Texas Home Energy Score for Real Estate Professionals Course

Welcome to InterNACHI's free online "Home Energy Score for Real Estate Professionals Course." This course is provided by our accredited college at internachi.edu. InterNACH is solely responsible for the content used in this course.

Licensed real estate professionals can take the course by creating a free student account at nachi.org/realestate.  


This course aims to teach real estate professionals about the United States Department of Energy's Home Energy Score and how it helps homeowners understand their homes' energy performance and how they compare to other homes nationwide. 


Upon successful completion of this course, the real estate professional will be able to:

  • describe the information Home Energy Score provides;
  • state the type of house data required to be collected to generate a Home Energy Score;   
  • communicate to homeowners the energy efficiency upgrades that are recommended by the Home Energy Score.

The course includes:

  • 2 InterNACHI® CE credit hours;
  • 3,636 words;
  • 1.5 hours of instructional video;
  • 6-question quiz;
  • inspection and writing assignment;
  • research and writing assignment;
  • a 20-question final exam (drawn from a larger pool);
  • instant grading;
  • a downloadable, printable Certificate of Completion; and 
  • accreditations and state approvals.

You will learn the following topics:

  • Home Energy Score
  • Background
  • Qualified Assessor
  • Information for Homeowners
  • Assessment vs. Audit
  • When Should a Homeowner Get a Score?
  • What Homeowners Need to Know
  • Specific Guidelines
  • Home Energy Score Partners
  • Calculation Methodology
  • Home Energy Score Accuracy
  • Home Energy Scoring Tool for an Asset Rating

Texas Home Energy Score for Real Estate Professionals Course
Course #4014, Student Catalog

Student WorkTime CalculationEstimated Clock Hour Time for the Average Student
Attendance for "Seat Time" 1# of minutes of student attendance / 504.7
Participation in Learning Activities 2# of minutes of online student participation / 500.5
Interactivity 3# of minutes of student interactivity / 500.5
Reading the Course Text 4# of words in the course / 100 words per minute / 500.7
Reading the Course Textbook 5# of words in the book / 100 words per minute / 500.3
Academic Engagement 6# of words in the course / 100 / 500.5
Direct Communication 7# of minutes of communication / 500.5
Instructional Video Learning 8# of minutes of video / 501.5
Reinforcement Q & A  9# of questions X 1.85 / 500.2
Writing Assignment of the Inspection  104.0 hours per assignment1.0
Writing Assignment of the Research  114.0 hours per assignment1.0
Academic Activities for an Inspection  128.0 hours for each inspection assignment2.0
Performing an Inspection  138.0 hours for each inspection2.0
* nachi.org/catalog-credit-hour-calculation
Total clock hours
11.0 clock hours
11.0 InterNACHI CE Hours
1.1 CEU


Upon completion of this course and passing the 20-question final exam (drawn from a larger pool), the student can download and print his/her own Certificate of Completion, which is auto-generated in the student's name.

The student's information is recorded on InterNACHI's servers for compliance verification, and automatically logs completion into InterNACHI's online Continuing Education log.  It counts as two InterNACHI Continuing Education hours (2 CEU).

This course is open and free to all real estate professionals. And, in keeping with InterNACHI's commitment to Continuing Education, this online training course is open and free to all real estate professionals and can be taken again and again without limit.