Superior Product seal is available for use by all inspection industry vendors who join
InterNACHI as a vendor, abide by
InterNACHI's Vendor Code of Ethics, and get their inspection-related product approved by InterNACHI. There is no cost for approval and no cost to use the seal in your literature or on your websites. The process is fast and free. If you are a supplier of products for inspectors and wish to use the seal, email for permission. In cases where we are unfamiliar with your product, you will be required to allow and help InterNACHI staff evaluate it. InterNACHI promotes products that carry the InterNACHI
Superior Product seal.

Superior Service seal is available for use by all inspection industry vendors who join
InterNACHI as a vendor and abide by
InterNACHI's Vendor Code of Ethics. There is no cost to use the seal in your literature or on your websites. InterNACHI promotes vendors that carry the InterNACHI
Superior Service seal.
Link the seal back to: (required).