Individuals are required to take the National Home Inspector Examination administered by the Examination Board of Professional Home Inspectors as well as the Wisconsin Home Inspector Statutes and Rules Examination. For more details, visit the Department of Safety and Professional Services. The Standards of Practice are described in Chapter SPS 131.
To help prepare for the state exam, you can take InterNACHI's Online Inspector Exam (free & online, open to everyone), try the Ultimate Home Inspection Exam Prep Guide, and take InterNACHI's online courses (free & online for members). We do not know what's on the exam, but the resources may be helpful to you.
Although Wisconsin doesn’t have requirements regarding insurance for home inspectors, many local real estate boards and home inspector business franchises require their affiliate members to meet certain coverage standards. InterNACHI members are eligible for discounts and enhanced coverage. Visit for information on how to sign up.
Just because you're licensed, there's no guarantee that you'll be successful. In addition to attaining a state license, we recommend becoming certified by InterNACHI®. Why? Because InterNACHI-certified inspectors have access to free membership benefits, online training, free state-approved Continuing Education to renew your license, marketing services, business and legal resources, and much more. To become an InterNACHI Certified Home Inspector and attain the Certified Professional Inspector CPI® designation, complete the home inspector certification requirements. The certification is free and online for members and provided by the only home inspector college at
Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services requires 40 hours every two years to fulfill the Continuing Education requirements for home inspectors. For details, visit the Wisconsin website. Take InterNACHI's online courses (online & free to members) to fulfill the CE requirements. Not a member? Join now.
InterNACHI also offers continuing education for licensed contractors in Wisconsin.
To be listed on the Wisconsin Department of Health Services website as an individual with radon measurement proficiency, you have to take an initial certification course (approved by NRPP or AARST) and Continuing Education (approved by NRPP and AARST). For details, visit Wisconsin's website.
InterNACHI's free, online "Radon Measurement Professional Initial Training Course" is AARST-NRPP approved for both initial certification and Continuing Education. To complete all components of the NRPP Radon Certification, please visit their site for more information.
InterNACHI's free, online Radon Measurement Professional Initial Training Course is NRSB-approved for initial certification. For those looking for NRSB continuing education, members should take the free, online "Advanced Radon Measurement Service Provider" course.
Though Wisconsin does not regulate wood-destroying organism inspections they do require that pest control applicators be licensed through the state. For more information look here. InterNACHI's Wood-Destroying Organisms (WDO) Inspection Course may be a beneficial educational tool for those looking to become licensed.
Commercial Property Inspections
Visit Certified Commercial Property Inspectors Association (CCPIA) for additional commercial inspection training and resources.
Learn how to run a successful home inspection business. Take our Home Inspection Business Course (free & online for members).