How to Become a Home Inspector in South Carolina

South Carolina Home Inspector Licensing Information

As of Jan 2021, a current South Carolina license or registration is required to engage in residential building, specialty contracting or home inspecting activities in this state, as defined in S.C. Code of Laws Title 40 Chapter 59. Visit the South Carolina website for licensure details. 

To become a home inspector in South Carolina, you must complete a state application prepared by the Commission. InterNACHI is a state-approved education provider that can help you become licensed by completing InterNACHI's Certification Program

South Carolina allows multiple pathways toward licensure, including a two-part state-approved examination or a by-experience option. It is highly recommended to review their Q&A document as well as state application document shortly after beginning InterNACHI's Certification Program.

Exam Study Materials 

To help prepare for taking the state exam, you can try InterNACHI's Online Inspector Exam (free & online), take the InterNACHI Home Inspection Practice Test (free & online to certified members), and take InterNACHI's online courses (free & online to members). We do not know what's on the state exam, but maybe our free resources can help you. The SC state website provides exam study materials

Renewing Your State License

South Carolina requires licensed home inspectors to renew their Residential Home Inspectors License by June 30th of each even-numbered year (ie: 2020, 2022). The InterNACHI® School ( is the only home inspector college that provides free, online Continuing Education (CE). Take free, online CE to renew your home inspector license. All of the online courses are free to members. 

 Take free, online CE Courses


Insurance for Inspectors

Although South Carolina doesn’t have requirements regarding insurance for home inspectors, many local real estate boards and home inspector business franchises require their affiliate members to meet certain coverage standards. InterNACHI members are eligible for discounts and enhanced coverage. Visit for information on how to sign up.


South Carolina Inspector Chapters

Find a Mentor

InterNACHI® provides peer-to-peer learning experiences for both inspectors who need additional assistance and for experienced inspectors who are interested in helping newer ones out. Visit InterNACHI's Mentoring Program to get started.

Network with Other InterNACHI® Inspectors

Network with the best home inspectors in South Carolina. 

Hands-On Training at House of Horrors® 

Experience world-class inspection training and InterNACHI® member events at our House of Horrors® locations in Colorado and Florida.  The InterNACHI® House of Horrors® is an entire house with 1,000 defects built under our roof.  Register for a free event, take training, test-drive inspection tools, attend an inspector chapter meeting, and inspect the House of Horrors®. 

Experience the House of Horrors®

South Carolina Partner Schools

For a list of partner schools in South Carolina, please click here.

South Carolina Home Inspection Classes


Real Estate Cards (free for members)

The cards provide simple instructions for agents to take free, online Continuing Education courses to help renew their license. 

Licensed real estate agents can attain free, online Continuing Education by taking InterNACHI's courses for agents. When an agent enters the InterNACHI member's ID #, the member is automatically notified by email, and the first slide of the course contains the member's contact information.

InterNACHI is a South Carolina-approved course provider for licensed real estate agents

Order free cards.

Members can order their free cards by visiting Inspector Outlet.

Radon Tester Certification in South Carolina


The South Carolina Department of Health requires an individual to complete a radon measurement certification course approved by either the NRPP or the NRSB.  Visit the South Carolina website for details


InterNACHI's free, online "Radon Measurement Professional Initial Training Course" is AARST-NRPP approved for both initial certification and Continuing Education. To complete all components of the NRPP Radon Certification, please visit their site for more information.  


InterNACHI's free, online Radon Measurement Professional Initial Training Course is NRSB-approved for initial certification. For those looking for NRSB continuing education, members should take the free, online "Advanced Radon Measurement Service Provider" course.


Wood-Destroying Organism Course (online & free)

The state of South Carolina requires a special license to perform a Wood Infestation Report, also referred to as a CL-100 Inspection or Termite Inspection. For the state’s contact information to inquire about that license, visit this page:

A home inspector without this special license may, upon observing some apparent wood-destroying organism (WDO) damage during the home inspection, state in their regular home inspection report that they observed damage to wood or the structure, but may not state that the damage is due to a wood-destroying organism. As long as the home inspector is NOT diagnosing the condition or stating that it's due to termites or some other pest, they may report the damage and recommend a pest professional be consulted. 

South Carolina requires that pest control applicators to be licensed and certified by the state. For more information look here

InterNACHI's Wood-Destroying Organisms (WDO) Inspection Course may be a beneficial educational tool for those looking to become licensed.


Commercial Property Inspections

Visit Certified Commercial Property Inspectors Association (CCPIA) for additional commercial inspection training and resources.

Home Energy Inspector Certification (online & free)


Become a Certified Home Energy Inspector™. The online training and certification is free for members. No infrared, no blower door, and no additional training needed.


Business & Marketing

Click here for 

InterNACHI's Member Marketing Team will design a new logo for your inspection business or re-design your existing logo, and design and customize your business cards, flyers and brochures. The design work is free. Take a look at the free design work we've done for our members.  We recommend contacting the Member Marketing Team.


How to Join InterNACHI



Membership Benefits (free for members)


Long list of benefits at no additional cost



Archived Documents:

From: "Stan Bowen" <>

Date: September 17, 2010 2:37:19 PM MDT

To: <>

Subject: Approved 

Hi Lisa,

You have been approved and are on our Approved organization list #58 Thank you for your patience.

Call if you need any more info.


Stan Bowen
 Office of Board Services
 S.C. Residential Builders Commission
 Phone: 803-896-4621
 Fax: 803-896-4814
Web Site


InterNACHI's Certification Program