How to Become a Certified Home Inspector in New Jersey

Licensing Training and State Exam:

To become a licensed home inspector, New Jersey requires that “a home inspector has successfully completed an approved course of study (live class) of 180 hours which shall include not less than 40 hours of unpaid field-based inspections in the presence of and under the direct supervision of a licensed home inspector, which inspections shall be provided by the school providing the approved course of study. Unfortunately, the NJ Advisory Committee does not recognize online college courses for home inspector licensing. Visit the New Jersey website for licensing details. 

We highly recommend submitting to the NJ Advisory Committee a formal request to complete an equivalent Home Inspector Certificate Program provided by a nationally-accredited college (, because at this time in-person live classes may be closed, restricted, not safe enough, too financially burdensome, or simply not available. Feel free to include in the email so that we may assist with your request. InterNACHI's Home Inspector Certificate Program (free and online for members) is equivalent to the 180-hour pre-licensing education required by NJ. View the college program.
To prepare for the state exam, you can take InterNACHI's Online Home Inspector Exam (free), take the InterNACHI State Exam Prep Course (free to members), and take InterNACHI's online courses(free to members). We do not know what's on the state exam, but you may find those resources helpful. 

Continuing Competency (online & free for members)

The New Jersey Home Inspection Advisory Committee has approved InterNACHI's free, online courses listed below for Continuing Competency for Home Inspectors (Continuing Education). Each licensed home inspector must complete 20 hours of instruction in Continuing Competency (Continuing Education or CE) every year to renew their license. 
InterNACHI® provides free, online NJ-Approved Continuing Competency courses to members. Not a member? Join InterNACHI now.

Already Licensed in a Different State?

"Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 45:8-71a, upon payment to the Board of a fee and the submission of a written application provided by the Board, the Committee shall issue a home inspector's license to any person who holds a valid license issued by another state or possession of the United States or the District of Columbia, which has standards substantially equivalent to those of this State, as determined by the Committee." -- New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs. 
Please contact the New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs to ensure your state license will be accepted. View the New Jersey state page for more information. 

Insurance for Home Inspectors

To be a licensed home inspector in New Jersey, individuals must meet certain requirements for adequate insurance coverage. InterNACHI members are eligible for discounts and enhanced coverage. Visit for information on how to sign up.  


InterNACHI® New Jersey Chapter:


InterNACHI® Training Partners

For a list of New Jersey training partners that teach home inspector training classes please click here.

Hands-On Training at House of Horrors® 

Experience world-class inspection training and InterNACHI® member events at our House of Horrors® locations in Colorado and Florida.  The InterNACHI® House of Horrors® is an entire house with 1,000 defects built under our roof.  Register for a free event, take training, test-drive inspection tools, attend an inspector chapter meeting, and inspect the House of Horrors®. 

How to Join InterNACHI



Real Estate Cards (free for members):

New Jersey-licensed real estate agents can attain free Continuing Education credits by following the directions on the real estate cards. Members can hand out these cards to real estate agents, which explain how to log into the free courses.
When an agent logs into a course and enters the member's ID number, the member is automatically emailed. The first slide of the course is the member's contact information. 


Radon Tester Certification in New Jersey (online & free for members):


The regulations for Radon Testing and Mitigation at N.J.A.C. 7:28-27 were adopted on June 6, 2022. Individuals wishing to be a radon professional in New Jersey must be certified by the Department of Environmental Protection, Radon Section after completing initial education either through the National Radon Proficiency Program (NRPP) or the National Board of Radon Safety (NRSB).  Visit the New Jersey website for details

InterNACHI's, "Radon Measurement Professional Initial Training Course" or "Advanced Radon Measurement Service Provider Course" is AARST-NRPP and NRSB approved for initial licensing with New Jersey's Department of Environmental Protection, Radon Section. 

Home Energy Inspector Certification (online & free for members):


Become a Certified Home Energy Inspector. The online training and certification is free for members. No infrared, no blower door, and no additional training needed.


Wood Destroying Organisms Course (online and free for members):

Take InterNACHI's free, online Wood-Destroying Organism Inspection Course. Be sure to check out the WDO inspection and report resources.

Commercial Property Inspections

Visit Certified Commercial Property Inspectors Association (CCPIA) for additional commercial inspection training and resources.



Mold Inspection Certification (free & online for members):

In New Jersey, there are currently no specific regulations pertaining to the inspection or abatement of mold in housing and many other buildings (as of June 2019). For more information, visit New Jersey Department of Health.
To become IAC2 Mold Certified, visit


Lead Inspector Certification in NJ



Business & Marketing (online & free for members):


InterNACHI's Marketing Team will design a new logo for your inspection business or re-design your existing logo, and design and customize your business cards, flyers and brochures. It's all for free. Take a look at the free design work we've done for our members (free to members). Contact the Inspector Marketing Department today
Click on the links below for other valuable resources available to InterNACHI members:



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Membership Benefits (free for members):



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