Reinforcer offers InterNACHI member discount.

A Carbon Fiber High-Tech Remedy For Wall Stresses
It seems that high technology affects almost everything in our lives today and repairing bowed or cracked masonry block and concrete basement walls is no exception.  What use to be a standard process of utilizing steel beams along with heavy equipment to brace and shore up existing basement walls, is now being accomplished with a patented carbon fiber system called The Reinforcer.
The Reinforcer replaces steel beam installation, according to Bob Thompson, co-founder of Nationwide Reinforcing, Ltd. the company that manufactures and distributes the carbon fiber system.  Thompson further explains that, “The Reinforcer is easier to install, more attractive, and uses four-inch-wide strips that are less than a dime in thickness to reinforce bowed and cracked walls.”    The principle is simple according to Thompson, “For every increase in pressure on the wall, The Reinforcer provides an equal and opposite resistant force, making the wall stronger.  This helps to eliminate expanding, shifting, cracking and bowing.”
The high-strength carbon strips are applied with epoxy along the interior surface of the bowed or cracked walls.  “These strips are the least intrusive and most effective,”says Thompson, who is a Professional Civil Engineer.  Thompson along with his partner, Steve Morton, also a Professional Civil Engineer, co-founded their company seven years ago and currently have certified installers in most major metropolitan markets and have provided their product and services for over 16,000 homes.

The Reinforcer product was developed to meet specific needs in repairing bowed or cracked walls and is just part of an annual $10-billion foundation repair industry.  Thompson explains that past customers are their best advocates for the products and the service.  “We find that once a home inspector becomes familiar with The Reinforcer and what it can do, they tend to be a excellent referral for us…after all, we’re there to help solve a problem both structurally and aesthetically, in the most cost efficient manner.”

An engineering design and installation manual in a CD-ROM format is available upon request by contacting the company’s web site or by calling Nationwide Reinforcer at 1-877-333-6723.   As an introductory get acquainted offer for InterNACHI members, The Reinforcer will extend a $100 discount on a referred customer’s first installation. 


A certified installer placing structural epoxy onto The Reinforcer carbon fiber strips during the installation process.
A certified installer placing structural epoxy on a scarified block wall, which is now ready to receive The Reinforcer strip.

Painting the block wall after installation virtually conceals The Reinforcer strips. 



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