Home Inspection Flashcard #72

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Roof, Vents

What's Your Call?

Which of the following lists these vents correctly?

a.) 1. Plumbing stack vent

2. Room ventilation outlet

3. Attic ventilation

4. Double-wall combustion appliance vent

5. Single wall utility vent, might be used for different things.

b.) 1. Plumbing stack vent

2. Dryer vent, one of two, for upstairs and downstairs laundry rooms

3. Attic ventilation

4. Furnace combustion exhaust

5. Furnace combustion air

c.) 1. Plumbing stack vent

2. Room ventilation outlet

3. Attic ventilation

4. Water heater combustion vent

5. Water heater combustion air. This home has a high efficiency furnace with PVC intake and exhaust vents located at ground level.

d.) 1. Plumbing stack vent

2. Combustion air intake vent

3. Attic ventilation

4. Furnace combustion exhaust

5. Water heater combustion exhaust

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