InterNACHI member offers $200 Discount on FHA 203 K Training to fellow members.

Larry Ott, Sr.
925 Brookline Blvd
Pittsburgh, Pa 15226
Phone 412-207-8077 Fax 412-531-1030 Cell 412-600-9949
Approved National Trainer FHA 203 (K) Program.
Member InterNACHI 103051106

Earn more money for your experience as a Home Inspector or General Contractor by being a Certified Consultant under to FHA 203 K purchase and Renovation program.

Work with the nations largest Mortgage Co. and Banks earning a minimum of $650.00 to 1,000.00 per inspection ( FHA approved fee sheet attached).

No more waiting for a Realtor to call you for a Home Inspection, now as a Consultant you can offer the 203(k) program and show the Realtors how to sell their properties.

The difference between a Home Inspector and a HUD Consultant:

The main responsibilities of the consultant is to determine what repairs are necessary to meet minimum property standards and to assist the borrower with all the required paperwork. As a consultant, you now have all the authority that you have always wanted as a home inspector. Your position as a HUD Consultant is to specify exactly what repairs you believe are necessary to meet minimum property standers and local code requirements. HUD Minimum Standers. Mortgagee Letter 4910.1


HUD requires at least three years experience as a Home Inspector, Remolding Contractor

or General Contractor in order to qualify as a 203(k) consultant. See Mortgagee Letter 00-25 for requirements, www

All InterNACHI members are permitted a $200.00 discount off Training Classes. Training classes are $1,000.00 including books.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank Mr. Nick Gromicko, Executive Director of InterNACHI for offering this training to all InterNACHI members.

If you should have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me at 412-600-9949 or e-mail @ 

Larry Ott, Sr.




$ 400.00 $ 5,000.00 To $ 7,500.00 Plus .33 cents per mile from Pittsburgh

$ 500.00 $ 7,501.00 To $ 15,000.00 Plus .33 cents per mile from Pittsburgh

$ 600.00 $ 15,001.00 To $ 30,000.00 Plus .33 cents per mile from Pittsburgh $ 700.00 $ 30,001.00 To $ 50,000.00 Plus .33 Cents per mile from Pittsburgh

$ 800.00 $ 50,001.00 To $ 75,000.00 Plus .33 cents per mile from Pittsburgh $ 900.00 $ 75,001.00 To $ 100,000.00 Plus .33 cents per mile from Pittsburgh


$ 1,000.00 ( For repairs over 100,000.00 )

Feasibility Study: $ 100.00

A feasibility study is a quick inspection of the property, with a "rough estimate" of work that will be

necessary to comply with HUD’s requirements. Feasibility study are additional to the above fee chart.

When travel distance exceeds 30 miles round trip from the Wen travel distance exceeds 30 miles round trip from the reviewer’ cents per mile may be applied to the above charges, including toll road and other charges where applicable. 

Multi family, consisting of up to 4 units, add $ 25.00 per unit doing Consulting. Multi family, consisting of up to 4 units, add $ 25.00 per unit doing Review.

Consultant preparation consists of the following:

Specification of all renovations.

Complete narrative description of renovations.

Total price guide lines for renovations.

Contractors bid sheets.

Complete draw request.





203(K) Training Seminar Scheduling Classes for

Orlando Florida Dec 20th to 21st

Dallas Texas Jan 24th to 25th

All other training classes to be posted December 30th 2003