that you are required to abide by locally.
This course has been approved by:
Upon completion of this course and passing of the 20-question final exam, the student can download and print their own Certificate of Completion which is auto-generated in their own name. The student's (InterNACHI member's) information is recorded on InterNACHI's servers for membership compliance verification, and automatically logs completion into InterNACHI's online Continuing Education log.
Members will need their username and password. If you have forgotten your password, CLICK HERE (instant response) or email fastreply@internachi.org and request it (don't forget your name).
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InterNACHI® Members:
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Some features which make InterNACHI's courses superior to existing continuing education options:
The student's (InterNACHI member's) information is recorded on InterNACHI's servers for membership compliance verification, and automatically logs completion into InterNACHI's online Continuing Education log.
Why online inspector education is better than classroom inspector education.