Want to save time, impress your clients, and never leave a tool behind at an inspection again? Try my Cloth Trick. I was reminded of it while giving advice to a young inspector who didn't want to be viewed as not knowing what he's doing on the job.

First, lay a large soft cloth on the kitchen counter. A table placemat or two will work. Much like
shoe covers, this step shows everyone that you're careful not to damage or dirty the seller's
property. Then, take all of your meters out of your toolbox and lay them out on the cloth to prepare for the inspection. Everyone in the room will begin asking you what this
or that meter does. Having specialized meters demonstrates professionalism.
Another thing I did was that I drew an outline using a permanent marker around all my expensive tools onto the cloth. I adopted a post-inspection procedure of putting my tools back onto the cloth in their correct positions before I put them back in my toolbox. The cloth alerts you if you left a meter on the job somewhere.
It's on-the-job strategies like this that can benefit both you and your client, which can very well translate into more referrals. Your client (or the agent) might not even remember that you specifically used this trick, but they'll likely come away with a sense that they hired the right inspector because you conveyed that you're meticulous, caring and professional.