1.1 The purpose of this document is to define best practices and to
establish a reasonable approach for the performance of an
inspection of a commercial property.
2.1 Core Definitions2.1.1 Commercial Property: A commercial property is defined as the building structures and improvements located on a parcel of commercial real estate. These may include structures such as buildings with residential units operated for profit, mixed-use buildings, strip malls, motels, factories, storage facilities, restaurants and office buildings.2.1.2 Inspection: The inspection is defined as the process of an inspector collecting information through visual observation during a walk-through survey of the subject property, conducting research about the property, and then generating a meaningful report about the condition of the property based on the observations made and research conducted by the inspector. A commercial inspection requires the inspector to make observations, conduct research, and report findings. Observations: Observations are defined as those potential items of interest noted by the inspector during the walk-through survey portion of the inspection. Research: Research is defined as the process of gathering information through document review and interviews to augment the observations made during the walk-through portion of the inspection. This research may include reviewing readily available documents, such as previous inspection reports, building permits, code violation notices and environmental studies. This research may also include interviews with readily available personnel, such as building managers, tenants and owners. Report: An inspection report is defined as a written communication describing the issues discovered from observations made and research conducted by the inspector that are, in the inspector's opinion, likely to be of interest to his/her client. A report may contain photographs of observations made during the walk-through survey portion of the inspection and/or copies of documents reviewed during the research portion of the inspection.
- above-grade wall: a wall that is mostly above grade and enclosing conditioned space.
- access: that which enables a device, appliance or equipment to be reached.
- access panel: a closure device used to cover an opening into a duct, an enclosure, or equipment.
- accessibility: level of access a building offers people with disabilities.
- accessible: in the opinion of the inspector, can be approached or entered safely without difficulty, fear or danger.
- accessory structure: an additional building to the primary building.
- activate: to turn on, supply power, or enable systems, equipment or devices to become active by normal operating controls; examples include turning on the gas or water supply valves to fixtures and appliances, or activating electrical breakers or fuses.
- actual knowledge: the knowledge possessed by an individual, as opposed to that discovered through document review.
- addition: an extension or increase in the conditioned space of a building.
- adverse conditions: conditions that may be dangerous for the inspector and may limit the walk-through survey portion of the inspection.
- adversely affect: to constitute, or potentially constitute, a negative or destructive impact.
- air intake: an opening in a building's envelope whose purpose is to allow outside air to be drawn in to replace inside air.
- aisle: an exit access component that provides a path of egress travel.
- alarm signal: a signal indicating an emergency, such as a fire, requiring immediate action.
- alarm system: warning devices, installed or freestanding, including, but not limited to: carbon-monoxide detectors, flue gas and other spillage detectors, security equipment, ejector pumps and smoke alarms.
- alteration: any construction or renovation to an existing structure other than a repair or addition; also, a change in a mechanical system.
- appliance: utilization equipment, generally other than industrial, that is installed or connected as a unit to perform one or more functions.
- approved: acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction; also, accepted by an internationally recognized organization, such as InterNACHI.
- arc-fault circuit interrupter (AFCI): a device intended to provide protection from the effects of arc faults by recognizing characteristics unique to arcing, and by functioning to de-energize the circuit when an arc fault is detected.
authority having jurisdiction (AHJ): an organization, office, or individual responsible for enforcing the requirements of a code or standard, or for approving equipment, materials, an installation, or a procedure. The AHJ is often the building owner, health department, insurance agent, or fire marshal. automatic: that which provides a function without the necessity of human intervention. automatic fire-extinguishing system: a system of devices and equipment that automatically detects a fire and discharges in an attempt to put it out. automatic sprinkler system: an automated sprinkler system for fire-protection purposes. balcony: exterior floor projecting from and supported by a structure without additional independent supports. band joist: dimensional lumber used as a perimeter joist of the building framing. basement: that portion of a building which is partly or completely below grade. basement wall: a wall of a building that is mostly below grade. bathroom: a room containing plumbing fixtures, such as a water closet, urinal, bathtub and/or shower. bedroom: a room used for sleeping purposes.- bidet: a toilet-like plumbing fixture designed to promote posterior hygiene; not a toilet.
bonding: the permanent joining of metallic parts to form an electrically conductive path that ensures electrical continuity, and the capacity to conduct safely any fault current likely to be imposed. branch circuit: the circuit conductors between the final over-current device protecting the circuit and the outlet(s). building: the primary building subject of the commercial inspection. building code: rules and regulations adopted by the governmental authority having jurisdiction over the construction and/or remodeling of the commercial property. building department: local authority having jurisdiction over the construction, alteration and use of a property. building envelope: the enclosure that defines the heated/cooled area of a building, namely, the exterior walls and roof. building systems: components, assemblies and systems that are a part of the overall building and property such as pavement, flatwork, structural components, roofing, exterior walls, plumbing, HVAC, electrical components, fire prevention, etc.- built-in: permanently installed.
- chimney: a structure containing one or more flues for removing gases to the outside atmosphere.
- cladding: something that covers or overlays, often used to describe exterior wall coverings or metal that covers windows, doors or fascia for weather protection.
- cleanout: an accessible opening in the drainage system used for the removal of possible obstructions and for inspections; an opening in a chimney that provides access to the flue for cleaning purposes.
- clearance: the minimum distance through air measured between the surface of something heat-producing and the surface of something combustible.
- clearly identifiable: capable of being recognized by a person of normal vision.
- client: the party that retains the inspector and pays for the inspection.
- code official: the officer or other government-designated authority charged with enforcement of building codes.
- combustible: describes any material that will burn.
- commercial cooking appliances: appliances used in a commercial food service establishment for heating or cooking food.
- commercial property: the building structures and improvements located on a parcel of commercial real estate. These may include structures such as buildings with residential units operated for profit, mixed-use buildings, strip malls, motels, factories, storage facilities, restaurants and office buildings.
- component: a permanently installed or attached fixture, element, or part of a system.
concealed: rendered inaccessible by the structure or finish of the building. Wires in concealed raceways are considered concealed, even though they may become accessible by withdrawing them. condition: the plainly visible and conspicuous state of being of a material object or thing. conditioned space: an area or room within a building being heated or cooled. connector: the pipe that connects a fuel-burning appliance to a chimney.- consultant: a person with particular expertise in a subject who assists the inspector with portions of the inspection.
- contamination: an impairment of the quality of the potable water.
- crawlspace: the area within the confines of the foundation and between the ground and the underside of the lowest floor's structural component.
- cross-connection: any connection between two otherwise separate piping systems, one of which contains potable water, and the other that contains something that could contaminate the potable water.
- crown: the sloped top of a masonry chimney designed to shed water away from the flue; also called a splay or a wash.
- damper: a valve or plate for controlling draft or flow of gases, including air, in a vent or ductwork; a manually-operated plate for controlling draft in a flue.
- deck: exterior floor system supported on at least two opposing sides by an adjoining structure and/or post, piers, or other independent supports.
- decorative: ornamental; not required for the operation of essential systems and components of a building.
- defensible space: an area around a building designed to slow the rate of an advancing wildfire.
- deferred-maintenance items: deficient items that cannot be remedied with routine maintenance, generally caused by neglect.
- describe: to report, in writing, a system or component by its type or other observed characteristics to distinguish it from other components used for the same purpose.
- destructive: an act of demolishing, damaging or probing any system, structure or component, or to dismantle any system or component that would not be taken apart by an ordinary person in the course of normal maintenance.
- determine: to arrive at an opinion or conclusion pursuant to examination.
- disconnected: shut down.
- dismantle: to open, take apart or remove any component, device or piece that would not typically be opened, taken apart, or removed by an ordinary occupant.
- duct: a passageway, tube or conduit utilized for the transmission of air and vapors.
- due diligence: a level of care in the inspection process that varies, depending upon the scope of work agreed upon by the inspector and his/her client.
- dwelling unit: a single unit providing complete, independent living facilities, including permanent provisions for living, sleeping, eating, cooking and sanitation.
- easement: that portion of a land or property reserved for use by a person or agency other than the owner of the property.
- easily visible: describes systems, items and components that are both conspicuous and in plain sight, absent of the need for intrusive inspection techniques, probing, disassembly, or the use of special equipment.
- egress: a means of exiting.
- emergency shutoff valve: a valve designed to shut off the flow of gases or liquids.
- energy analysis: a method for estimating the annual energy use of a building.
- energy-recovery ventilation system: a system that uses air-to-air heat exchangers to recover energy from exhaust air for the purpose of pre-heating or pre-cooling outdoor air prior to supplying the air to an interior space.
- engineering service: any professional service or creative work requiring engineering education, training and experience, and the application of special knowledge of the mathematical, physical and engineering sciences to such professional service or creative work as consultation, investigation, evaluation, planning, design and/or supervision of construction for the purpose of assuring compliance with the specifications and design, in conjunction with structures, buildings, machines, equipment, works or processes.
- enter: to access or go into an area to observe visible components.
- evaluate: to assess the systems, structures and/or components of a building.
- evidence: plainly visible and conspicuous material objects or other things presented to the senses that would tend to produce conviction in the mind of an ordinary person as to the existence or non-existence of a fact.
- examine: to visually examine; to look for and identify material physical deficiencies in systems, structures or components of a building through a non-intrusive physical inspection. See inspect.
- existing: buildings, facilities or conditions which are already in existence. This Standard is designed to be used to inspect existing commercial properties.
- exit discharge: the portion of a means of egress between the termination of an exit and a public way.
- exposed: capable of being inadvertently touched by a person because it is not suitably guarded, isolated or insulated.
- exterior property: the open space on the property.
- exterior wall: an outside wall of a building, either above or below grade.
- extermination: the control or elimination of insects, rats, vermin or other pests.
- fenestration: products with glass and non-glass glazing materials, including skylights, roof windows, vertical windows, opaque doors, glazed doors and glazed block.
- fire apparatus access road: a road, fire lane, public street, private street, or parking lot lane that provides access from a fire station to a facility.
- fire code official: the fire chief or other authority charged with the enforcement of a code.
- fire department master key: a special key carried by fire department officials which will open key boxes on commercial properties.
- fire-resistance rating: the time that materials or assemblies can withstand fire exposure.
- fireplace lintel: a horizontal, non-combustible member that spans the top of the fireplace opening.
- firewall: a wall separating buildings or subdividing a building to prevent the spread of fire.
- fixture: component.
- flood-level rim: the edge of a fixture from which water overflows.
- floor area, gross: the floor area within the inside perimeter of the exterior walls.
- floor area, net: the actual occupied area not including accessory areas, such as corridors, stairways, restrooms, mechanical rooms and closets.
- flue: a passage through which gases move from the fire chamber to the outer air.
- foundation: the base upon which the structure or wall rests (usually masonry, concrete or stone), and generally partially underground.
- function: the action for which an item, component or system is specially fitted or used, or for which an item, component or system exists; to be in action or perform a task.
- functional: performing, or able to perform, a function.
- functional drainage: the emptying of a plumbing fixture in a reasonable amount of time without overflow when another fixture is drained simultaneously.
- functional flow: a reasonable flow of water supply at the highest and farthest fixture from the building main when another fixture is operated simultaneously.
- further evaluation: a degree of examination beyond that of a typical and customary, non-intrusive physical examination.
- fusible link: a form of fixed-temperature heat-detecting device sometimes used to restrain the operation of an electrical or mechanical control until a certain temperature is reached, usually signifying a fire.
- garbage: the animal or vegetable waste resulting from preparation or consumption of food.
