Harsh Letter Demanding Payment


Dear ____:

The purpose of this letter is to demand immediate payment of the $_____ you owe us for our inspection of the property at [property address]. As you know, we inspected the property and provided you with our report. 
Your Agreement with us provides that if we file suit to collect our fee, you must pay our attorney’s fees and costs. It also provides that we are entitled to interest on the debt owed to us.
You must pay the amount owed to us immediately. If we do not receive immediate payment, we may take legal action, assign your account to a collection agency, and/or report the debt to a credit reporting agency.
We expect your prompt attention to this matter.

 [Your Company Name]

Note: It is important that this letter be sent by the Inspector, not a third party. Third-party debt collectors are subject to the requirements of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, and their demand letters must contain specific language.