July 14, 2006
Vision Reporting Systems Releases a New Line of Home Inspection Reporting Software Greenville, SC – Vision Reporting Systems (www.visionreportingsystems.com) has released Vision Express and Vision Plus Home Inspection Reporting Software. Available to the home inspection industry, the Vision family of software relies on time tested methods to provide a combination of checklist and narrative types of reporting platforms. Rather than limit an inspector to minimal reporting capabilities, these systems offer expanded areas of commentary combined with a checklist format to ensure all inspection data points are addressed within the scope of an inspection.
Adherence to state and association Standards of Practice allows the inspector to cover all points of the home inspection without fear of overlooking required inspection items. Completely customizable comment blocks allow the inspector to effortlessly and consistently comment in their own words. The underlying database system allows proper management of inspection report data and ensures access to allow such features as a Billing Summary and Receivables Summary.
Dynamic and continued development helps make sure the system is “cutting edge”. Any changes are offered to current Vision users free of charge. Internet based report delivery and archival of report data and delivered PDF files are features which supplement the basics for ease of use and ease in training. Consistent formats help underscore the success of the home inspector. Systems are provided at a reasonable cost and current members of InterNACHI (the National Association of Certified Home Inspectors(www.nachi.org)) always get $100 off.
Today, and into the future... Vision Reporting Systems will help the home inspection industry move forward.