HUD seeks InterNACHI members

Dear InterNACHI members,

Last week we wrote and provided a copy of our news release announcing the roll-out of our Reverse Auction Program to assign inspection work to qualified inspectors (Synopsis Below) --

      Inspectors bid on inspection assignments throughout the nation by using a web based auction; assignments are made to the lowest bidder at the close of the auction; inspectors then schedule, conduct, and upload the inspection to REAC; once the inspection is accepted, payment is authorized; and payment is made automatically to the inspector’s Master Card vendor account.

      To learn more click here:

We appreciate your sharing the news release with the InterNACHI membership; we have signed up 57 inspectors as of today. There are many more that have expressed an interest in participating in our nationwide August/September 2004 auction of 2600+ inspections. For inspectors that are not presently qualified as a REAC inspector, we have on-line training, and a 2-day class. Becoming qualified is easier that it has been - training used to be 5-days of classroom training.

If in the upcoming weeks there is an opportunity to broadcast our news release again or mention this inspection work as another source of income for your membership, we would appreciate it.

If you have questions, please do not hesitate to write me personally or our dedicated Revers Auction Mailbox at: REACReverseAuctionProgarm@HUD.GOV or click on the above web site for our Business Rules, Purchase Order Agreement, and Training.


Dudley Ives
(202) 708-49-32 Extension 3497