- grease: animal fat, vegetable shortening or oil used in preparing food or resulting from cooking.
grounded: connected to the earth or to some conducting body that serves in place of the earth. grounded, effectively: intentionally connected to the earth through a ground connection or connections of sufficiently low impedance, and having sufficient current-carrying capacity to prevent the buildup of voltages that might otherwise result in undue hazards to connected equipment or to persons. ground-fault circuit interrupter (GFCI): a device intended for the protection of personnel that functions to de-energize a circuit. grounding electrode: a device that establishes an electrical connection to the earth. habitable space: space in a structure for living, sleeping, eating and/or cooking. Bathrooms, closets, halls, storage areas and utility spaces are not considered habitable spaces. hearth: the floor within a fireplace. hearth extension: non-combustible material in front of and at the sides of a fireplace opening. heated slab: slab-on-grade construction in which the heating elements are placed within or under the slab. hood: a device that directs and captures grease-laden vapors and gases from a cooking appliance. humidistat: a device used to automatically control relative humidity. identify: to notice and report. immediate cost: estimated cost of remedying an existing safety hazard, or repairing a system or component that will likely fail within a year. imminent danger: a condition which could cause serious or life-threatening injury or death. infestation: the presence of insects, rats, vermin or other pests. infill: area of the railing system bounded by the railing posts, cap, rail and the deck. infiltration: the uncontrolled inward air leakage into a building. inspect: to examine readily accessible systems and components safely, using normal operating controls, and accessing readily accessible areas, in accordance with these Standards of Practice.- inspected property: the readily accessible areas of the buildings, site, items, components and systems included in the inspection.
- inspection: the process of an inspector collecting information through visual observation during a walk-through survey of the subject property, conducting research about the property, and then generating a meaningful report about the condition of the property based on the observations made and research conducted by the inspector. A commercial inspection requires the inspector to make observations, conduct research, and report findings.
- inspector: one who performs the commercial property inspection.
- installed: attached or connected such that the installed item requires a tool for removal.
- interview: to discuss with those who have knowledge about the subject property.
- intrusive: destructive.
- key box: a lockable device which permits the fire department to access the building in an emergency.
- labeled: devices, equipment or materials to which have been affixed a label, seal, symbol or other identifying mark of product evaluation.
- ledger: dimensional lumber attached to the building framing and used for supporting the section of a deck adjacent to the building.
- life expectancy: average function time, in years, assuming regular maintenance.
- listed: equipment, materials or services included in a list published by an organization that is acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction (AHJ), and concerned with evaluation of products or services, that maintains periodic inspection of production of listed equipment or materials, or periodic evaluation of services, and whose listing states that the equipment, material or service meets appropriate designated standards, or has been tested and found suitable for a specified purpose.
- mantel: a shelf or horizontal ornament above a fireplace opening.
- manual: capable of being operated by a person.
- material: having significant importance, as in "material defect." This term is reserved for describing things of significant importance.
- material defect: a condition of a commercial property, or any portion of it, that would have a significantly adverse impact on the value of the real property, or that involves unreasonable risk to people on the property. The fact that a structural element, system or sub-system is near, at or beyond the end of the normal useful life of such a structural element, system or sub-system is not, by itself, a material defect.
- means of egress: a continuous and unobstructed path out of a building to a public way.
- mezzanine: a semi-permanent, freestanding stair-and-deck system, typically constructed of fiberglass grating, heavy-duty steel and/or aluminum, and installed between two permanent/original floors within an industrial or commercial building in order to provide an open space on and under which can be created informal office areas, storage for inventory, tools and industrial equipment, etc.
- mold: a form of fungus. Some molds can cause disease in humans.
- non-combustible: a substance that will not burn when subjected to fire.
- normal operating controls: devices, such as thermostats, that would be operated by ordinary occupants which require no specialized skill or knowledge.
- observations: those potential items of interest noted by the inspector during the walk-through survey portion of the inspection.
- observe: to visually notice.
- obvious: a condition or fact not likely to be ignored or overlooked.
- occupancy load: the number of people permitted in a building based on the means of egress.
- occupant: any individual living in, sleeping in, or having possession of a space within a building.
- operate: to cause systems to function or turn on with normal operating controls.
- operational: systems or components capable of being safely operated.
- oral consultation: a limited visual inspection of specific systems, structures or components of a building where no written report is prepared by the inspector, and the inspector's findings, opinions, conclusions and recommendations are orally communicated by the inspector to the client.
- owner: any person, agent, operator, firm or corporation having a legal or equitable interest in a property.
panelboard: a panel, including buses and automatic over-current devices, designed to be placed in a cabinet accessible only from the front. permanently installed: fixed in place (i.e., screwed, bolted or nailed), as distinct from components, systems or appliances considered portable or freestanding. Phase I: a type of fireplace and chimney inspection that exceeds the standards required by a traditional home inspection. physical deficiency: a major defect, a significant deferred-maintenance item, or a component or system that has exhausted most or all of its remaining useful life (regardless of its actual life expectancy), or a safety concern, or anything that could potentially cause the need for an expensive repair. pitch: angle or inclination, usually of a roof. plenum: an air compartment or chamber that connects one or more ducts and forms part of an air-distribution system. premises: a lot, plot, parcel of land, property or building. pressure drop: the loss in pressure due to friction or obstruction in pipes, valves, fittings, regulators and burners, and the length of pipes and the number of elbows. pressure regulator: a device placed in a gas line for reducing, controlling and maintaining the pressure downstream of the device. primary building: a building that an inspector has agreed to inspect, excluding all accessory buildings, with the exception of the primary parking structure. primary parking structure and surfaces: a building and appurtenant surfaces for the purpose of vehicle storage associated with the primary building. public way: a street, alley or yard open to the outside and leading to a public area.- publicly available information: information that is accessible or available to anyone upon request.
raceway: an enclosed channel or conduit designed expressly for holding wires or cables. ramp: a sloped walking surface. readily accessible: describes the area of the subject property that has been made available to the inspector at the time of the walk-through survey portion of the inspection, and/or a system or component that, in the judgment of the inspector, is capable of being safely observed without the need of portable ladders, the removal of obstacles, the detachment or disengagement of connecting or securing devices, or other unsafe or difficult procedures to gain access, and/or a document that has been made available to the inspector for use in the research portion of the inspection.- readily ascertainable: describes information that is available to the inspector within reasonable time at a nominal cost so that it can be practically reviewed during the research portion of the inspection.
- readily available: describes the information, personnel and documents that are made available quickly to the inspector.
receptacle: a contact device installed at the outlet for the connection of an attachment plug. recreational facilities: spas, saunas, steam baths, swimming pools, tennis courts, playground equipment, and other exercise, entertainment or athletic facilities.- remaining useful life: a subjective estimate or guess made by the inspector based upon his observations and experience as to the number of remaining years that a component will be functional before needing replacement.
- removable: capable of being transferred to another location easily.
- repair: the reconstruction or renewal of any part of an existing building.
- replacement air: air deliberately brought into a structure to compensate for the air being consumed or expelled.
- report: the written communication describing the issues discovered from observations made and research conducted by the inspector and which, in the inspector's opinion, are likely to be of interest to his/her client. A report may contain photos or digital images of observations made during the walk-through survey portion of the inspection, and/or copies of documents reviewed during the research portion of the inspection.
- representative number: a sufficient number to serve as a typical or characteristic example of the item(s) inspected.
- representative sampling: a small quantity of components of any system or structure, enough like others in its class or kind, to serve as an example of its class or kind.
- research: the process of gathering information through the review of documents and interviews to augment the observations made during the walk-through survey portion of the inspection. This research may include reviewing readily available documents, such as previous inspection reports, building permits, code violation notices, and environmental studies. This research may also include interviews with readily available personnel, such as building managers, tenants and owners.
- roof assembly: a system designed to provide weather protection and including the roof covering, underlayment, roof deck, insulation, vapor retarder and interior finish.
- rubbish: waste materials other than garbage.
- scope of work: work that deviates from this Standard, depending on budget, time constraints, purpose of the inspection, age of the subject property, and risk-tolerance of the client, which the inspector and client have agreed to.
- screw-lamp holder: a lamp base that requires a screw-in-type lamp, such as a compact fluorescent, incandescent, or tungsten-halogen bulb.
- short-term cost: estimated cost of repairs which may not require immediate attention, but which should not be delayed for more than two years.
- shut down: turned off, unplugged, inactive, not in service, or not operational.
- single-wall metal chimney: a field-constructed chimney not permitted in one- and two-family dwellings.
- sleeping unit: a room or space in which people sleep.
- smoke alarm: a single or multiple alarm responsive to smoke and not connected to a sprinkler system.
- smoke detector: a device that senses particles of combustion.
- solid fuel: wood, coal, pellets, and other materials that can be burned for heat.
- special consultant: a person with particular expertise in a subject who assists the inspector with portions of the inspection.
- special equipment: any tools or devices other than those normally used by an inspector to perform a typical and customary, non-invasive, physical examination of the systems, structures and components of a building, including, but not limited to: levels, probes, meters, video or audio devices, and measuring devices.
- Standard: often used to mean InterNACHI's Standards of Practice for Inspecting Commercial Properties.
- storefront: a non-residential system of doors and windows typically at ground-floor level of a commercial building.
- structural component: a component that supports the building's dead and live loads.
- structure: an assemblage of various systems and components that function as a whole.
- subject property: the commercial property that is the subject of the inspection.
- suggested remedy: an opinion offered as to a course of action to repair a deficiency. Suggested remedies are outside the scope of a commercial inspection.
- sump: a tank or pit that receives sewage or wastewater that is typically located below the drain system, and so must be emptied by mechanical means.
- sump pump: an automatic water pump powered by a motor and typically controlled by a float for the removal of wastewater from a sump pit.
- system: an assembly of various components which function as a whole.
- technically exhaustive: a comprehensive and detailed examination beyond the scope of a commercial property inspection that might involve, but would not be limited to: specialized knowledge or training, special equipment, measurements, calculations, testing, research, analysis, meters, scaffolding, dismantling, probing or troubleshooting; also, where the cost of obtaining information or the time required to conduct a portion of the inspection and prepare that portion of the inspection report could outweigh the likely usefulness of the information obtained, or could be detrimental to the orderly and timely completion of the client's transaction.
- thermostat: an automatic control device used to maintain temperature at a set point.
- thimble: the tube or lining through a wall that a connector passes through to enter a flue or that a flue passes through to exit a roof.
- timely access: access to the subject property and documentation required by the inspector to perform the inspection.
- toilet room: a room containing a water closet or urinal, but not a bathtub or shower.
- trap: a fitting that provides a liquid seal to prevent the emission of sewer gases and odors.
- tree crown: the branches growing out from a tree, including twigs and foliage.
- unsafe: in the inspector's opinion, a condition of an area, system, component or procedure that is judged to be a significant risk of injury during normal, day-to-day use. The risk may be due to damage, deterioration, improper installation, or a change in accepted commercial construction standards.
- valve: a device used in piping to control the gas or liquid supply downstream of the device.
- vapor retarder: a vapor-resistant material, membrane or covering, such as foil, plastic sheeting or insulation facing, that limits the amount of moisture vapor that passes through a material or wall assembly.
- ventilation: the natural or mechanical process of supplying and removing air from any space.
- verify: to confirm or substantiate.
- visible: that which may be easily observed during the walk-through survey portion of the inspection.
- walk-through survey: that portion of the inspection where the inspector makes non-intrusive, visual observations of readily accessible areas of the subject property.
- wall protector: non-combustible shield between a wall and anything heat-producing for the purpose of reducing required clearance.
- workmanlike: executed in a skilled manner.
- yard: an open space on the same lot with a building.
- zone: a conditioned space within a building controlled by a single device.
