How to Become a Licensed Home Inspector in New York


Home Inspector Licensing:

To become a licensed home inspector in New York, you must:

  • complete a course of study of not less than 140 hours approved by the Department of State, Division of Licensing Services. Of those hours, 40 must be unpaid field-based inspections under direct supervision; or 
  • have performed no fewer than 100 home inspections (paid or unpaid) under direct supervision; and
  • pass the National Home Inspector Examination.

Details from the NY website.

Free, Online College Courses for Home Inspectors in New York 

InterNACHI® is an approved continuing education provider in the state of New York. InterNACHI provides state-approved continuing education as live webinars, meeting the new section, 159, added to Chapter 5 dealing with live distance offerings:  

"(4) “Live distance education” means providing instruction, in real-time, where the approved instructor and the students are physically separated, but the use of remote technology allows each person participating in the educational program to view and communicate with each other in a live and interactive manner that transmits simultaneous live audio and video." 

For details about the webinar approvals from New York, visit our forum post.

For details about New York home inspector licensing, visit the New York website.

Insurance for Home Inspectors:

To be a licensed home inspector in New York, individuals must meet certain requirements for adequate insurance coverage. InterNACHI members are eligible for discounts and enhanced coverage. Visit for information on how to sign up.  


Home Inspection Agreement:

New York Home Inspection Agreement should be used by home inspectors prior to conducting a residential property inspection in the state of New York. InterNACHI's General Counsel drafted the agreement.

Become an InterNACHI Certified Home Inspector

Just because you're licensed doesn't mean you'll be successful. To compete with all other licensed home inspectors, take advantage of all of the marketing and business resources that InterNACHI® provides to InterNACHI® Certified Home Inspectors. InterNACHI® provides an accredited Home Inspector Certificate Program to members to attain the Certified Professional Inspector CPI® designation. The training, exam, and certification are all online and free for members. We recommend the 15-Step Checklist for Inspector Success

InterNACHI® Training Partner Schools

InterNACHI® partners with schools all over the world, including New York, to provide home inspector training classes. Become an InterNACHI® Training Partner

New York Partner Schools


Home Inspector State Exam:

To prepare for the state exam, you can take InterNACHI's Online Home Inspector Exam (free), take the InterNACHI State Exam Prep Course (free to members), and take InterNACHI's online courses (free to members). Not a member? Join now.

Hands-On Training at House of Horrors® 

Experience world-class inspection training and InterNACHI® member events at our House of Horrors® locations in Colorado and Florida.  The InterNACHI® House of Horrors® is an entire house with 1,000 defects built under our roof.  Register for a free event, take training, test-drive inspection tools, attend an inspector chapter meeting, and inspect the House of Horrors®. 

Experience the House of Horrors

Contact Other Members in New York

Network with hundreds of InterNACHI® certified inspectors in New York.

Join New York Home Inspector Chapters

InterNACHI® Mentors

Contact an InterNACHI Mentor. InterNACHI® provides peer-to-peer learning experiences for both inspectors who need additional assistance and for experienced inspectors who are interested in helping other inspectors. 


Real Estate Cards (free for members):

Licensed real estate agents can attain free Continuing Education credits by following the directions on the real estate cards.
Members can hand out these cards to real estate agents, which explain how to log into the free courses.

When an agent logs into a course and enters the member's ID number, the member is automatically emailed. The first slide of the course is the member's contact information.

New York approves InterNACHI as an approved school for licensed real estate agents


Home Inspector Continuing Education Equivalency:

Download the following application to request for Continuing Education equivalency credit for a New York Home Inspection License based on out-of-state education not approved by the NYS Department of State Division of Licensing Services:


Radon Tester Certification in New York (free & online for members)

New York enforces and regulates that individuals performing radon testing, measurement, and mitigation be certified by AARST-NRPP or NRSB. New York Certified radon testing firms must have a representative trained to use the equipment or provide detectors for the testing of radon. NY website lists Certified Radon Measurement Professionals. 

InterNACHI's free, online radon course is approved by NRPP and AARST for both Entry Level (INACH-1) and Continuing Education (INACH-401), and NRSB-approved for Continuing Education credit. View listing on NRPP's website for Entry Level and NRPP's website for CE. View listing on AARST's website

Radon testing firms may be certified by the American Association of Radon Scientists and Technologists (AARST), National Radon Safety Board (NRSB), State of New Jersey (NJ), or State of Pennsylvania (PA). Remember that while a certified radon tester may collect samples, anyone who analyzes and provides the results of those tests must hold New York State Department of Health Environmental Laboratory Approval Program certification.

InterNACHI's free, online "Radon Measurement Professional Initial Training Course" is AARST-NRPP approved for both initial certification and Continuing Education. To complete all components of the NRPP Radon Certification, please visit their site for more information.  
InterNACHI's free, online Radon Measurement Professional Initial Training Course is NRSB-approved for initial certification. For those looking for NRSB continuing education, members should take the free, online "Advanced Radon Measurement Service Provider" course.

Wood-Destroying Organism Inspector (free & online):

We asked NYSDEC to comment upon the situation where a licensed home inspector discovers a possible infestation of wood-destroying organisms during a home inspection. The reply is below:
It is recommended to NOT identify the insect, but, instead, report upon those items described in the InterNACHI WDO Inspection Form available for free at 

Commercial Property Inspections

Visit Certified Commercial Property Inspectors Association (CCPIA) for additional commercial inspection training and resources.


Home Energy Inspector (free & online)

Become a Certified Home Energy Inspector™. The online training and certification is free for members. No infrared, no blower door, and no additional training needed. Visit

Inspection Business Resources  (free & online for members)

InterNACHI provides members with business and marketing resources, including:

Inspector Marketing Services

InterNACHI's Member Market Team provides free marketing design, illustration, and consultation services to InterNACHI® members. InterNACHI's Marketing Team will design a new logo for your inspection business or re-design your existing logo, and design and customize your business cards, flyers, and brochures. It's all for free. Take a look at the free design work we've done for our members. Contact the Inspector Marketing Department today. 

Get Free Marketing Design Services

Marketing to Real Estate Agents 

InterNACHI provides free resources to members who network with real estate agents, including:

InterNACHI® members give free marketing cards to real estate agents. The cards provide simple instructions for real estate agents to complete free, online state-approved Continuing Education to help renew their licenses. Check out InterNACHI's free, online CE courses for licensed real estate agents

Order Free Marketing Cards

15 Steps to Become a Successful Home Inspector

InterNACHI provides everything you need to be successful. 

Check Out the 15 Steps

Membership Benefits (free for members)


Archived Approval Letters:

View Approval for the 12 Certified Professional Inspector Courses as Live-Distance Webinars. Expires 12/31/22





View 2019 approval for Saving Home Energy for Real Estate Professionals Course #M11554. Expiration 12/31/19

View 2019 approval for Home Energy Efficiency for Real Estate Professionals Course #M11552. Expiration 12/31/19

View 2019 approval for Home Energy Score for Real Estate Professionals Course #M11553. Expiration 12/31/19
View approval of Ronald Huffman as a New York instructor qualified to instruct Home Inspection Qualifying and Continuing Education.
View NY Department's approval letter of the 10 Steps to Performing a Roof Inspection Class and original application documents. Click here to view approval letter and the original application documents submitted to the state. 
View course approval of "How to Perform Roof Inspections" class.