Plain English Home Inspection Agreement

InterNACHI Moves to Plain English Inspection Documents


InterNACHI has revised its standard Residential Inspection Agreement to make it easier to understand and reduce the “Legalese.”  The new plain English version of the InterNACHI's Home Inspection Agreement is now available to members at:
With this revision, InterNACHI is at the forefront of the plain English movement. The plain English movement encourages businesses and lawyers to use plain English in their documents.  Plain English is writing that is clear, concise, and easily understood by the target audience.  The use of plain English lowers costs, improves productivity, increases credibility and reduces misunderstandings. 
Nearly all business litigation arises out of poorly drafted documents – documents that are ambiguous or that fail to address an important issue – creating misunderstandings that hurt customer relations and sometimes lead to litigation.
If an inspector uses a plain English agreement and a client files suit, the inspector may benefit from the fact that the agreement is written in plain English.  First, a judge may look more favorably on the inspector and be less likely receptive to the plaintiff’s argument that he did not understand the agreement. Additionally, many home inspection lawsuits end up in small claims court where the judge may not even be a lawyer, so a plain English agreement makes it easier for the judge to understand what the terms of the agreement were.
The plain English movement is gaining steam.  In 2010, Congress passed and President Obama signed the Plain Writing Act, a statute that requires federal agencies to use plain English in most documents they issue.  Many corporations are beginning to appreciate the benefits of plain English.
Moving forward, InterNACHI will strive to provide its members with forms written in plain English.  InterNACHI will also gradually revise many of its existing forms.