Bob Wills - Chairman
Dave Bush
- Kevin Williams
- Jay Schwartz
- Ron Dawes
- Will Decker
- Joseph Michalski
- Stephen Enomoto
Posted here will be a brief description of each meeting as they take place. Included
will be meeting attendance, absences and reasons, issues discussed, issues that
will be voted on, and completed matters forwarded to InterNACHI leadership. Also posted
here will be any other matters pertaining to the MAB by date (in red).
5/15/05 - The MAB will hold an online meeting at 8:00 PM EST! A summary of topics discussed,
moves to vote, and votes by member breakdown (when voting takes place), will
be posted here at the earliest convenience following the meeting!
The MAB held an hour long online meeting Sunday evening. Main topic of discussion
was the protocol for the proctored exam that will hopefully be implemented soon
here at InterNACHI! This is an ongoing discussion with the MAB as there are many different
views and ideas of how this would best be enacted. Some of the ideas tossed around
regarding the exam were as follows:
To install a proctored exam ASAP to be taken by new members of InterNACHI after joining
to obtain Full Membership status
Until taken, new members will have Working Member status!
Leave existing free online exam available as a "Practice Exam" for those interested
in becoming HI's
Have EC put together the Proctored Exam from already in place question pool existing
in our database.
Have exam proctored by LazerGrade as suggested by G. Beaumont BUT!
Also allow joining members to have exam proctored by other means if they so desire
as long as proof is submitted
Existing "Full" members are exempt from the proctored exam.
Once joining, new members will have up to 6 months to take proctored exam
Working Member/Full Member status to be placed on the Gold InterNACHI certification
logo/link for all members.
Recommend EC to work out any other details of this exam and begin immediately
producing exam until completed.
7/10/05 - The meeting of July 10th, 2005 was held with only two members in attendance.
Myself and Kevin Williams. Paul Sabados was present for a short time but had computer
transmission problems and could not remain. Dave Bush informed us that he would
be on vacation and could not make this meeting. A visit by Blaine and John Bowman
rounded out the meeting as we discussed the final details of the Chapter Startup
manual. Kevin, Paul, and myself will wrap up the issue and forward to leadership
in the coming days. A lack of participation seems to be weighing on the MAB as
of late. We also discussed ways of addressing this problem.
7/21/05 - Please note that as of Thursday, 7/21/2005. After reviewing the incident pertaining
to Mr. Joseph Burkeson copying and pasting information from the MAB private forum
into the members only section of the Bulletin Board, the MAB decided to vote on
the removal of Mr. Burkeson for breaching the committee trust. It was the willingness
and act itself, and not the content of the matter that brought about the decision
to vote on the issue. A vote of five (5) in favor of "Yes", and three (3) in
favor of "No", resulted in the removal of Mr. Burkeson from the committee. The
decision has been forwarded to InterNACHI leadership and notice to Mr. Burkeson has
been issued.
8/11/05 - Meeting of Aug,11th. In Attendance - Bob Wills - Chuck McCann - Dave Valley -
Kevin Williams - Paul Sabados, also Blaine Wiley & John Bowman sat in on meeting.
Ken Trice posted inability to attend. Dave Bush, Phil Hinman, not in attendance.
Discussed were final changes to Chapter Setup manual, now being forwarded to HQ
for review. Touched on the subject of an MAB replacement member of which we are
still working on and hope to have wrapped up very soon. Remainder of meeting was
open forum. Brought up were the 2006 Convention, and also Message Board monitoring
issues. Finally, the issue of an online chatroom serving as a meeting place was
discussed as it is proving ineffectual as a means of communication for our needs.
We are looking into other methods such as conference calling, etc.
9/6/05 - The MAB is currently in the process of looking into conference calling for
our future meetings. The online chatroom is not beneficial to us and was a waste
of everyone's time. Until then we will utilize our private forum to handle matters
at hand. We are currently working on issues surrounding policy that will determine
membership status including Full member, Working member, Affiliate member, etc,
who should be allowed to startup and operate a InterNACHI Chapter, and also, the usage
of the InterNACHI logo's and seals of approval for goods and services within our field.
We will post any updates of our actions as they become available.
9/15/05 - The MAB has spent many of the past weeks modeling and producing an effective
InterNACHI Chapter Startup Manual and also writing guidelines for membership requirements,
affiliate membership requirements, vendor acceptance, and logo usage. I have been
informed today by President Blaine Wiley that these workings have been reviewed
by Blaine and John Bowman and have been forwarded to Nick Gromicko for final review.
12/31/05 - Well, another year bites the dust. Hope everyone had a good year and we wish
a prosperous and Happy New Year to all. The past couple of months have been rather
quiet regarding the MAB. We continue to search for a better means of scheduled
meetings with all MAB members. Please continue to contact us with your ideas or
concerns about InterNACHI issues.
1/30/06 - Two members of the MAB have recently been removed from the committee. For reasons
related to continued non-participation in MAB matters, member Ken Trice elected
to resign from the committee. Member Phil Hinman was elected out by remaining
members. These positions will be filled by the MAB with eligible InterNACHI members.
A post in "Members Only" area recruiting replacements can be found there stating
the requirements for said positions.
2/28/06 - Three new members were elected to the MAB today. Welcome new members Will Decker,
Joseph Michalski, and Stephen Enomoto. We would like to wish the best for Chuck
McCann and thank him for his service on our committee. Chuck elected to resign
to attend personal endeavors ealrlier this month. We look forward to working with
the new and remaining members to accomplish and set new goals for InterNACHI in the
coming months.
4/25/06 - The MAB is putting the final touches on guidelines for InterNACHI committees and
a formal complaint layout program. Our plan is to forward the final documents
to the BOD no later than next week. With the recent resignation of MAB member
Dave Valley we will be posting requests for a replacement soon on the private
area of the message board. Please contact an MAB member if you may be interested
in this position.
5/9/06 - After weeks of writing and re-writing, the MAB completed and forwarded to the
Board of Directors yesterday the new "Committee Guidelines", and "Ethics Complaint
Procedures" documents. The committee voted unanimously on the documents and await
the review and adoption by the BOD. My thanks to all the members for their time
and input, and especially to member Ron Dawes for handling the writing and editing
5/26/06 - After months of hard work the MAB finished writing the new Guidelines for Committees
and Procedures for Ethics complaints which were forwarded to and accepted by Pres.-
Blaine Wiley, VP- Paul Sabados, Executive Director- John Bowman, and Founder and
Director of Public Relations- Nick Gromicko. The new documents can be viewed on
the "What's New" section of the InterNACHI main page of the website.