2.3 Common Abbreviations and Acronyms Used in Commercial Property Inspection Reports:
ADA: Americans with Disabilities Act (U.S.) AHJ: authority having jurisdiction BUR: built-up roofing CCI: Certified Commercial Inspector CCPIA: Certified Commercial Property Inspectors Association CMI®: Certified Master Inspector® CPI: Certified Professional Inspector® CO: Certificate of Occupancy ComSOP: International Standards of Practice for Inspecting Commercial Properties CSA: Canadian Standards Association EIFS: exterior insulation and finish system EPA: Environmental Protection Agency (U.S.) HVAC: heating, ventilation and air conditioning IAC2: International Association of Certified Indoor Air Consultants IAQ: indoor air quality InterNACHI: International Association of Certified Home Inspectors ICC: International Code Council IR: infrared MICB: Master Inspector Certification Board NEC®: National Electrical Code (U.S.) NFPA: National Fire Protection Association PE: Professional Engineer RICS: Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (U.K.) RUL: remaining useful life2.4 Other Inspection-Related Terms
Other inspection-related terms can be found by visiting InterNACHI's searchable online Glossary at https://www.nachi.org/glossary
3.1 Royalty-Free UseAlthough this Standard is protected by copyright and other laws, the International Association of Certified Home Inspectors, Inc. (InterNACHI) and the Certified Commercial Property Inspectors Association (CCPIA) hereby grant non-exclusive, royalty-free license to all members of InterNACHI-CCPIA and their clients, and all public authorities, government agencies, and government employees throughout the world to use this code as desired, including making copies, posting, transmitting and incorporating it into reporting software, free of charge, without the need for pre-approval, provided that each use is clearly attributed to InterNACHI-CCPIA. Acceptable examples of attribution include "performed in accordance with InterNACHI-CCPIA Commercial SOP," "based on the InterNACHI-CCPIA ComSOP" or "see www.internachi.org/comsop or www.ccpia.org."Nothing in this license shall preclude InterNACHI-CCPIA from modifying this Standard, and users should regularly check for the latest revision at www.nachi.org/comsop or www.ccpia.org, which supersedes earlier versions.3.2 Conflicts With Other Standards, Codes, Local Laws, and
Manufacturers' InstructionsThere likely exist other standards, codes, local laws, and manufacturers' instructions that differ or are in conflict with this Standard and with each other. Although this Standard does not require an inspector to know or discover all the provisions that may pertain to every situation, this Standard does require an inspector, if aware of such conflicts, to author the inspection report based on the requirements that provide the greatest protection of life and property, in the inspector's judgment. This Standard is not intended to usurp or abridge adopted codes or ordinances.3.3 Substantial ComplianceThe inspector shall substantially abide by this Standard, unless otherwise agreed to in writing by the inspector and client.3.4 Disclaimer of LiabilityInterNACHI-CCPIA administers the process in the development of its standards. InterNACHI-CCPIA does not independently test, evaluate or verify the accuracy of any information or the soundness of any judgments contained in its Standards. InterNACHI-CCPIA disclaims liability for any personal injury, property or other damages of any nature whatsoever, whether special, indirect, consequential or compensatory, directly or indirectly resulting from the publication, use of, or reliance on this document. InterNACHI-CCPIA also makes no guarantee or warranty as to the accuracy or completeness of any information published herein.Anyone using this document should rely on his or her own independent judgment, or, as appropriate, seek the advice of a competent professional in determining the exercise of reasonable care in any given circumstances.
4.1 ObjectiveThe objective of an inspection is to provide written communication describing the issues discovered from observations made and research conducted by the inspector, which, in the inspector's opinion, are likely to be of interest to his/her client, and to enhance the client's information and knowledge about the commercial property to improve decision-making for buying, selling, maintaining or improving the property.4.2 Who May Perform the InspectionAny portion of the inspection, including the walk-through survey, research and report-generation, may be performed by the inspector, his/her staff, or any consultant hired by the inspector. This Standard recognizes that, for the majority of commercial inspections, the inspector is likely an individual with a general, well-rounded knowledge of commercial properties, and that the inspector or client may want to augment the inspector's skills with specialty consultants who have particular expertise in certain areas. The decision to hire specialty consultants will, of course, rely on budget and time constraints, as well as the risk-tolerance of the client.
4.3 Varying Levels of Due DiligenceThis Standard is designed as a baseline from which the inspector and client can develop and agree to a scope of work that may deviate from this Standard, depending on budget, time constraints, purpose of the inspection, age of the subject property, and risk-tolerance of the client. The level of due diligence should be set where the cost, in time and money, of acquiring information about the subject property will not likely exceed the value of that information. Therefore, an inspection performed in accordance with this Standard will not be technically exhaustive.4.3.1 Sample Language for Use When Defining the Scope of
Work"The inspection will be performed in accordance with InterNACHI-CCPIA ComSOP, except that..."4.3.2 Representative ObservationsIn recognizing that the client likely has the goal of acquiring information about the subject property at a cost, in time and money, that does not exceed the value of that information, representative observations are not just permitted by this Standard, but recommended, as well.4.4 UncertaintyThe client should understand that no inspection report is completely accurate. A report is only the written communication of the observations made and research conducted by the inspector. The report contains those items which, in the inspector's opinion, are likely to be of interest to his/her client.4.5 SubjectivityThe client should understand that the inspection report is, to a large degree, the subjective opinions of the inspector based on his/her observations and research within the limits of access, time and budget, and without the aid of special equipment or meters, and without dismantling, probing, testing or troubleshooting, and without detailed knowledge of the commercial property, its components or its systems. The inspection report is not much more than a subjective professional opinion.4.6 Not an Architectural or Engineering ServiceAn inspector performing a commercial inspection in accordance with this Standard is not practicing architecture or engineering.4.7 Not a Warranty, Guarantee or Insurance PolicyThe inspection is not a warranty, and the inspection report is merely the written communication of the inspector's subjective opinion on the condition of the subject property.
5.1 ObjectiveThe objective of research, including the review of documents and the performing of interviews, is to augment the information obtained during the walk-through survey and to provide supporting documentation to the inspection report.5.2 Document ProcurementIt is the client's responsibility to obtain copies of all documents and provide them for the inspector. These documents are most often obtained from the seller or from local government offices. The inspector is not responsible for gathering or paying for copies of appropriate documents to be reviewed unless these tasks are specifically assigned to the inspector in the Scope of Work Agreement.5.3 Documents to Be Reviewed and Included in the Inspection ReportThe inspector should review all documents provided by the client and owner. The inspector should also make an inquiry and review of any other documents that can be reasonably procured on-site or from the building owner or manager, such as Certificates of Occupancy, building code violation notices, repair invoices, and warranties. The inspector is not required to uncover and review information that is not provided or cannot be reasonably ascertained or acquired on-site. Copies of documents that the inspector believes may be of interest to the client and copies of documents that support the inspector's opinions should be included in the inspection report.5.3.1 Examples of documents the inspector may want to request for review:
accessibility surveys; appraisals; building plans; Certificates of Occupancy; citations; deck age records, plans and construction permits; deck and balcony maintenance, power-washing, painting, treating, repair and modification history; emergency evacuation plans; environmental studies; evacuation drill records;- fire-detection test and maintenance records;
fire door inspection reports; fire-prevention plans; fire extinguisher service records; fire records; flame-resistant certificates; floodplain maps; floor plans; kitchen grease-cleaning records; kitchen post-fire inspections; maintenance records; manufacturers' installation instructions; notices; permits; power-washing records; previous inspection reports; proposals; rent records; repair estimates/invoices; safety inspection records; seller disclosures; sprinkler head replacement records; utility bills; and warranties.5.4 InterviewsThe inspector should identify and interview the person(s) with the most knowledge about the condition of the building. Typically, this will be the building owner or manager. Unless otherwise agreed to in the Scope of Work Agreement, it is the responsibility of the client to arrange to have such person(s) on hand for interview by the inspector on the day of the walk-through survey.5.5 Pre-Inspection QuestionnairesThe inspector may request that the owner, building manager and/or client fill out pre-inspection questionnaires to gather information. The inspector may rely that these responses are truthful. In cases where parties refuse to fill out questionnaires in writing, the inspector may interview the parties and fill out the questionnaires for them. The inspector should note in the report if s/he filled out the questionnaire based on an interview and whether such interview was performed in person, by telephone, or by email. Copies of all responses to such questionnaires should be included in the inspection report.5.6 RelianceThe level of accuracy of information varies, depending on its source. The inspector may rely on information obtained to the extent that the information appears to be accurate and complete. This Standard does not require the inspector to independently verify the accuracy of the documents reviewed by the inspector or included in the report, nor the statements made by those interviewed by the inspector.5.7 FraudThe inspector is not a fraud investigator, and this Standard does not require the inspector to look for intentionally hidden deficiencies in the subject property. The inspection report is supplementary to the seller's disclosures.5.8 Previously Generated ReportsA previously generated inspection report should be treated no differently than any other document reviewed during the research portion of the inspection, and, as with information collected from any other source, information obtained from a previously generated report should reference its source in the new inspection report. No portion of a previously generated report should be used as a substitute for the new inspection report.
6.1 ObjectiveThe objective of the walk-through survey is to allow the inspector to visually observe the subject property, gather information, and note items of interest.6.2 Access ResponsibilityIt is the client's responsibility to arrange for the inspector to receive timely access to the subject property for the walk-through survey portion of the inspection, as well as access to all documents and interviewees needed for the research portion of the inspection. This includes access to all documents, information and previously generated reports in the client's possession. The inspector is not responsible for obtaining, reviewing or providing information, should the source withhold, impede or delay access. Anything that hinders the inspector's access should be noted in the report.6.3 RevisitsIt is expected that the inspector will perform only one walk-through survey per inspection report. However, it may be necessary for the inspector to revisit certain areas of the subject building after performing the research portion of the inspection.6.4 Inspector SafetyIt is the responsibility of the inspector to perform the walk-through survey safely.6.5 Observations6.5.1 RoofI. The inspector should inspect from ground level, eaves or rooftop (if a rooftop access door exists):
A. the roof covering;B. for the presence of exposed membrane;C. slopes;
D. for evidence of significant ponding;
E. the gutters;
F. the downspouts;
G. the vents, flashings, skylights, chimney and other roof penetrations;
H. the general structure of the roof from the readily accessible panels, doors or stairs; andI. for the need for repairs.II. The inspector is not required to:
A. walk on any pitched roof surface.
B. predict service-life expectancy.
C. inspect underground downspout diverter drainage pipes.
D. remove snow, ice, debris or other conditions that prohibit the observation of the roof surfaces.E. move insulation.
F. inspect antennae, lightning arresters, de-icing equipment or similar attachments.G. walk on any roof areas that appear, in the opinion of the inspector, to be unsafe.H. walk on any roof areas if it might, in the opinion of the inspector, cause damage.I. perform a water test.J. warrant or certify the roof.
