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Common questions about ongoing membership requirements
Common questions about ongoing membership requirements

If you recently received an email about the Online Inspector Exam or continuing education requirements, this has answers for you.

Chris Morrell avatar
Written by Chris Morrell
Updated over a week ago

InterNACHI® Certified Professional Inspectors are required to complete ongoing membership requirements in addition to the initial certification process. These requirements include yearly continuing education and periodic testing.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why am I suddenly receiving emails about membership requirements?

While InterNACHI's ongoing requirements have existed for years, we started sending additional reminders to members in mid 2021. The requirements are not new, but now you'll be notified when a deadline is approaching or you are past due.

How do I check my current CE status and deadline?

You can see a detailed breakdown of your current continuing education status (rollover, deadlines, etc.) on your InterNACHI® education log.

I think I joined before a requirement was added. Does it apply to me?

All InterNACHI® Certified Professional Inspectors are required to adhere to our current ongoing requirements regardless of when they joined. This includes:

I completed everything my state or province requires. Why is that not enough?

InterNACHI® certification goes above and beyond regional licensing. However, education completed for licensing counts towards InterNACHI CE (you must manually add it to your InterNACHI® education log), and InterNACHI® courses are often approved for state licensing (see our licensing resources for more information).

I am a Certified Master Inspector. Does this still apply to me?

Yes. CMI requirements are independent of InterNACHI® requirements. (The Certified Master Inspector designation is administered by the Master Inspector Certification Board, a separate organization.)

I need a little extra time to complete a requirement.

We automatically allow for a small grace period following any due date. If you are just a day or two past-due, please complete the requirement as soon as possible. Otherwise, please contact us to discuss your specific circumstances.

I completed a similar requirement (eg. for state licensing, a chapter, or another organization). Does this count?

For the Online Inspector Examination:

You must complete InterNACHI's Online Inspector Examination requirement regardless of any other tests or exams that you've completed. The Online Inspector Exam is free and online, and you can take it as many times as you like.

For continuing education:

InterNACHI's qualifying subject matter for CE is quite broad and simple. If you learn, you earn. Anything reasonably deemed to be inspection-related can be considered qualifying, including CE credits earned from other inspection associations, training classes provided by schools other than InterNACHI®, construction seminars, Chapter presentations, and code enforcement training. Attending online courses, in-person classes, live webinars, chapter meetings, and in-person seminars all qualify. Teaching home inspection classes and mentoring home inspectors qualifies.

Any continuing education that you've completed outside of InterNACHI® must be manually added to your online continuing education log.

Will my Certified Professional Inspector status be revoked if I'm past due on an ongoing requirement?

We want our members to succeed. If you are past-due but are willing to work towards compliance in a reasonable time frame, we will work with you. Members who are notified repeatedly of unmet requirements will eventually have their certification revoked.

If your CPI status is revoked, you will have to complete all current certification requirements to have it reinstated.

How is my credit year determined?

Your credit year is based on when you became an InterNACHI® Certified Professional Inspector. For most members, this will be the date that you signed your membership affidavit.

For example, if you became a CPI on March 18th, your credit year will run from March 18th to March 17th of the following year.

I'm no longer a practicing home inspector. How do I stop receiving these notices?

InterNACHI offers a variety of alternative membership types, including retired status and All-Access membership (if you want access to benefits but not certification). Please contact us to have your membership status updated.

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