Unique marketing opportunity for InterNACHI members.

Personally Penned is a marketing service company that specializes in helping home inspectors increase revenue and client retention with unique, personalized, time sensitive mailings.
Here is some interesting information:
  • A typical business hears from only 4 percent of its dissatisfied customers. The other 96% just quietly go away and 91% will never come back. That represents a serious financial loss for companies whose people don’t know how to treat customers, and a tremendous gain to those who do.
  • A survey on “Why customers quit” found the following:
3 % move away
5 % develop other friendships
9 % leave for competitive reasons
14 % are dissatisfied with the product
68 % quit because of an attitude of indifference toward the customer by the owner, manager or some employee.
  • The average business spends six times more to attract new customers than it does to keep old ones. Yet customer loyalty is in most cases worth ten times the price of a single purchase. 
  • “… Raising customer retention rates by 5 percentage points can increase the value of an average customer from 25 to 100 percent.”
  • Marketing to an existing client means gaining the opportunity to sell to them again or more importantly, increases the likelihood of obtaining meaningful and positive referrals from them.
  • Clients don’t appreciate mass mailings- to make clients feel like someone, you cannot treat them like just anyone. Handwritten notes, on the other hand, work magic!
  • If you want loyal customers, Address them personally and serve the best ones passionately.
  • 20th century marketing was oriented towards making a sale, and then looking for new customers. 21st century marketing is oriented to making a sale and practicing a fervent devotion to follow up on existing clients.
  • “ At his peak, Joe Girard sold more cars per day than any other car salesman in America, according to the Guinness Book of World Records. In fact, there were some months when he sold almost twice as many cars as his closest competitor. . Girard is not shy about sharing his secret: Greeting Cards!  Every month, every person who had ever bought a car from him got a greeting card. Christmas, Valentine’s Day, St.Patrick’s Day, a birthday, whatever. Girard became a member of the family, so to speak. That’s the critical secret to making sales.”
“Many home inspectors receive a large portion of business from realtor or other professional referrals. Sending them periodic personalized heartfelt greeting cards or post cards will always be appreciated and will ensure more referrals from them throughout the year.”
The concept is simple:
  1. Send us your mailing list. (We will maintain it and guarantee its confidentiality).
  2. Pick one or more greeting cards from our extensive catalogs
  3. Decide when you wish to send it, (Holidays, Birthdays, Quarterly, Bi Annually, Monthly, etc)
  4. Send us a sample of you signature and/or your heartfelt message. We can also include your company logo or group photo. You can also include as many signatures as you wish.
Personally Penned will:
  1. Imprint your digitalized signature and personal message on each and every greeting card.
  2. We will address the envelopes (We don’t use labels)
  3. We will affix a first class commemorative stamp.
  4. We will confirm the list before each mailing (In case there are last minute changes)
  5. We will mail the card just prior to its due date so it gets there on time.
That’s it! Simple!
Some businesses typically have someone in-house that is assigned this task, but please consider that it can be quite cumbersome or troublesome and not as efficient or timely as it could or should be, and it may be redirecting valuable employee resources away from their “regular jobs”. Personally Penned can do it all the time, every time!
Our prices are generally equivalent to the cost of most cards that you would purchase in a store, and include the high quality greeting card, client list management and coordination required to handle any size client base.
What other direct mailing service will get your mailings opened 100% of the time, fully read 100% of the time, appreciated 100% of the time and thought of 100% of the time?  Greeting cards are often saved and displayed. If you are looking for a unique cost effective way to increase your referrals and revenues by 20% or more, please call Personally Penned and we can set up a customized mailing program for you!
Sending YOUR best regards
Lily Javier
Personally Penned LLC