K. walk on any roofs that lack rooftop access doors.6.5.2 Exterior
I. The inspector should inspect:
A. the siding, flashing and trim;
B. all exterior doors, decks, stoops, steps, stairs, porches, railings, eaves, soffits and fasciae;C. and report as in need of repair any safety issues regarding intermediate balusters, spindles or rails for steps, stairways, balconies and railings;D. a representative number of windows;
E. the vegetation, surface drainage, and retaining walls when these are likely to adversely affect the structure;F. the exterior for accessibility barriers;G. the storm water drainage system;H. the general topography;I. the parking areas;J. the sidewalks;K. exterior lighting;L. the landscaping;M. and determine that a 3-foot clear space exists around the circumference of fire hydrants;
N. and describe the exterior wall covering.II. The inspector is not required to:
A. inspect or operate screens, storm windows, shutters, awnings, fences, outbuildings or exterior accent lighting.
B. inspect items, including window and door flashings, that are not visible or readily accessible from the ground.
C. inspect geological, geotechnical, hydrological or soil conditions.
D. inspect recreational facilities.
E. inspect seawalls, breakwalls or docks.
F. inspect erosion-control or earth-stabilization measures.
G. inspect for proof of safety-type glass.H. determine the integrity of thermal window seals or damaged glass.
I. inspect underground utilities.
J. inspect underground items.
K. inspect wells or springs.
L. inspect solar systems.
M. inspect swimming pools or spas.
N. inspect septic systems or cesspools.
O. inspect playground equipment.
P. inspect sprinkler systems.
Q. inspect drainfields or dry wells.R. inspect manhole covers.S. operate or evaluate remote-control devices, or test door or gate operators.6.5.3 Wood Decks and BalconiesI. The inspector should inspect:A. with the unaided eye, for deck and balcony members that are noticeably out of level or out of plumb;B. for visible decay;C. for paint failure and buckling;D. for nail pullout (nail pop);E. for fastener rust, iron stain and corrosion;F. and verify that flashing was installed on the deck-side of the ledger board;G. for vertical members (posts) that have exposed end-grains;H. for obvious trip hazards;I. for non-graspable handrails;J. railings for height less than the 36-inch minimum*;K. guardrails and infill for openings that exceed the 4-inch maximum*;L. open-tread stairs for openings that exceed the 4⅜-inch maximum*;M. the triangular area between guardrails and stairways for openings that exceed the 6-inch maximum*;N. built-up and multi-ply beam spans for butt joints;O. for notches in the middle-third of solid-sawn wood spans;P. for large splits longer than the depths of their solid-sawn wood members;Q. for building egresses blocked, covered or hindered by deck construction; andR. for the possibility of wetting from gutters, downspouts or sprinklers.*See https://www.nachi.org/stairways.htm for formal standards (compliance verification in entirety not required).
II. The inspector is not required to:A. discover insect infestation or damage.B. inspect, determine or test the tightness or adequacy of fasteners.C. determine lumber grade.D. measure moisture content.E. inspect for or determine bending strength.F. inspect for or determine shear stress.G. determine lag screw or bolt shear values.H. calculate loads.I. determine proper spans or inspect for deflections.J. discover decay hidden by paint.K. verify that flashing has been coated to prevent corrosion.L. determine that post-to-footing attachments exist.M. dig below grade or remove soil around posts.N. crawl under any deck with less than 3 feet of headroom, or remove deck skirting to acquire access.O. determine proper footing depth or frostline.P. verify proper footing size.Q. perform pick tests.R. perform or provide any architectural or engineering service.S. use a level or plumb bob.T. use a moisture meter.U. predict service-life expectancy.V. verify compliance with permits, codes or formal standards.W. inspect for disabled persons' accessibility barriers.X. determine if a deck blocks, covers or hinders septic tank or plumbing access.Y. determine easement-encroachment compliance.6.5.4 Basement, Foundation and CrawlspaceI. The inspector should inspect:
A. the basement;
B. the foundation;
C. the crawlspace;
D. the visible structural components;E. and report on the location of under-floor access openings;
F. and report any present conditions or clear indications of active water penetration observed by the inspector;G. for wood in contact with or near soil;H. and report any general indications of foundation movement that are observed by the inspector, such as, but not limited to: sheetrock cracks, brick cracks, out-of-square door frames, or floor slopes;I. and report on any cutting, notching or boring of framing members that may present a structural or safety concern.II. The inspector is not required to:
A. enter any crawlspaces that are not readily accessible, or where entry could cause damage or pose a hazard to the inspector.
B. move stored items or debris.
C. operate sump pumps.
D. identify size, spacing, span or location, or determine the adequacy of foundation bolting, bracing, joists, joist spans or support systems.
E. perform or provide any engineering or architectural service.
F. report on the adequacy of any structural system or component.6.5.5 Heating and VentilationI. The inspector should inspect:
A. multiple gas meter installations, such as a building with multiple tenant spaces, and verify that each meter is clearly and permanently identified with the respective space supplied;B. the heating systems using normal operating controls, and describe the energy source and heating method;
C. and report as in need of repair heating systems that do not operate;
D. and report if the heating systems are deemed inaccessible;E. and verify that a permanent means of access, with permanent ladders and/or catwalks, are present for equipment and appliances on roofs higher than 16 feet;F. and verify the presence of level service platforms for appliances on roofs with a slope of 25% or greater;G. and verify that luminaire and receptacle outlets are provided at or near the appliance;H. and verify that the system piping appears to be sloped to permit the system to be drained;I. for connectors, tubing and piping that might be installed in a way that exposes them to physical damage;J. wood framing with cutting, notching or boring that might cause a structural or safety issue;K. pipe penetrations in concrete and masonry building elements to verify that they are sleeved;L. exposed gas piping for identification by a yellow label marked "Gas" in black letters occurring at intervals of 5 feet or less;M. and determine if any appliances or equipment with ignition sources are located in public, private, repair or parking garages or fuel-dispensing facilities;N. and verify that fuel-fired appliances are not located in or obtain combustion air from sleeping rooms, bathrooms, storage closets or surgical rooms;O. for the presence of exhaust systems in occupied areas where there is a likelihood of excess heat, odors, fumes, spray, gas, noxious gases or smoke;P. and verify that outdoor air-intake openings are located at least 10 feet away from any hazardous or noxious contaminant sources, such as vents, chimneys, plumbing vents, streets, alleys, parking lots or loading docks;Q. outdoor exhaust outlets for the likelihood that they may cause a public nuisance or fire hazard due to smoke, grease, gases, vapors or odors;R. for the potential of flooding or evidence of past flooding that could cause mold in ductwork or plenums; andS. condensate drains.II. The inspector is not required to:
A. inspect or evaluate interiors of flues or chimneys, fire chambers, heat exchangers, humidifiers, dehumidifiers, electronic air filters, solar heating systems, fuel tanks, safety devices, pressure gauges, or control mechanisms.
B. determine the uniformity, temperature, flow, balance, distribution, size, capacity, BTU, or supply adequacy of the heating system.
C. light or ignite pilot flames.
D. activate heating, heat pump systems, or other heating systems when ambient temperatures or other circumstances are not conducive to safe operation or may damage the equipment.
E. over-ride electronic thermostats.
F. evaluate fuel quality.G. verify thermostat calibration, heat anticipation or automatic setbacks, timers, programs or clocks.H. inspect tenant-owned or tenant-maintained heating equipment.I. determine ventilation rates.J. perform capture and containment tests.K. test for mold.6.5.6 Cooling
I. The inspector should inspect:
A. multiple air-conditioning compressor installations, such as a building with multiple tenant spaces, and verify that each compressor is clearly and permanently identified with the respective space supplied;B. the central cooling equipment using normal operating controls;C. and verify that luminaire and receptacle outlets are provided at or near the appliance;D. and verify that a permanent means of access, with permanent ladders and/or catwalks, are present for equipment and appliances on roofs higher than 16 feet;E. and verify the presence of level service platforms for appliances on roofs with a slope of 25% or greater;F. wood framing with cutting, notching or boring that might cause a structural or safety issue;G. pipe penetrations in concrete and masonry building elements to verify that they are sleeved;H. piping support;I. for connectors, tubing and piping that might be installed in a way that exposes them to physical damage;J. for the potential of flooding or evidence of past flooding that could cause mold in ductwork and plenums; andK. condensate drains.II. The inspector is not required to:
A. inspect or test compressors, condensers, vessels, evaporators, safety devices, pressure gauges, or control mechanisms.B. determine the uniformity, temperature, flow, balance, distribution, size, capacity, BTU, or supply adequacy of the cooling system.
C. inspect window units, through-wall units, or electronic air filters.
D. operate equipment or systems if exterior temperature is below 60° Fahrenheit, or when other circumstances are not conducive to safe operation or may damage the equipment.
E. inspect or determine thermostat calibration, cooling anticipation, or automatic setbacks or clocks.
F. examine electrical current, coolant fluids or gases, or coolant leakage.G. inspect tenant-owned or tenant-maintained cooling equipment.H. test for mold.6.5.7 Plumbing
I. The inspector should inspect:
A. and verify the presence of and identify the location of the main water shut-off valve to each building;B. and verify the presence of a back-flow prevention device if, in the inspector's opinion, a cross-connection could occur between the water-distribution system and non-potable water or private source;
C. the water-heating equipment, including combustion air, venting, connections, energy-source supply systems, and seismic bracing, and verify the presence or absence of temperature-/pressure-relief valves and/or Watts 210 valves;
D. and flush a representative number of toilets;
E. and water-test a representative number of sinks, tubs and showers for functional drainage;F. and verify that hinged shower doors open outward from the shower, and have safety glass-conformance stickers or indicators;
G. the interior water supply, including a representative number of fixtures and faucets;
H. the drain, waste and vent systems, including a representative number of fixtures;
I. and describe any visible fuel-storage systems;
J. and test sump pumps with accessible floats;
K. and describe the water supply, drain, waste and main fuel shut-off valves, as well as the location of the water main and main fuel shut-off valves;
L. and determine whether the water supply is public or private;
M. the water supply by viewing the functional flow in several fixtures operated simultaneously, and report any deficiencies as in need of repair;
N. and report as in need of repair deficiencies in installation and identification of hot and cold faucets;
O. and report as in need of repair mechanical drain stops that are missing or do not operate if installed in sinks, lavatories and tubs;
P. and report as in need of repair commodes that have cracks in the ceramic material, are improperly mounted on the floor, leak, or have tank components that do not operate; andQ. piping support.II. The inspector is not required to:
A. determine the adequacy of the size of pipes, supplies, vents, traps or stacks.B. ignite pilot flames.
C. determine the size, temperature, age, life expectancy or adequacy of the water heater.
D. inspect interiors of flues or chimneys, cleanouts, water-softening or filtering systems, dishwashers, interceptors, separators, sump pumps, well pumps or tanks, safety or shut-off valves, whirlpools, swimming pools, floor drains, lawn sprinkler systems or fire sprinkler systems.
E. determine the exact flow rate, volume, pressure, temperature or adequacy of the water supply.F. verify or test anti-scald devices.
G. determine the water quality, potability or reliability of the water supply or source.
H. open sealed plumbing access panels.
I. inspect clothes washing machines or their connections.
J. operate any main, branch or fixture valve.K. test shower pans, tub and shower surrounds, or enclosures for leakage.
L. evaluate compliance with local or state conservation or energy standards, or the proper design or sizing of any water, waste or venting components, fixtures or piping.
M. determine the effectiveness of anti-siphon, back-flow prevention or drain-stop devices.
N. determine whether there are sufficient cleanouts for effective cleaning of drains.
O. evaluate gas, liquid propane or oil-storage tanks.
P. inspect any private sewage waste-disposal system or component within such a system.Q. inspect water-treatment systems or water filters.
