Need emergency help from inspection experts while you're on the job site?
Try out our Emergency Forum!

This forum is for time-sensitive emergencies only. If you need help using the InterNACHI website, or for any other questions, email FastReply@nachi.org instead.
It is not to be used to host discussions, make announcements, or for seeking help with off-site inspection report writing. This forum is dedicated solely to helping fellow members who are on an inspection site and need IMMEDIATE help with an issue. We also have various subject-matter experts who have agreed to monitor this forum.
Nick's personal reminder:   If you are replying to a member in need of help, please don't bash your fellow member for asking what you might think is a "dumb question." Protecting consumers is the goal of this tool. In the same way you wouldn't want to use a fire extinguisher as a sledge hammer, because others might need that fire extinguisher, don't misuse this tool. Some members, (not necessarily newbies BTW) need fast technical help from time to time (I sure needed it when I was a home inspector). We want to make these members feel like they'll get that technical help here without being berated, told how dumb they are, told that they should quit the inspection business, etc... so that they feel welcome to seek the help they need, here.

Though this Emergency Help tool uses InterNACHI's message board platform, it is not part of the unmoderated message board. Again, this forum is reserved for those who are asking for immediate technical help and for those who are providing that technical help.