Inspector Marketing: Leave a Gift Card with Your Tip

by Nick Gromicko, CMI® and Kate Tarasenko
Whether you're driving around town in your branded work vehicle, or patronizing a local business while wearing your company-branded workwear, you're never not marketing your inspection business.  Such is the power of passive marketing – it works so you don't have to.  Here's another great tip to incorporate into your daily life that costs you little but promotes your business with virtually zero effort. 
Some inspectors like to leave their business card along with their payment for a restaurant check.  

Why not leave something that won't wind up in the trash?  Consider getting gift cards to leave along with your monetary tip for your wait staff.  Offer a discount that you won't miss in your bottom line but that will be significant to your prospects, who are probably counting every dollar while in the midst of negotiating a home sale.  Try 15% off or maybe $20.  Have something printed up that actually looks like a gift card, such as a mini-envelope or card cover that has an image of a bow on the front, and slip your business card inside.  That way, your wait staff is likely to not only open it and look at it, but they'll either keep it or pass it along to someone they know who's shopping for a new home.   
And, depending on your services and location, you can target-market (and track) your specialty and ancillary services.  Think Annual Home Maintenance Inspections, Radon Testing, 4-Point Inspections, and even Builder's Warranty Inspections, especially if there's a lot of new construction going up in your service area.  You're limited only by your imagination and initiative.
Contact InterNACHI's Member Marketing Team to have something designed just for your business, and start cultivating new leads now.