R. inspect water-storage tanks, pressure pumps, ejector pumps, or bladder tanks.S. evaluate wait time for hot water at fixtures, or perform testing of any kind on water-heater elements.T. evaluate or determine the adequacy of combustion air.U. test, operate, open or close safety controls, manual stop valves, or temperature- or pressure-relief valves.V. examine ancillary systems or components, such as, but not limited to, those relating to solar water heating or hot-water circulation.W. determine the presence or condition of polybutylene plumbing.6.5.8 Electrical
I. The inspector should inspect:
A. the service drop/lateral;
B. the meter socket enclosures;C. the service-entrance conductors, and report on any noted deterioration of the conductor insulation or cable sheath;D. the means for disconnecting the service main;E. the service-entrance equipment, and report on any noted physical damage, overheating or corrosion;
F. and determine the rating of the service disconnect amperage, if labeled;
G. panelboards and over-current devices, and report on any noted physical damage, overheating, corrosion, or lack of accessibility or working space (minimum 30 inches wide, 36 inches deep, and 78 inches high in front of panel) that would hamper safe operation, maintenance or inspection;H. and report on any unused circuit-breaker panel openings that are not filled;I. and report on absent or poor labeling;
J. the service grounding and bonding;K. a representative number of switches, lighting fixtures and receptacles, including receptacles observed and deemed to be AFCI-protected using the AFCI test button, where possible. Although a visual inspection, the removal of faceplates or other covers or luminaires (fixtures) to identify suspected hazards is permitted;L. and report on any noted missing or damaged faceplates or box covers;M. and report on any noted open junction boxes or open wiring splices;N. and report on any noted switches and receptacles that are painted;O. and test all ground-fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) receptacles and GFCI circuit breakers observed and deemed to be GFCIs using a GFCI tester, where possible;P. and report the presence of solid-conductor aluminum branch-circuit wiring, if readily visible;Q. and report on any tested GFCI receptacles in which power was not present, polarity was incorrect, the cover was not in place, the GFCI devices were not installed properly or did not operate properly, any evidence of arcing or excessive heat, or where the receptacle was not grounded or was not secured to the wall;R. and report the absence of smoke detectors;S. and report on the presence of flexible cords being improperly used as substitutes for the fixed wiring of a structure or running through walls, ceilings, floors, doorways, windows, or under carpets.II. The inspector is not required to:
A. insert any tool, probe or device into the main panelboard, sub-panels, distribution panelboards, or electrical fixtures.
B. operate electrical systems that are shut down.
C. remove panelboard cabinet covers or dead fronts if they are not readily accessible.D. operate over-current protection devices.
E. operate non-accessible smoke detectors.
F. measure or determine the amperage or voltage of the main service equipment, if not visibly labeled.
G. inspect the fire or alarm system and components.
H. inspect the ancillary wiring or remote-control devices.
I. activate any electrical systems or branch circuits that are not energized.
J. operate or reset overload devices.
K. inspect low-voltage systems, electrical de-icing tapes, swimming pool wiring, or any time-controlled devices.
L. verify the service ground.
M. inspect private or emergency electrical supply sources, including, but not limited to: generators, windmills, photovoltaic solar collectors, or the battery- or electrical-storage facility.
N. inspect spark or lightning arrestors.O. inspect or test de-icing equipment.
P. conduct voltage-drop calculations.
Q. determine the accuracy of labeling.R. inspect tenant-owned equipment.S. inspect the condition of or determine the ampacity of extension cords.6.5.9 Fireplaces
I. The inspector should inspect:
A. fireplaces, and open and close the damper doors, if readily accessible and operable;
B. hearth extensions and other permanently installed components;
C. and report as in need of repair deficiencies in the lintel, hearth or material surrounding the fireplace, including clearance from combustible materials.II. The inspector is not required to:
A. inspect the flue or vent system.
B. inspect the interior of chimneys or flues, fire doors or screens, seals or gaskets, or mantels.C. determine the need for a chimney sweep.
D. operate gas fireplace inserts.
E. light pilot flames.
F. inspect automatic fuel-feed devices.
G. inspect combustion and/or make-up air devices.
H. inspect heat-distribution assists, whether gravity-controlled or fan-assisted.
I. ignite or extinguish fires.
J. determine draft characteristics.
K. move fireplace inserts, stoves or firebox contents.
L. determine the adequacy of drafts, perform a smoke test, or dismantle or remove any fireplace component.M. perform an NFPA inspection.N. perform a Phase I fireplace and chimney inspection.O. determine the appropriateness of any installation.6.5.10 Attic Ventilation and Insulation
I. The inspector should inspect:
A. the insulation in unfinished spaces;
B. the ventilation of attic spaces;
C. mechanical ventilation systems;
D. and report on the general absence or lack of insulation.II. The inspector is not required to:
A. enter the attic or any unfinished spaces that are not readily accessible, or where entry could cause damage or pose a safety hazard to the inspector, in his or her opinion.
B. move, touch or disturb insulation.
C. move, touch or disturb vapor retarders.
D. break or otherwise damage the surface finish or weather seal on or around access panels or covers.
E. identify the composition or exact R-value of insulation material.
F. activate thermostatically operated fans.
G. determine the types of materials used in insulation or wrapping of pipes, ducts, jackets, boilers or wiring.H. determine the adequacy of ventilation.6.5.11 Doors, Windows and Interior
I. The inspector should:
A. open and close a representative number of doors and windows;
B. inspect the walls, ceilings, steps, stairways and railings;
C. inspect garage doors and garage door-openers;D. inspect interior steps, stairs and railings;E. inspect all loading docks;F. ride all elevators and escalators;G. and report as in need of repair any windows that are obviously fogged or display other evidence of broken seals.II. The inspector is not required to:
A. inspect paint, wallpaper, window treatments or finish treatments.
B. inspect central-vacuum systems.
C. inspect safety glazing.
D. inspect security systems or components.
E. evaluate the fastening of countertops, cabinets, sink tops or fixtures, or firewall compromises.
F. move furniture, stored items, or any coverings, such as carpets or rugs, in order to inspect the concealed floor structure.
G. move drop-ceiling tiles.
H. inspect or move any appliances.I. inspect or operate equipment housed in the garage, except as otherwise noted.
J. verify or certify safe operation of any auto-reverse or related safety function of a garage door.
K. operate or evaluate any security bar-release and opening mechanisms, whether interior or exterior, including their compliance with local, state or federal standards.
L. operate any system, appliance or component that requires the use of special keys, codes, combinations or devices.
M. operate or evaluate self-cleaning oven cycles, tilt guards/latches, gauges or signal lights.
N. inspect microwave ovens, or test leakage from microwave ovens.
O. operate or examine any sauna, steam-jenny, kiln, toaster, ice maker, coffee maker, can opener, bread warmer, blender, instant hot-water dispenser, or other ancillary devices.P. inspect elevators.
Q. inspect remote controls.
R. inspect appliances.
S. inspect items not permanently installed.
T. examine or operate any above-ground, movable, freestanding, or otherwise non-permanently installed pool/spa, recreational equipment, or self-contained equipment.
U. come into contact with any pool or spa water in order to determine the system's structure or components.
V. determine the adequacy of a spa's jet water force or bubble effect.
W. determine the structural integrity or leakage of a pool or spa.X. determine combustibility or flammability.Y. inspect tenant-owned equipment or personal property.6.5.12 Life SafetyI. The inspector should:A. inspect fire access roads and report on any obstructions or overhead wires lower than 13 feet and 6 inches;B. inspect the address or street number to determine whether it is visible from the street, with numbers in contrast to their background;C. inspect to determine whether a 3-foot clear space exists around the circumference of fire hydrants;D. verify that hinged shower doors open outward from the shower and have safety glass-conformance stickers or indicators;E. inspect to determine whether the storage of flammable and combustible materials is orderly, separated from heaters by distance or shielding so that ignition cannot occur, and not stored in exits, boiler rooms, mechanical rooms or electrical equipment rooms;F. inspect to determine whether a "No Smoking" sign is posted in areas where flammable or combustible material is stored, dispensed or used;G. inspect for the presence of fire alarm systems;H. inspect for alarm panel accessibility;I. inspect for the presence of portable extinguishers, and determine whether they are located in conspicuous and readily available locations immediately available for use, and not obstructed or obscured from view;J. inspect to determine whether a portable fire extinguisher is stored within a 30-foot travel distance of commercial-type cooking equipment that uses cooking oil or animal fat;K. inspect to determine whether manual-actuation devices for commercial cooking appliances exist near the means of egress from the cooking area, 42 to 48 inches above the floor and 10 and 20 feet away, and clearly identifying the hazards protected;L. inspect to determine whether the maximum travel distance to a fire extinguisher is 75 feet;M. inspect for the presence of sprinkler systems, and determine if they were ever painted other than at the factory;N. inspect for the presence of emergency lighting systems;O. inspect for exit signs at all exits, and inspect for independent power sources, such as batteries;P. inspect for the presence of directional signs where an exit location is not obvious;Q. inspect for the presence of signs over lockable exit doors stating: "This Door Must Remain Unlocked During Business Hours";R. inspect for penetrations in any walls or ceilings that separate the exit corridors or stairwells from the rest of the building;S. inspect for fire-separation doors that appear to have been blocked or wedged open, or that do not automatically close and latch;T. inspect exit stairwell handrails;U. inspect for exit trip hazards;V. inspect for the presence of at least two exits to the outside, or one exit that has a maximum travel distance of 75 feet;W. inspect exit doorways to determine whether they are less than 32 inches in clear width;X. inspect to determine whether the exit doors were locked from the inside, chained, bolted, barred, latched or otherwise rendered unusable at the time of the inspection;Y. inspect to determine whether the exit doors swing open in the direction of egress travel; andZ. inspect the storage to determine if it is potentially obstructing access to fire hydrants, fire extinguishers, alarm panels or electric panelboards, or if it is obstructing aisles, corridors, stairways or exit doors, or if it is within 18 inches of sprinkler heads, or if it is within 3 feet of heat-generating appliances or electrical panelboards.II. The inspector is not required to:A. test alarm systems, or determine if alarms systems have been tested.B. inspect or test heat detectors, fire-suppression systems, or sprinkler systems.C. determine the combustibility or flammability of materials in storage.D. determine the adequate number of fire extinguishers needed, or their ratings.E. test or inspect fire extinguishers, their pressure, or for the presence of extinguisher inspection tags or tamper seals.F. inspect or test fire pumps or fire department connections.G. inspect or test cooking equipment suppression systems.H. determine the operational time of emergency lighting or exit signs.I. inspect for proper occupant load signs.J. determine fire ratings of walls, ceilings, doors, etc.K. inspect, test or determine the adequacy of fire escapes or ladders.L. inspect fire department lock boxes or keys.M. determine the flame resistance of curtains or draperies.N. inspect parking or outdoor lighting.O. inspect for unauthorized entry or crime issues.P. inspect or test security systems.Q. inspect for pet or livestock safety issues.R. inspect for unsafe candle use or decoration hazards.S. inspect or test emergency generators.T. test kitchen equipment, appliances or hoods.U. verify that elevator keys exist, or that they work properly.6.5.13 Cooking AreaI. The inspector should:A. verify that all smoke- or grease-laden, vapor-producing cooking equipment, such as deep-fat fryers, ranges, griddles, broilers and woks, is equipped with an exhaust system;B. inspect for the accessibility for cleaning and inspection of the exhaust system's interior surface;C. inspect for grease buildup;D. verify that hoods are made of steel or stainless steel;E. verify that visible grease filters are arranged so that all exhaust air passes through them;F. verify that visible sections of exhaust ducts are not interconnected with any other ventilation system;G. verify that visual sections of exhaust ducts are installed without dips or traps that might collect residue;H. verify that exhaust ducts do not appear to pass through firewalls;I. try to verify that exhaust ducts lead directly to the exterior of the building;J. try to verify that exterior exhaust outlets do not discharge into walkways, or create a nuisance, in the opinion of the inspector;K. inspect to determine that a portable fire extinguisher is stored within a 30-foot travel distance of commercial-type cooking equipment that uses cooking oil or animal fat; andL. inspect to determine that manual-actuation devices for commercial cooking appliances exist near the means of egress from the cooking area, 42 and 48 inches above the floor and 10 to 20 feet away, and clearly identifying the hazards protected.II. The inspector is not required to:A. determine proper clearances.B. determine proper hood size or position.C. test hoods.D. test exhaust fans or dampers, or measure air flow.E. test fire extinguishers, fire-extinguishing equipment, or fusible links.F. test kitchen equipment, appliances, hoods or their gauges.G. inspect or test grease-removal devices, drip trays or grease filters.H. inspect or test air pollution-control devices or fume incinerators.I. inspect or test kitchen refrigeration.J. inspect for fuel-storage issues.K. inspect, test or determine anything regarding food safety.L. issue an opinion regarding cooking operating procedures.
