Dominc Maricic


Dominic Maricic is the president of Home Inspector Pro Inspection Software and WebsiteHosting, founded in 2004. Home Inspector Pro is used by thousands of inspectors in 19 countries and in nine different languages. 
Dominic is also the webmaster for,,, and many more chapter sites. He also developed the HON and HON Pro apps for the Home Owners Network

Dominic has a degree in computer science and spent 10 years teaching math, computer programming, and website design at a Southern California High School. He's been designing websites for over 20 years for both professional and personal use. In addition to being the main programmer for Home Inspector Pro, he's currently in charge of the websites for multiple inspector associations and assists them in maximizing their search engine optimization (SEO). 

For several years, Dominic has been publishing articles for the inspection industry on how to improve their website rankings. Over the past 10 years, he's traveled around the U.S. and Canada giving talks to home inspectors on website optimization and how to increase their sales.