NY InterNACHI meets with legislators to assure fairness.

Currently, the NY State Assembly, under the guidance and sponsorship of Assemblywomen Johns and Weinstein, has crafted and put forth Assembly Bill A-0076B.

This bill was a collaborative effort, including significant input from NY-InterNACHI Members Dan Osborne and Joe Farsetta. The position of NY-InterNACHI was to personally lobby for what was balanced and fair for the home inspector and the public-at -large. Our suggestions and concerns were taken very seriously at the State level.

The end-result, we believe, is a fair bill. It raises the bar on requirements to enter the profession, and how the business of home inspections should be conducted throughout the State. We'd like to thank Assemblywomen Johns and Weinstein for letting us participate, and for incorporating our suggestioins into this important legislation.

An open and honest approach was presented. Just down-to-earth, face to face meetings. Nothing fancy. No professional lobbiests, pushing any agenda or Association-specific licensing model, were used. Plain language, with honest and open dialogue, was the key.

This philosophy, along with true dedication to our members, to the profession, and to the Consumer, is what helps to set NY-InterNACHI and InterNACHI-National head and shoulders above every other Home Inspection Association in New York State, and the World today. I believe that these were some of the reasons why our efforts were so successful. But, absent of the caliber of individuals we met with in Albany, things could have been very different. Again, our thanks to the Assembly!

The Bill sets guidelines for experience, educational, and testing requirements for Home Inspectors, along with setting up a statewide Advisory Board. It will be voted upon later this calendar year.  

Joe Farsetta