7.1 FormatThe report must be in writing. This Standard does not require any one particular format. It is the opinion of InterNACHI-CCPIA that the commercial inspection industry and consumer clients are best served when inspectors are free to compete through report-generation innovation.7.2 DateThe report should be dated on the first page.7.3 Inspection Firm InformationThe report should include the name and contact information of the inspection firm on the first or second page.7.4 Property AddressThe report should include the address of the property inspected, or a description of the real estate sufficient for identification, on the first or second page.7.5 Total Number of PagesThe report should indicate the total number of pages and attachments on the first page.7.6 BrevityReports should be concise, to-the-point, and avoid the inclusion of large amounts of pre-printed material.7.7 LegibilityReports should be typed or handwritten clearly.7.8 Opinions of Shut-Down SystemsThe inspector should still try to render an opinion of the condition of systems even if they were shut down or were not operational at the time of the walk-through survey.7.9 ObsolescenceThe client should only rely on the inspection report at the point in time that the inspector's observations were being made and research was being conducted. The client should deem the report as obsolete to some extent, even while it is being prepared.7.10 Site-SpecificThe client should understand that an inspection performed in accordance with this Standard only relates to the observations made and research conducted. Consequently, this Standard does not address issues such as business operations at the subject property, deed encumbrances, neighborhood conditions, etc.7.11 Multiple BuildingsAn inspection report produced in accordance with this Standard may encompass more than one building within a single report.7.12 Cost to RemedyThe inspector is not required to provide repair estimates or opinions of costs to remedy. The inspector may offer opinions about such costs as a courtesy, but the offering of these opinions is outside the scope of a commercial inspection.
8. Limitations, Exceptions and Exclusions
8.1. Limitations:
I. An inspection is not technically exhaustive.
II. An inspection will not identify concealed or latent defects.
III. An inspection will not deal with aesthetic concerns or what could be deemed matters of taste, cosmetic defects, etc.
IV. An inspection will not determine the suitability of the property for any use.
V. An inspection does not determine the market value of the property, or its marketability.VI. An inspection does not determine the insurability of the property.
VII. An inspection does not determine the advisability or inadvisability of the purchase of the inspected property.VIII. An inspection does not determine the life expectancy of the property, or any components or systems therein.IX. An inspection does not include items not permanently installed.
X. These Standards of Practice apply only to commercial properties.8.2. Exclusions:I. The inspector is not required to determine:
A. property boundary lines or encroachments.
B. the condition of any component or system that is not readily accessible.
C. the service-life expectancy of any component or system.
D. the size, capacity, BTU, performance or efficiency of any component or system.
E. the cause or reason of any condition.
F. the cause of the need for repair or replacement of any system or component.
G. future conditions.
H. the compliance with codes or regulations.
I. the presence of evidence of rodents, birds, bats, animals, insects, or other pests.
J. the presence of mold, mildew, fungus or toxic drywall.
K. the presence of airborne hazards.
L. the presence of birds.
M. the presence of other flora or fauna.
N. the air quality.
O. the presence of asbestos.
P. the presence of environmental hazards.
Q. the presence of electromagnetic fields.
R. the presence of hazardous materials including, but not limited to, the presence of lead in paint.
S. any hazardous-waste conditions.
T. any manufacturers' recalls, or conformance with manufacturers' installations, or any information included for consumer-protection purposes.
U. operating costs of systems.
V. replacement or repair cost estimates.
W. the acoustical properties of any systems.
X. estimates of the cost of operating any given system.Y. resistance to wind, hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes or seismic activities.Z. geological conditions or soil stability.AA. compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act.II. The inspector is not required to operate:
A. any system that is shut down.
B. any system that does not function properly.
C. or evaluate low-voltage electrical systems, such as, but not limited to:
- phone lines;
- cable lines;
- antennae;
- lights; or
- remote controls.
D. any system that does not turn on with the use of normal operating controls.
E. any shut off-valves or manual stop valves.
F. any electrical disconnect or over-current protection devices.
G. any alarm systems.
H. moisture meters, gas detectors or similar equipment.I. sprinkler or fire-suppression systems.III. The inspector is not required to:
A. move any personal items or other obstructions, such as, but not limited to:
1. throw rugs;
2. furniture;
3. floor or wall coverings;
4. ceiling tiles;
5. window coverings;
6. equipment;
7. plants;
8. ice;
9. debris;
10. snow;
11. water;
12. dirt;
13. foliage; or
14. pets.B. dismantle, open or uncover any system or component.
C. enter or access any area that may, in the opinion of the inspector, be unsafe.
D. enter crawlspaces or other areas that are unsafe or not readily accessible.
E. inspect or determine the presence of underground items, such as, but not limited to, underground storage tanks, whether abandoned or actively used.
F. do anything which, in the inspector's opinion, is likely to be unsafe or dangerous to the inspector or others, or may damage property, such as, but not limited to, walking on roof surfaces, climbing ladders, entering attic spaces, or interacting with pets or livestock.
G. inspect decorative items.
H. inspect common elements or areas in multi-unit housing.
I. inspect intercoms, speaker systems, radio-controlled, security devices, or lawn-irrigation systems.J. offer guarantees or warranties.
K. offer or perform any engineering services.
L. offer or perform any trade or professional service other than commercial property inspection.
M. research the history of the property, or report on its potential for alteration, modification, extendibility or suitability for a specific or proposed use for occupancy.
N. determine the age of construction or installation of any system, structure or component of a building, or differentiate between original construction and subsequent additions, improvements, renovations or replacements thereto.
O. determine the insurability of a property.P. perform or offer Phase 1 environmental audits.Q. inspect or report on any system or component that is not included in these Standards.
Inspectors performing inspections in accordance with this Standard must maintain a high level of business ethics.
9.1 Duty to the Client
9.1.1 The inspector shall be fair, honest, impartial, and act in good faith in all his/her dealings with clients and prospective clients.
9.1.2 The inspector-member shall be truthful regarding his/her services and qualifications.
9.1.3 The inspector shall always act in the best interests of the client, unless doing so violates a law or statute.
9.1.4 The inspector shall not communicate any information about a client or his/her inspection to anyone else without the client’s prior written consent, except when the information may affect the safety of others, or when failure to communicate the information would violate a law or statute.
9.2 Scope of Work
9.2.1 The inspector shall use a written Scope of Work Agreement that specifies the services to be performed, the limitations of services, and fees.
9.2.2 The inspector shall substantially follow this Standard unless the Scope of Work indicates otherwise.
9.3 Conflicts of Interest
9.3.1 The inspector shall have no undisclosed conflict of interest with the client.
9.3.2 The inspector may not accept or offer undisclosed commissions, rebates, profits or other benefit from real estate agents, brokers or any third parties having financial interest in the sale of the property or the outcome of an inspection.
9.3.3 The inspector may not offer or provide any financial compensation directly or indirectly to any real estate agent, real estate broker, or real estate company for referrals or for inclusion on lists of preferred and/or affiliated inspectors or inspection companies.
9.3.4 The inspector shall not perform or offer to perform, for an additional fee, any repairs or repair-associated services to the structure for which the inspector or inspector's company has prepared a commercial inspection report for a period of 12 months. This provision shall not include services to components and/or systems that are not included in the Scope of Work.
9.4 Duty to the Public and Profession
9.4.1 The inspector shall not engage in any practices that could be damaging to the client, or bring discredit to InterNACHI®, CCPIA, or the inspection industry.
9.4.2 The inspector shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, familial status, or handicap, and shall comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws concerning discrimination.
9.4.3 The inspector shall comply with all governmental rules and licensing requirements in the jurisdiction where he/she conducts business.
This is an Agreement between you, the undersigned Client,
and us, the Inspector, pertaining to our inspection of the building at:
__________________________________________________________________________________________. The terms below govern this Agreement.
1. The fee for our inspection is $__________, payable [in full / in part at $ _______________] at a time [before / after] the appointment.
2. We will perform a visual inspection of the building and provide you with a written report identifying the defects that we (1) observed and (2) deemed material. The report is only supplementary to the seller’s disclosure.
3. Unless otherwise noted in this Agreement or not possible, we will perform the inspection in accordance with the current International Standards of Practice for Inspecting Commercial Properties (ComSOP) of the International Association of Certified Home Inspectors (InterNACHI) and the Certified Commercial Property Inspectors Association (CCPIA). If your jurisdiction has adopted mandatory standards that differ from InterNACHI-CCPIA’s ComSOP, we will perform the inspection in accordance with your jurisdiction’s standards. You understand that InterNACHI-CCPIA’s ComSOP contains limitations, exceptions, and exclusions. You understand that neither InterNACHI nor CCPIA is a party to this Agreement, has no control over us, and does not employ or supervise us.
4. Unless otherwise indicated in writing, we will not test for the presence of radon, a harmful gas. Unless otherwise indicated in writing, we will not test for mold. Unless otherwise indicated in writing, we will not test for compliance with applicable building codes or for the presence of or for any potential dangers arising from the presence of asbestos, lead paint, soil contamination, or other environmental hazards or violations. If any structure you want us to inspect is a log structure or includes log construction, you understand that such structures have unique characteristics that may make it impossible for us to inspect and evaluate them. Therefore, the scope of our inspection will not include decay of the interior of logs in log walls, log foundations or roofs, or similar defects.
5. Our inspection and report are for your use only. You must give us permission to discuss our observations with real estate agents, owners, repair persons, or other interested parties. You will be the sole owner of the report and all rights to it. We are not responsible for its use or misinterpretation by third parties, and third parties who rely on it in any way do so at their own risk and release us (including employees and business entities) from any liability whatsoever. If you or any person acting on your behalf provide the report to a third party who then sues you and/or us, you release us from any liability and agree to pay our costs and legal fees in defending any action naming us. Our inspection and report are in no way a guarantee or warranty, express or implied, regarding the future use, operability, habitability or suitability of the building or its components. We disclaim all warranties, express or implied, to the fullest extent allowed by law.
6. LIMITATION ON LIABILITY AND DAMAGES. We assume no liability for the cost of repair or replacement of unreported defects, either current or arising in the future. In all cases, our liability is limited to liquidated damages in an amount not greater than 1.5 times the fee you paid us. You waive any claim for consequential, exemplary, special or incidental damages, or for the loss of the use of the building. You acknowledge that these liquidated damages are not a penalty, but that we intend them to: (i) reflect the fact that actual damages may be difficult or impractical to ascertain; (ii) allocate risk between us; and (iii) enable us to perform the inspection for the agreed-upon fee. If you wish to eliminate this liquidated damages provision, we are willing to perform the inspection for an increased fee of $_________, payable in advance.
7. We do not perform engineering, architectural, plumbing, or any other job function requiring an occupational license in the jurisdiction where the building is located. If we hold a valid occupational license, we may inform you of this and you may hire us to perform additional functions. Any agreement for such additional services shall be in a separate writing.
8. If you believe you have a claim against us, you agree to provide us with the following: (1) written notification of your claim within seven days of discovery, in sufficient detail and with sufficient supporting documents that we can evaluate it; and (2) immediate access to the premises. Failure to comply with these conditions releases us from liability.
9. You agree that the exclusive venue for any litigation arising out of this Agreement shall be in the county where we have our principal place of business. If you fail to prove any claim against us, you agree to pay all our legal costs, expenses and attorney’s fees incurred in defending that claim. You agree that the exclusive venue for any legal action against InterNACHI-CCPIA itself, allegedly arising out of this Agreement or our membership in InterNACHI-CCPIA, will be in Boulder County, Colorado. Before bringing any such action, you must provide InterNACHI-CCPIA with 30 days’ written notice of the nature of the claim, in sufficient detail and with sufficient supporting documents that InterNACHI can evaluate it. In any action against us or InterNACHI-CCPIA, you waive trial by jury.
10. If a court declares any provision of this
Agreement invalid, the remaining provisions remain in effect. This Agreement represents our entire
agreement; there are no terms other than those set forth herein. All prior discussions are merged into this
Agreement. No statement or promise by us
shall be binding unless reduced to writing and signed by one of our authorized
officers. Any modification of this
Agreement must be in writing and signed by you and by one of our authorized
officers. This Agreement shall be binding upon and enforceable by the parties
and their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assignees. You will have no cause of action against us
after one year from the date of the inspection.
11. Past-due fees for your inspection shall accrue interest at 8% per year. You agree to pay all costs and attorney’s fees we incur in collecting the fees owed to us. If the Client is a corporation, LLC, or similar entity, you represent that the entity is solvent and has the present ability and intent to pay pursuant to this Agreement. The person signing for the entity personally guarantees payment of all fees owed to us.
12. If you request a re-inspection, the re-inspection is subject to the terms of this Agreement.
13. You may not assign this Agreement.
14. If a court finds any term of this Agreement ambiguous or requiring judicial interpretation, the court shall not construe that term against us by reason of the rule that any ambiguity in a document is construed against the party drafting it. You had the opportunity to consult qualified counsel before signing this.
15. If there is more than one Client, you are signing on behalf of all of them, and you represent that you are authorized to do so.
16. If you would like a large-print version of this Agreement before signing it, you may request one by emailing us.
EXHIBIT ASCOPE OF WORKUnder this Agreement, and as part of this basic commercial building inspection, INSPECTOR and CLIENT agree that the following elements shall be inspected pursuant to the noted limitations:________________________________________________________________________________________
Thank you for having INSPECTOR FIRM inspect the property at COMMERCIAL PROPERTY ADDRESS.
On the day of the walk-through survey scheduled for DATE OF WALK-THROUGH SURVEY, I will be doing some research, including the review of documents and the performing of interviews, to augment the information obtained during the walk-through survey, and to provide supporting documentation to the inspection report.
In preparation of the walk-through survey portion of the inspection, please have the seller provide me copies of as many of the following documents as can be reasonably procured:
- accessibility surveys;
- appraisals;
- building plans;
- Certificates of Occupancy;
- citations;
- deck age records, plans and construction permits;
- deck and balcony maintenance, power-washing, painting, treating, repair and modification history;
- emergency evacuation plans;
- environmental studies;
- evacuation drill records;
- fire-detection test and maintenance records;
- fire-door inspection reports;
- fire-prevention plans;
- fire-extinguisher service records;
- fire records;
- flame-resistant certificates;
- floodplain maps;
- floor plans;
- kitchen grease-cleaning records;
- kitchen post-fire inspections;
- maintenance records;
- manufacturers' installation instructions;
- notices;
- permits;
- power-washing records;
- previous inspection reports;
- proposals;
- rent records;
- repair estimates and/or invoices;
- safety inspection records;
- seller disclosures;
- sprinkler-head replacement records;
- utility bills; and
- warranties.
I would also like to interview the person(s) with the most knowledge about the condition of the building. Please arrange to have such person(s) on hand on the day of the walk-through survey.
Thank you.
12. InterNACHI-CCPIA Walk-Through Agreement
This is an Agreement between you, the undersigned Client, and us, the Inspector, pertaining to our Walk-Through of the Building at:
_____________________________________________________________________________________. The terms below govern this Agreement.1. The fee for our Walk-Through is $________________, payable [in full / in part at $ ________________] at a time [before / after] the Walk-Through.
2. We will perform a visual Walk-Through of the home/building and provide you with oral comments summarizing our observations. A WALK-THROUGH IS NOT A COMMERCIAL BUILDING INSPECTION. We will NOT follow the International Standards of Practice for Inspecting Commercial Properties (ComSOP), or any state laws pertaining to building inspections. Our comments will be nothing more than a subjective summary of our initial observations during the Walk-Through. You may hire us to perform a commercial building inspection by signing a separate agreement with us. You understand that neither InterNACHI nor CCPIA is a party to this Agreement, has no control over us, and does not employ or supervise us.
3. We will not test for the presence of radon, a harmful gas. We will not test for mold. We will not test for compliance with applicable building codes or for the presence of (or for any potential dangers arising from the presence of) asbestos, lead paint, soil contamination, or other environmental hazards or violations.
4. Our Walk-Through and any comments are for your use only. We are not responsible for the use or misinterpretation by third parties, and third parties who rely on our comments in any way do so at their own risk, and release us (including employees and business entities) from any liability whatsoever. If you or any person acting on your behalf provide our comments to a third party who then sues you and/or us, you release us from any liability and agree to pay our costs and legal fees in defending any action naming us. Our Walk-Through and comments are in no way a guarantee or warranty, express or implied, regarding the future use, operability, habitability, or suitability of the home/building or its components. We disclaim all warranties, express or implied, to the fullest extent allowed by law.
5. Limitation on Damages. We assume no liability for the cost of repair or replacement of unreported defects, either current or arising in the future. In all cases, our liability is limited to liquidated damages in an amount not greater than the fee you paid us. You waive any claim for consequential, exemplary, special or incidental damages, or for the loss of the use of the building. You acknowledge that these liquidated damages are not a penalty, but that we intend them to: (i) reflect the fact that actual damages may be difficult or impractical to ascertain; (ii) allocate risk between us; and (iii) enable us to perform the Walk-Through for the agreed-upon fee because you did not want to incur the additional costs a commercial inspection would require.
6. We do not perform engineering, architectural, plumbing, or any other job function requiring an occupational license in the jurisdiction where the building is located. If we hold a valid occupational license, we may inform you of this and you may hire us to perform additional functions. Any agreement for such additional services shall be in a separate writing.
7. Waiver of Right to Sue. Because of the extremely limited nature of our Walk-Through, you waive any right to sue us under any negligence theory. As long as we perform the Walk-Through, you also waive any right to sue us for breach of contract. If you nevertheless believe you have a claim against us, you agree to provide us with the following: (i) written notification of your claim within seven days of discovery, in sufficient detail and with sufficient supporting documents that we can evaluate it; and (ii) immediate access to the premises. Failure to comply with these conditions releases us from liability.
8. Venue / Attorney’s Fees / Waiver of Trial by Jury. You agree that the exclusive venue for any litigation arising out of this Agreement shall be in the county where we have our principal place of business. If you fail to prove any claim against us, you agree to pay all our legal costs, expenses and attorney’s fees incurred in defending that claim. You agree that the exclusive venue for any legal action against InterNACHI-CCPIA itself, allegedly arising out of this Agreement or our membership in InterNACHI-CCPIA, will be in Boulder County, Colorado. Before bringing any such action, you must provide InterNACHI-CCPIA with 30 days’ written notice of the nature of the claim, in sufficient detail and with sufficient supporting documents that InterNACHI-CCPIA can evaluate it. In any action against us or InterNACHI-CCPIA, you waive trial by jury.
9. If a court declares any provision of this Agreement invalid, the remaining provisions remain in effect. This Agreement represents our entire agreement; there are no terms other than those set forth herein. All prior discussions are merged into this Agreement. No statement or promise by us shall be binding unless reduced to writing and signed by one of our authorized officers. Any modification of this Agreement must be in writing and signed by you and by one of our authorized officers. This Agreement shall be binding upon and enforceable by the parties and their heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assignees. You will have no cause of action against us after one year from the date of the Walk-Through.
10. Past-due fees for our Walk-Through shall accrue interest at 8% per year. You agree to pay all costs and attorney’s fees we incur in collecting the fees owed to us. If the Client is a corporation, LLC, or similar entity, you personally guarantee payment of the fee.11. You may not assign this Agreement.
12. If a court finds any term of this Agreement ambiguous or requiring judicial interpretation, the court shall not construe that term against us by reason of the rule that any ambiguity in a document is construed against the party drafting it. You had the opportunity to consult qualified counsel before signing this.
13. If there is more than one Client, you are signing on behalf of all of them, and you represent that you are authorized to do so.
14. If you would like a large-print version of this Agreement before signing it, you may request one by emailing us.
This is an Agreement (“Agreement”) between you, the property owner (“Owner, “You,” “Your”), and us, the Inspector (“Us,” “We,” “Our,” “Inspector”) pertaining to your construction project (“Project”) at the property described below (“Property”). This Agreement refers to you and us collectively as “the parties.” The parties agree as follows:
1. Property. You own the Property. The Property is commonly known as [address]: _____________________________________________________________________________.
2. Project. The Project consists of (summarize the Project, e.g., new construction, remodel, etc.):
3. The Contractor. You have hired [Contractor] ___________________________ as the general contractor for the project.
4. Oversight. You want us to oversee the Contractor on the project. Our oversight will consist of only the following services (“Services”):
These are the only Services we will provide. Any agreement for additional services must be in writing and signed by both parties. We do not perform engineering, architectural, plumbing, or any other job function requiring an occupational license in the jurisdiction where the property is located.
5. Our Fee. You will pay us for our Services as follows:
□ You will pay us $_________ per hour for our Services. We may invoice you each time we perform Services under this Agreement. You will pay us within ten days of the date of the invoice. You have given us a deposit of $_________ to be applied against our fee.
□ You will pay us a flat fee of $_________ for our Services. You have given us a deposit of $_________ to be applied against our fee. You will pay the remainder within 10 days of our invoice.
6. Disclaimer of Warranties. We will exercise reasonable care in the performance of our Services, but we make no promises or warranties concerning the quality of your Contractor’s work. We disclaim all warranties, express or implied, to the fullest extent the law allows.
7. Limitation on Damages. You agree that, in all cases, our liability shall be limited to liquidated damages in an amount not greater than the fee you paid us. You waive any claim for consequential, exemplary, special or incidental damages, or for the loss of the use of the home/building. You acknowledge that the liquidated damages are not a penalty, but that we intend them to: (i) reflect the fact that actual damages may be difficult and impractical to ascertain; (ii) allocate risk between us; and (iii) enable us to provide the Services for the agreed-upon fee.
8. Claims Procedures. If you believe you have a claim against us, you agree to provide us with the following: (1) written notification of your claim within seven days of discovery, with sufficient supporting documentation that we may intelligently evaluate it; and (2) immediate access to the Property. Failure to comply with these conditions releases us from all liability.
9. Mediation. If we receive your claim and are unable to resolve it, you agree to participate in non-binding mediation with us, with each party to pay half the mediator’s fees. If we cannot agree on a mediator, you agree that the president of the local bar association in the county where the Property is located may appoint the mediator, and both parties release that person from any liability for doing so. You must participate in mediation before filing suit against us or any person acting on our behalf.
10. Venue / Waiver of Jury / Attorney’s Fees. You agree that any litigation arising out of this Agreement shall be filed only in the Court having jurisdiction in the County where we have our principal place of business. The parties waive trial by jury. In any such action, the court shall award the prevailing party attorney’s fees and costs. You understand that neither the International Association of Certified Home Inspectors (InterNACHI) nor the Certified Commercial Property Inspectors Association (CCPIA) supervises us and has no control over us. If you nevertheless file suit against InterNACHI-CCPIA or any of its officers, directors, or employees, any such action must be brought only in the District Court of Boulder County, Colorado. Before bringing any such action, you must provide InterNACHI-CCPIA with 30 days’ written notice of the nature of the claim, with sufficient supporting documentation that InterNACHI-CCPIA may intelligently evaluate it. The waiver of jury and attorney’s provisions in this paragraph shall also apply in any such action.
