InterNACHI's Ladder Safety Agreement and Release for Inspectors

Are you the owner of a multi-inspector firm, or the head of a company that employs inspectors?  Use this Ladder Safety Policies Agreement and Release for your employees to sign.  

It does several things to protect you from liability:

  1. It ensures that your employee(s) take InterNACHI's Ladder Safety Training Course, which every inspector should take to protect themselves, their clients, and their employers. It's free and open to all. They can then submit proof of having completed the training by downloading their Certificate of Completion.
  2. It commits your inspectors to ladder safety in general as well as specifically by ensuring that they take adequate measures to prohibit third parties attending the inspection (such as clients, homeowners, real estate agents, and others) from using their ladders.
  3. It spells out to your inspectors that failure to abide by the terms of this agreement may lead to negative financial consequences for them if they injure themselves on the job while using a ladder improperly, or if they incur damages of some sort by behaving in a manner that's unsafe.

Shield your company and protect your employees by using this agreement. Download the Word.doc to customize it for your business, or download the ready-to-sign PDF version:

Ladder Safety Policies Agreement and Release.docx

Ladder Safety Policies Agreement and Release.pdf

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