Water Heater Discharge Piping mini-course for inspectors.


InterNACHI is pleased to announce the release of its new online Water Heater Discharge Piping mini-course.  This course helps teach members how to recognize improperly installed TPR valve discharge piping.  In keeping with InterNACHI's commitment to continuing education, this course is free to all, open to all and can be taken again and again without limit.
Members will need their username and password.  If you have forgotten your password CLICK HERE (instant response) or email fast-reply@internachi.org and request it (don't forget your name). 
We are asking that everyone send their comments and suggested additions to us to help us improve it. If you find errors let us know.  If you have pictures to go with your suggested additiions, please send those too.  We are working on making the course more robust... with your help.  Please contribute by emailing fast-reply@internachi.org.  Contributors will be credited on the last page of the course.