Virginia Pre-Licensing Training Details

InterNACHI is approved by the Virginia Home Inspector Board as a pre-licensing and Continuing Education (CPE) training provider. InterNACHI is approved to provide two options for Virginia home inspector pre-licensing training: 
  • 35 hours of live, in-person pre-licensing training such as InterNACHI's  House of Horrors 5-day training (for individuals opting to do 50 home inspections); or
  • 70 hours of pre-licensing training, including a hybrid of online courses and the live, in-person classes. This option requires only 25 home inspections. 

35-Hour Online Pre-Licensing Course List:

If you choose the 70-hour hybrid pre-licensing option for training, the following online courses are required to complete the 35-hour online portion of the training:
The remaining 35 hours can be completed by attending our live 5-day home inspection training at the House of Horrors.  

The required 25 field inspections can be done with InterNACHI's training partners, such as Iron Mountain Home Inspection Training Academy

Visit the Virginia website for licensing details and the applications.


Virginia Pre-Licensing Class Approval 35-Hour Class

Virginia Pre-Licensing Class Approval 70-Hour Hybrid Class