InterNACHI Fair.

InterNACHI …… A FAIR Community!

 When it comes to pulling, InterNACHI pulls its own weight by bringing a special events trailer to the local fairs!

This trailer is a unique opportunity for the local community to see, first-hand, why they should choose a InterNACHI Home Inspector. InterNACHI, in tandem with Certified Adult Training Services Inc. (CATS), now offers local InterNACHI Chapter members a way to advertise their Home Inspection business. A first in this industry!

Canadian InterNACHI Chapter presidents will be able to book this special events trailer at a local fair by contacting CATS.  In the very near future, a calendar will be available to book the reservation for the trailer (watch for the announcement). With that in place, chapter members can participate for a nominal fee and a whole lot of fun!
Don’t miss out!


InterNACHI ..... Pulling..... for YOU!

Contact Information:   
Certified Adult Training Services 
Phone:  1-866-697-0117 or Email: