New ebook provides help for InterNACHI members.


InterNACHI Teams Up With New Ebook Which Provides Help, Empowerment for Consumers Slammed by Government Mandated Credit Card Payments that Double the Minimum

Dallas, Texas, January 17, 2006 – Consumers being driven to their knees by a new law from Congress got some relief today from an e-book entitled, “The Negotiate Your Way to Financial Freedom From Credit Card Debt Ebook”. The ebook was released by Dallas based , which has agreed to donate a portion of each sale by InterNACHI Members to the InterNACHI Foundation, for consumers caught in the credit card debt nightmare. Since Congress passed legislation which requires credit card companies to increase the minimum monthly payment by twice the previous level, consumers with significant credit card debt struggling to make their payments will soon experience devastating consequences, even if they have never before been late on a payment.

“We feel passionately that the ‘little guy’ that has been the heart and soul of this country since it was started; that has fought the wars and has worked often two or three jobs to make it great needs some help, and we offer it to them. I would make a guess that 90 plus per cent of the American public has little to no idea what their rights are when it comes to unsecured consumer debt, what options are available to them other than bankruptcy, what federal requirements the collectors must operate under or most importantly, how empowered they can be with knowledge.”, said Pat Hicks, Managing Partner of

"The average consumer is estimated to be between nine and thirteen thousand dollars in credit card debt, has six to seven credit cards" continued Hicks, "and previously it would take thirty years and twenty one thousand dollars in interest to pay off $7,000 charged on a credit card with the minimum payments required."

Many Americans were literally sentencing themselves to a life time of debt payments. So, Congress chose to address the problem by looking at the minimum payment issue. “While it is definitely a tragedy that people are paying 29% interest and not making a dent in their principle reduction even after years of payments,” said Hicks, “it just seems to me that the consumer is being asked, yet again, to bear the burden of the problem. How can the consumer be required to pay twice as much, but the credit card companies are allowed to keep the same usury interest rates in place? That doesn’t make sense to me. Further, the late payment charge abuses that are well documented in the credit card industry will only increase. That will mean even higher interest rates for consumers that have worked hard to be on time.”

Hicks said what he considers an unfair advantage by the credit card companies was his motivation for creating the ebook. “They are operating from a position of superior knowledge.” “The Negotiate Your Way to Financial Freedom From Credit Card Debt Ebook” gives practical and detailed lessons about how to formulate a plan, a goal, a strategy for negotiating from a position of strength and advice designed to empower the average consumer.

Right from the beginning the information found in the e-book gives instructions on how to negotiate from strength. It covers things like what terms to ask of credit card companies, how to reduce the interest rates and/or the balance owed, how to negotiate with collection agencies by using strategies most people have no idea exist, or if they did, how best to apply them and how to stop the harassing phone calls. “One of my testimonials is from a guy that was stunned when the first credit card company he contacted offered to cut his balance in half for a cash payoff after he used the techniques I taught him in this book”, said Hicks.

Hicks is zealous about the issue because, “I have seen and experienced people terribly beaten down by the creditors, which will only get worse with this new law, that suddenly are able to turn things around. I tell people in the book, ‘Better information is now yours with which to make better decisions. A fresh start awaits you. You have the power to create a better life!’ And I mean it. I’ve seen it happen. I know it can be done.”

Pat Hicks is the Managing Partner for, a web site providing competitive priced credit reports and scores with no tricks or misleading advertising. A statement regarding the truth about free credit reports is provided which includes the link to for any consumers eligible to receive a free report. “The Negotiate Your Way to Financial Freedom From Credit Card Debt Ebook” is found there.

Pat Hicks, 214.342.3800
Fax: 214.503.1955

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