Located at the PRO-LAB® Headquarters in Weston, Florida
Home Inspection Training Day at InterNACHI’s Florida House of Horrors®
PRICE: $299
Join us for the Home Inspection Training Day at InterNACHI's Florida House of Horrors®. You'll follow Certified Master Inspector® Juan Garcia through the House of Horrors®. Students will learn how to perform a home inspection and note them on a report.
You'll utilize home inspections tools to inspect the defects you spot. You'll train with and advance your skills in performing home inspections and finding all of the defects at InterNACHI's Florida House of Horrors®.
During the training, you'll:
perform an inspection of the House of Horrors®;
learn how to spot defects;
understand why they are defects;
utilize inspection tools, such as GFCI testers;
learn how to write an inspection report;
create a mock inspection report using a checklist provided; and
much more!

This training is approved for state-approved CE hours in the following states: AK. This training qualifies for 40 InterNACHI® CE credits.
Pre-Licensing Approvals:
40 hours toward Florida's pre-licensing requirements (not approved for continuing education)
20 points toward Oregon's certification requirements
Continuing Education Approvals:
4 CEUS towards International Code Council (ICC)
Upcoming Dates:
5-Day "Become a Home Inspector" Training
$1,375 for InterNACHI® members
Become an InterNACHI® Certified Home Inspector. This class is designed primarily for becoming a Florida home inspector.
Join us for five days of home inspection training at the InterNACHI® House of Horrors®. This training is for anyone new to the home inspection business and for those who want to enhance their skills. Certified Master Inspectors® will teach you at the House of Horrors®, an entire house built with a thousand defects. You will conduct supervised home inspections at the House of Horrors® and write inspection reports with other inspectors.
More information about the class
Payment plans are available upon request and based on financial need.

Upcoming Date:
Learn how to use/identify:
• the roof’s age and how to properly document it;
• use of the MT-6 Scanner;
• roof deck attachments, and how to measure and document them;
• how to determine proper roof-to-wall attachments, and photograph them;
• how to determine whether secondary water resistance (SWR) exists;
• how to assess property documentation;
• how to measure roofs and determine their shape;
• how to accurately complete the opening protection chart and verifying the proper category;
• how to fill out the form and gather signatures;
• review of actual inspections, including photos; and
• helpful tips, including software and procedures.
Wind Mitigation Inspections & the 1802 Form
PRICE: $500
During this two-day class (9 a.m. to 3 p.m. each day), Instructor and Certified Master Inspector® Dennis Bonner will teach you how to perform Wind Mitigation Inspections. Learn about the 1802 Mitigation Inspection Form, which is required for Wind Mitigation Inspections.
The lack of consistency, training, and improperly filled-out forms has led to a demand for re-inspections. This is usually initiated by an insurance underwriter to verify wind mitigation features so that proper credits may be applied to homeowners’ insurance policies and to help ensure the safety of occupants.
This class will focus on the retail market. Florida licensed home inspectors will receive 2 Hurricane Credits and 10 General Credits (approval #0001962).

This training is taught in Spanish. This training qualifies for 40 InterNACHI® CE credits.
Upcoming Dates:
Conviértase en inspector de viviendas en Florida
(5-Day "Become a Home Inspector" Training,
in Spanish)
$1,375 for InterNACHI® members
Este entrenamiento de cinco días es para cualquier persona, nueva en la industria de inspección de viviendas o para un inspector experimentado con ganas de mejorar sus habilidades y obtener más experiencia. El recorrido de la Casa de Horrores®, una casa con más de un mil defectos – será presentado por Inspectores Maestros Certificados. Esta clase práctica le ayudara a prepararse para el examen de Inspector de Vivienda.
Al finalizar el enteramiento usted:
habrá obtenido experiencia inspeccionando la Casa de Horrores®, una casa con más de mil defectos bajo un mismo techo;
habrá obtenido 40 de las 120 horas requeridas para la licencia de inspector de vivienda;
creará contacto con otros inspectores;
practicará cómo escribir reportes de inspección correctamente
hará inspecciones de práctica en la Casa de Horres;
tendrá la oportunidad de probar sus herramientas de inspección de viviendas;
y • podrá participar para ganar premios especiales.
Advanced Well Inspection Training
$499 for InterNACHI® members
$599 for non-members
Upon successful completion of the training at the House of Horrors®, the student will be able to identify the different types of wells, perform a proper water test, check the well's meter and interpret the results, understand static water testing and what it tells you about the well, report to clients the defects you observed in the well system during your inspection, identify health and safety hazards in the well system, and understand the importance of well water quality and safety. You will inspect a mock-up functioning well system under controlled conditions in a hands-on classroom setting.
More information about the class
The Certified Professional Inspector® who completes this training will be considered an InterNACHI® Certified Advanced Well Inspector.
This training program is also available online, providing learners with the flexibility to access the course materials remotely.
Sewer Scope Inspection Training
$499 for InterNACHI® members
$599 for non-members
Become a Certified Sewer Scope Inspector by taking this one-day hands-on training at the InterNACHI® House of Horrors®. You'll learn how to perform sewer scope inspections, identify and describe pipes and defects observed during the inspection, and add this ancillary inspection to your business in the most profitable way. You'll be using a few different types of sewer scopes and cameras. And you'll be inspecting various types of pipe and defects purposely installed in the plumbing system at the House of Horrors®.
InterNACHI® Members who complete this training will be considered an InterNACHI® Certified Sewer Scope Inspector.
More information about the class
This training program is also available online, providing learners with the flexibility to access the course materials remotely.
Introduction to Commercial Property Inspections 3-Day Class
$1,250 for CCPIA members
$1,500 for non-members
This three-day in-person training at the House of Horrors® (or partnership locations) will teach you how to inspect commercial buildings. Students will learn inspection procedures and successful business practices. We will cover the key differences between commercial and residential services, including types of properties, systems, components, standards, procedures, and clients. This class is hosted by the Certified Commercial Property Inspectors Association (CCPIA.org).

This training qualifies for 8 InterNACHI® CE credits.
Continuing Education Approvals:
8 general credits (DBPR approval #0002070) toward's home inspector continuing education.
Upcoming Date:
Advanced Roof Inspection Training
Take your roof inspection skills to the next level with this advanced class designed for experienced inspectors. This comprehensive training will teach you how to carefully inspect different types of residential roofs and identify defects caused by poor installation, manufacturing issues, weather damage, and wear and tear. You’ll also gain a deeper understanding of how roofing systems function, and learn how to communicate your findings clearly to clients.
In this class, you’ll learn how to:
Inspect various types of residential roofs.
Identify the key systems and components of roofing structures.
Understand how these components should work and perform.
Explain roof defects clearly to clients.
Ensure that roofs are installed according to standard practices and manufacturer guidelines.By the end of the class, you’ll have the skills to confidently inspect any residential roof, spot defects, and verify proper installation, helping you elevate your roof inspection skills.
Florida licensed home inspectors will receive 8 General Credits (approval #0002070) upon completion of this class.
InterNACHI® House of Horrors®
PRO-LAB® Headquarters
1675 N. Commerce Parkway
Weston, Florida 33326
The InterNACHI® House of Horrors® is not open to the public. The staff works remotely, and the doors are locked.