New Mexico Adopts InterNACHI's Proctored Exam for the Licensing of Home Inspectors

On November 29, 2021, the Home Inspectors Board of the State of New Mexico voted on and approved InterNACHI's proctored exam for the licensing of home inspectors. Previously, InterNACHI's proctored exam was only approved for grandfathering purposes.  

The new rule, which adopts InterNACHI's proctored exam for state licensing, was approved by the Board on November 29, 2021.  It will be published into law by December 28, 2021.  And it will go into effect on January 28, 2022.

InterNACHI® is pleased that home inspectors in New Mexico now have a second option other than the EBPHI's NHIE. InterNACHI is currently seeking adoption of its proctored exam for home inspector licensure in several other states.

Governmental approvals and accreditations
EBPHI loses to InterNACHI again