InterNACHI® Public Statement on the COVID-19 Situation

March 23, 2020

To Our InterNACHI® Members, Visitors & Friends:

As the COVID-19 crisis continues, we want to let everyone know what InterNACHI® is doing to address it during this challenging time. 

First, be assured that it’s business as usual for all online activity. Members can take all online courses and exams and download documents and logos, and all registered users can post to our online forum as they have always been able to do.  Our entire staff is working remotely for now, so if you have any issues you need assistance with, you will still be able to reach live help, although you may experience a slight delay. 

Second, in adherence to new government guidelines for social distancing and stay-at-home directives, we’re postponing live training at both our House of Horrors® locations in Boulder, Colorado, and Weston, Florida, at least through the month of April.  We’ll keep everyone updated as to new dates and/or extended postponements as they are developed.  Check out the InterNACHI® Community Forum and our What’s New page for discussions and updates.

Lastly, we want everyone to be safe.  As home inspectors, you’re on the front lines of dealing with a variety of people who are pressed for time, and you won’t necessarily be able to reschedule appointments. Although many jurisdictions are requiring non-essential service providers to temporarily close, that directive likely does not apply to home inspectors, who are charged with locating and reporting health and safety hazards in homes. That’s why InterNACHI® has just released its COVID-19 Safety Guidelines for Home Inspectors Course. It’s free and open to all inspectors – not just InterNACHI® members.  (Read our press release about the new course.)  You can also register for a free webinar related to the course, which will be held on Saturday, March 28, 2020.

Additionally, we encourage you to read How Home Inspectors Can Protect Themselves from Viruses, Inspector Safety Equipment & PPE, and 10 Things Inspectors Can Do on a Day with No Inspections, as well as a thought-provoking essay by our founder on the economics of this current disruption. InterNACHI® has many other informative articles in its online Library of Inspection Articles.

And here are some common-sense precautions we recommend you take while you’re working:

  1. Make sure that only essential personnel will be in attendance at your home inspection.  Temporary occupants (such as renters), family members, and others who are not a direct party to the transaction should be asked to be absent during your appointment. If you can enter the premises using a Supra Key or lock box and perform the inspection without anyone else present, that would be ideal.
  2. When you do meet others, use the new “elbow greeting,” rather than shake hands with clients and agents.
  3. Observe the 6-foot rule for social distancing, even in close quarters.
  4. Use hand sanitizer after touching people and any surfaces (including your tools and work vehicle).  Offer it to others in attendance, if you can spare it.
  5. Cover your mouth for coughs and sneezes (and use the crook of your elbow rather than your hands to cough or sneeze into), and avoid touching your face.
  6. Make sure you wear your personal protective equipment (PPE) during this time.  A face mask, shoe covers, gloves, hat, and even a Tyvek® suit and respirator will provide the added protection that could potentially keep you safe from illness. 
  7. Of course, if you do feel ill, stay home and rearrange your appointments accordingly.  Seek medical treatment as recommended by your doctor or other healthcare provider.
  8. Use email, phone and video chat rather than in-person meetings and appointments.
  9. Check with your InterNACHI® Chapter president or website for information about chapter meeting postponements.
  10. Check the local and national news at least once a day for updates to the COVID-19 situation.

As always, InterNACHI® is here to help, so let us know what you need by emailing with questions. Take care of yourselves and your families, and remember that we’re all in this together!


Nick Gromicko, Founder
Chris Morrell, CEO
Ben Gromicko, COO