June 30, 2008
Subject: “Introduction To Infrared Thermography Online Video Course”
Dear Ms. Endza:
On June 23, 2008, this office received your supporting materials and documentation asking that we review and approve InterNACHI as a continuing education course provider for the above referenced continuing education course. This course was approved for five (5) hours, as an avenue for Tennessee licensed Home Inspectors to acquire continuing education credits.
This course provider, course title and the number of continuing education credit hours will be posted to our approved continuing education course website listing.
Please remember, in accordance with Administrative Rule # 0780-5-12-.07(f) within five (5) working days after the completion of each course, the provider shall submit to the commissioner a list of all attendees, including, if applicable, the attendees’ license numbers. If the course is for continuing education, each licensee successfully completing the course shall be furnished a certificate certifying completion