This guide for the House of Horrors® in Boulder, Colorado, is currently being produced for self-guided tours.
The guide is based on and refers to the most recent International Residential Code (IRC), which can be found online at https://codes.iccsafe.org/public/collections/I-Codes.
Free, Online Course
To learn more, take InterNACHI's free, online How to Inspect the Exterior Course.

Seam tape is missing on the Tyvek house wrap.

Seam tape is missing on house wrap material.

No weep holes on the bottom course of brick.
Weep holes are absolutely needed in masonry veneer walls. Without them, any windblown water or condensate in the wall will remain there and be likely to cause water damage between the framed wall and the brick veneer. The weeps are only one part of a wall system, with rain screen, water barrier, and drainage paths. The weep is simply the last item in the path for water to egress.

Brick Sill slope is not enough to prevent water pooling on the surface of the sill.

Siding seam is not sealed. Paintable caulking or a seam cover are recommended to stop moisture penetration.

Caulking is missing next to the window trim.

Caulking is missing on the inside corner of the siding.

Exterior exhaust cover is not secured.

Caulking is missing on the interior corner of the siding.

Soffit vent is damaged (could possibly inhibit air flow into the attic).

Common Hardboard Siding Comment:
The exterior is composition siding. Various types of composition siding exist. The installation and maintenance of this material is important and the manufacturer if known should be consulted for the recommended upkeep. Moisture damage in this type of siding has been known to occur.