To support these goals, EnergySmart commits to the following initiatives:
1. EnergySmart will use its available resources to host 1-3 energy efficiency workshops or trainings for all home inspectors conducting business in Boulder County until December 31, 2012.
2. Provided InterNACHI’s Home Energy Inspection Report, accompanying data and recommendations can be adopted for use by EnergySmart, EnergySmart will waive the $30 EnergySmart Walk-Through audit fee for any InterNACHI member’s client should that client reside in Boulder County and wish to implement an EnergySmart recommended measure(s).
3. Provide InterNACHI with EnergySmart assessment/audit standards that will enable continuity with any future InterNACHI Full Home Energy Audit service offering.
4. The EnergySmart call center will track any InterNACHI client who has been referred to the EnergySmart service from a home or business inspection. EnergySmart will provide this data to InterNACHI to better understand how InterNACHI members are driving demand for energy efficiency.
5. EnergySmart will support a collaboration between the U.S. Department of Energy (“DOE”) and InterNACHI in the use of the DOE Home Energy Score by qualified home inspectors conducting home energy inspections in Boulder County. This support will extend to assessing the feasibility, and if deemed feasible, using the results of the Home Energy Score as a substitute for the EnergySmart Energy Assessment at no additional cost to the consumer.
1. InterNACHI will use its available resources to promote the EnergySmart service to its members who provide inspection services to Boulder County residents. Examples may include presenting co-branded marketing materials through InterNACHI channels of communication.
2. For InterNACHI members who perform inspections in Boulder County, InterNACHI will educate and encourage those members to include the benefits of the EnergySmart service during appropriate interactions with their Boulder County clients. This is especially true when the inspections involve energy efficiency assessments and the Inspection Energy Rating option. It is hoped that the “value added” attributes of EnergySmart can move more clients towards paying for the added cost of the InterNACHI energy rating.
3. To allow for the tracking of InterNACHI client data by EnergySmart, InterNACHI inspectors will employ a pre-approved (by EnergySmart), Client Release of Information Consent Form allowing EnergySmart to release pertinent data to InterNACHI.
This Statement of Understanding is non-binding and can be terminated by either party with sufficient written notice to the other party. Regardless, all provisions in this Statement of Understanding will end by May 10th, 2013.