How to Become a Home Inspector in Delaware

InterNACHI is the world's leading association for home inspectors.  We provide free training, online testing and certification, business development, marketing support, discounts on everything from home inspection software to E&O insurance to your next truck, and more.
InterNACHI School is accredited as a postsecondary education institution by the national accrediting agency of the U.S. Department of Education to provide tuition-free online training, examination, certification, and continuing education to InterNACHI® members in Delaware. 
Scroll down this page for everything you need to get started, make more money, and grow your inspection business.

Home Inspector Pre-Licensing Course (free & online) 

To become a Delaware licensed home inspector by Examination, an individual must complete the following steps:

  • Step 2: Register as a Home Inspector Trainee
  • Step 3: Complete 75 supervised home inspections.
  • Step 4: Pass the National Home Inspector Exam.

Not a member? Join now. After joining, you'll have access to everything you need to be successful, including all of InterNACHI's online training, certifications, Continuing Education, marketing, and business services. Everything you need is all in one place

Insurance for Inspectors

To be a licensed home inspector in Delaware, individuals must meet certain requirements for adequate insurance coverage. InterNACHI members are eligible for discounts and enhanced coverage. Visit for information on how to sign up.

Hands-On Training at House of Horrors® 

Experience world-class inspection training and InterNACHI® member events at our House of Horrors® locations in Colorado and Florida.  The InterNACHI® House of Horrors® is an entire house with 1,000 defects built under our roof.  Register for a free event, take training, test-drive inspection tools, attend an inspector chapter meeting, and inspect the House of Horrors®. 

Inspector Continuing Education (online & free)

According to the State of Delaware, home inspector licensees shall complete 40 hours of approved CE by August 31 of each biennial renewal period. Licenses expire on August 31 of odd-numbered years (starting with 2015). InterNACHI is approved to provide continuing education to home inspectors in Delaware. 

How to Join InterNACHI 


Radon Tester Certification (online & free)

The Delaware Division of Public Health requires that persons measuring and testing for radon be certified by AARST-NRPP or NRSB. The Delaware Division of Public Health's Radon Program lists Certified Radon Testers on their website at To become certified, inspectors are required to have:

  • certification from a nationally recognized organization;
  • a Delaware business license; and
  • completed the QA program.
InterNACHI's free, online Radon Measurement Professional Initial Training Course  is AARST-NRPP-approved for both initial certification and Continuing Education. To complete all components of the NRPP Radon Certification, please visit their site for more information.  
InterNACHI's free, online Radon Measurement Professional Initial Training Course is NRSB-approved for initial certification. For those looking for NRSB continuing education, members should take the free, online "Advanced Radon Measurement Service Provider" course.


Real Estate Cards (free for members)

InterNACHI members can hand out these marketing cards to licensed real estate agents to help promote their businesses to licensed real estate agents.
When a real estate agent enters the InterNACHI member's ID number into the course system, the member is automatically notified by email.

Home Energy Inspector Certification (online & free)

Become a Certified Home Energy Inspector. The online training and certification is free for members. No infrared, no blower door, and no additional training needed. Visit 

Wood-Destroying Organism Inspection (online and free)

The State of Delaware's Department of Agriculture does not currently regulate structural pest inspection. However, InterNACHI members can become certified by taking the Wood-Destroying Organism Inspection Course. InterNACHI's Wood-Destroying Organism Inspection Course is approved by Delaware's Department of Agriculture Pesticide Compliance, which you can find, here.

Commercial Property Inspections

Visit Certified Commercial Property Inspectors Association (CCPIA) for additional commercial inspection training and resources.


Business & Marketing (online and free for members):


Free online Home Inspection Business Course:
InterNACHI's Marketing Team will design a new logo for your inspection business or re-design your existing logo, and design and customize your business cards, flyers, and brochures. It's all for free. Take a look at the free design work we've done for our members (free to members). Contact the Inspector Marketing Department today.



Everything You Need, All in One Place

InterNACHI provides everything you need to be successful. Visit

Membership Benefits (free for members)

InterNACHI provides over $75,000 worth of benefits to its members at no cost. Visit

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