Harvey Gordon, Florida's new InterNACHI state chapter President.

Due to the overwhelming explosive growth of membership in the State of Florida, it has been decided that Florida will have its own InterNACHI State
Chapter effective March 1st, 2006. Additionally that as further consideration of the tremendous efforts and exhilarating response to each of the meetings held in SE Florida by Harvey Gordon's Chapter, it has been unanimously agreed that Harvey Gordon will become the Florida InterNACHI State
Chapter President.

Harvey Gordon's enthusiastic devotion to InterNACHI, passionate approach to Members education and assistance, and impressive ability to promote and
produce top level multi county 2 Day Educational Events which draw members, and non-members alike, from all over Florida as well as as far as North
Carolina make him the ideal candidate.

At the recent Orlando Convention, Harvey Gordon accepted the challenge and we are excited and optimistic for the future of InterNACHI in Florida as Harvey
puts together a Top Level Team from all over the State Of Florida, to continue to assist in Florida's unmatched and thrilling growth!

Please join with Blaine Wiley and myself as we welcome Florida's new State Chapter President, Harvey Gordon.
John Bowman
Executive Director