Lead Inspection Agreement

 Use this Lead Inspection Agreement when you provide a Lead Inspection for lead-based paint and/or water contamination due to lead in plumbing pipes.  It contains the same standard language as InterNACHI's Home Inspection Agreement to protect you from liability. It also includes specific information about the type of assessments and testing you offer, as well as a link to an EPA website for your client regarding the remedies for lead-based paint contamination.  Download the ready-to-use PDF version, or customize the Word.docx version for your company.

Below is a Owner's Consent to Inspect for Lead Paint Testing agreement if you are worried about complaints arising from destructive testing.  Download the ready-to-use PDF version or customize the Word.docx version for your company. 

Owner's Consent to Lead Paint Testing (PDF)

Owner's Consent to Lead Paint Testing (Word.docx)