11. Invalidity. If a court declares any provision of this Agreement invalid, the remaining provisions remain in effect.
12. Entire Agreement. This Agreement represents our entire agreement; there are no terms or promises other than those set forth in this Agreement. No statement or promise by us shall be binding unless reduced to writing and signed by one of our authorized officers.
13. Modification. Any modification of this Agreement must be in writing and signed by both parties.
14. Binding on Successors. This Agreement is binding on the successors of the parties.
15. Assignment. You may not assign this Agreement without our written consent.
16. Ambiguity. If a court finds any term of this Agreement ambiguous, or that it otherwise requires judicial interpretation, the court shall not construe that term against us by reason of the rule that any ambiguity in a document is construed against the party drafting it. You had the opportunity to consult qualified counsel before signing this Agreement.
17. Events Beyond Our Control. We will not be liable for failing to perform any obligation under this Agreement if unforeseeable events beyond our control prevent performance.
18. Authority. If there is more than one owner of the Property, you are signing on behalf of all of them, and you represent that you are authorized to do so.
Owner’s Signature (Date)
This is an addendum to the Commercial Inspection Agreement regarding the inspection at: _______________________________________________________________________.Thermal imaging is a technology that allows the InterNACHI-CCPIA INSPECTOR to show you things about a building that no one can show you using other inspection methods. Thermal imaging produces images of invisible heat energy emitted from objects and systems in the building, and allows us to measure it. Thermal imaging helps to diagnose the problem rather than merely identify symptoms, and can sometimes, but not always, identify and document: electrical faults before they cause a fire; overloaded and undersized circuits; circuit breakers in need of immediate replacement; missing, damaged, and/or wet insulation; heat loss and air infiltration in walls, ceilings, floors, windows and doors; water and moisture intrusion that could lead to mold; possible pest infestation; hidden roof leaks before they cause serious damage; air-conditioner compressor leaks; under-fastening and/or missing framing members; structural defects; broken seals in double-pane windows; energy loss and efficiency; dangerous flue leaks; damaged and/or malfunctioning radiant heating systems; unknown plumbing leaks; and overheated equipment. These color images can then be included in the inspection report, providing supporting documentation to the report. A picture is worth a thousand words.1. CLIENT requests and authorizes INSPECTOR to perform a thermal imaging scan on the structure at __________________________________ for the following purposes: ___________________________________. The fee for this additional service will be $_____________, all of which is due prior to delivery of the thermal images.2. INSPECTOR’s liability for any damages allegedly arising out of any aspect of the thermal-imaging service shall be limited to the additional amount paid for the thermal-imaging scan. CLIENT voluntarily waives any claim for consequential, exemplary or incidental damages to the fullest extent allowed by law.3. The thermal-imaging scan will be limited in scope to the equipment used by INSPECTOR. The inspection will be a non-invasive and non-destructive examination of the visible, safe and readily accessible portions of the interior and/or exterior of the structure for atypical temperature/thermal variations. NO OTHER WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT not LIMITED TO, WARRANTIES REGARDING FUTURE USE, HABITABILITY, OPERABILITY, SUITABILITY OR MERCHANTABILITY, WITH RESPECT TO THE SUBJECT PROPERTY, ARE PROVIDED.4. Thermal imaging services do not include any inspections, examinations, testing or evaluations for harmful, dangerous or toxic substances, materials or environmental hazards, including, but not limited to: mold; bio-aerosols; radon; lead; asbestos; non-biological airborne particulates; contaminants; petroleum products; petrochemicals; radioactive materials; electromagnetic radiation; or plant, animal or insect secretions or excretions. Infrared cameras are not moisture meters but can aid in identifying areas that warrant further investigation. If INSPECTOR offers any information or opinions about any of the foregoing, this information shall be deemed to be informational only and supplied as a courtesy to the CLIENT, and shall not be deemed to be an amendment to this Addendum or the Commercial Inspection Agreement.5. CLIENT agrees to indemnify and hold harmless INSPECTOR, its agents, employees and inspectors for the presence of any harmful, dangerous or toxic substances or materials, or environmental hazards, including, but not limited to, those listed in Part 4 of this addendum, as well as for any and all damages and liability for any mitigation, construction, or any other costs associated with the presence of any such hazards, substances or materials.6. If CLIENT desires to obtain information regarding the presence of any harmful, dangerous or toxic substances, materials or environmental hazards, including, but not limited to, those listed in Part 4 of this addendum, it is solely the responsibility of the CLIENT to contact and engage the services of qualified individuals or companies that specialize in the areas of specific interest or concern.7. All of the other terms of the Commercial Inspection Agreement are incorporated herein by reference.I have carefully read the foregoing and I understand, accept and agree with all of the terms and conditions of this Addendum.______________________________________________CLIENT (Date)
15.1 About This Accessibility Inspection ReportVarious laws around the world require public accommodations to provide goods and services to people with disabilities on an equal basis with the rest of the general public. Businesses benefit from the patronage of all people. Those who own, lease, lease out, or operate places of public accommodation should have as a goal the identification and reduction of physical barriers to this patronage. This inspection report will help identify possible accessibility deficiencies in existing facilities.15.2 Who Must ComplyMost laws regarding accessibility regulate only new construction and remodeling, and do not oblige existing building owners to reduce barriers if such reduction is not readily achievable. This report does not cover all of the possible local, state, provincial or federal requirements regarding accessibility or barrier reduction. The information presented within this report was derived from a visual-only inspection of the property, and is intended solely as informal guidance, and is not a determination of legal rights or responsibilities.15.3 Stand-Alone Inspection Service OptionThis report may be offered in conjunction with a complete commercial property inspection, or offered as a separate, stand-alone inspection service.15.4 The Accessibility Inspection Report____________________Accessibility Inspection ReportKey:Y = Yes. The statement is true and accessibility appears to be adequate.N = No. The statement is false and accessibility appears to be deficient.U = Unknown. Inspector did not determine accessibility.
N/A = Not applicable.1. Parking1.1___There are enough accessible parking spaces (8 feet wide plus 5-foot access aisle).1.2___There is at least one van-accessible parking space (parking space and access aisle combined for a minimum width of 16 feet).
Total number of parking spaces Required number of accessible parking spaces 1 to 25 1 26 to 50 2 51 to 75 3 76 to 100 4 101 to 150 5 151 to 200 6 201 to 300 7 301 to 400 8 401 to 500 9 501 to 1,000 2% of the total number of
parking spaces over 1,000 20, plus 1 for each 100 over 1,0001.3___The accessible parking spaces are marked with the International Symbol of Accessibility.1.4___The accessible parking spaces are the closest spaces to the accessible entrance of the building.1.5___The accessible parking spaces have access aisles that are part of the accessible route to the accessible entrance of the building.2. Route of Travel2.1___There is a route of travel from the accessible parking spaces to the accessible entrance that does not require the use of stairs.2.2___The route of travel is at least 36 inches wide.2.3___The slopes on the route of travel are not greater than 5% (1-inch rise/20-inch run).2.4___The route of travel is stable, firm and slip-resistant.2.5___The curbs on the route of travel include ramped curb-cuts with a width of at least 36 inches.3. Ramps3.1___Ramps longer than 6 feet have railings on both sides.3.2___Railings are sturdy and between 34 and 38 inches high.3.3___Ramps are stable, firm and slip-resistant.3.4___There is a 5-foot-long level landing at the top and bottom of every 30-foot horizontal length of ramp and at every ramp switchback.4. Entrance4.1___The main entrance is accessible, or there is a ramp, lift or alternative accessible entrance.4.2___All inaccessible entrances have signs giving directions to the nearest accessible entrance.4.3___The accessible entrance door has at least 32 inches of clear opening.4.4___The accessible entrance door has at least 24 inches of clear wall space on the pull-side of the door next to the handle, plus at least 60 inches of clear depth. Refer to CCPIA's maneuvering clearance graphics for push-side and side-approach requirements.4.5___The accessible entrance door handle is no higher than 48 inches.4.6___The accessible entrance door handle is operable with a closed fist (accessible to a person with limited use of his/her hands).4.7___The accessible entrance door can be opened without too much force (less than 8½ pounds of force).4.8___The accessible entrance threshold is not a trip hazard or wheelchair barrier (less than a ¼-inch high, or less than ¾-inches high with bevels on both sides).4.9___The automatic door closer (if one exists) on the accessible entrance takes at least three seconds to close the door.5. Interior5.1___The interior carpeting is low-pile and tightly woven.5.2___There are no noted hindrances to a person who uses a cane (items detectable up to 27 inches above the floor, with minimum headroom clearance of at least 80 inches above the floor).5.3___Objects protrude no more than 4 inches from the wall within the hazard zone.5.4___The corridors are at least 36 inches wide.5.5___The corridors have wheelchair-passing spaces at reasonable intervals (less than 200 feet), or intersecting corridors that can be used as passing spaces.5.6___There is wheelchair-maneuvering clearance at doors.6. Drinking Fountains6.1___Where there are two drinking fountains on one floor, at least one is wheelchair-accessible.6.2___The accessible drinking fountain has adequate clear floor space for wheelchair maneuvering.6.3___The accessible drinking fountain has knee clearance of 27 inches measured from the bottom of the apron to the floor's surface.6.4___The accessible drinking fountain has unobstructed toe clearance of 9 inches measured from the bottom of the fountain to the floor's surface.6.5___The spout is located toward the front of the unit and no higher than 36 inches from the floor's surface.7. Restrooms7.1___Public restrooms include at least one fully accessible restroom on an accessible route of travel.7.2___The inaccessible restrooms have signs that give directions to accessible ones.7.3___Pictograms or symbols are used to identify restrooms.7.4___Accessible restroom door handles are no higher than 48 inches.7.5___Accessible restroom door handles are operable with a closed fist (accessible to a person with limited use of his/her hands).7.6___Accessible restroom doors can be opened without too much force (less than 5 pounds of force).7.7___The accessible restroom entry configuration provides adequate maneuvering and turnaround space (60 inches in diameter) for wheelchairs.7.8___The path to all fixtures in the accessible restroom is at least 36 inches wide.7.9___The accessible restroom stall door is operable with a closed fist (accessible to a person with limited use of his/her hands) inside and out.7.10___The accessible restroom has at least one wheelchair-accessible stall that provides adequate maneuvering space for a wheelchair.7.11___The wheelchair-accessible stall has grab bars behind and on the side wall nearest the toilet.7.12___The wheelchair-accessible stall has a toilet seat that is 17 to 19 inches high.7.13___The wheelchair-accessible stall has a toilet seat that does not spring back to a lifted position.7.14___The accessible restroom has at least one urinal with a rim no higher than 17 inches above the floor.7.15___The accessible restroom has at least one lavatory with a 30-inch wide by 48-inch deep clear space in front of it.7.16___The accessible restroom lavatory has a rim no higher than 34 inches.7.17___The accessible restroom lavatory has at least 29 inches of knee space between the floor and the bottom of the lavatory apron.7.18___The accessible restroom lavatory has no obstructions within the toe clearance area (between 0 and 9 inches from the floor).7.19___The accessible restroom lavatory has no hot pipes or sharp surfaces underneath that could harm a person in a wheelchair.7.20___The accessible restroom lavatory faucet can be operated with one closed fist (accessible to a person with limited use of his/her hands).7.21___The accessible restroom lavatory faucet (if self-closing) permits the water to flow for at least 10 seconds.7.22___The accessible restroom soap dispensers and hand dryers are within reach of a person in a wheelchair, and are operable with one closed fist.7.23___The accessible restroom mirror (if provided) is mounted with the bottom edge of the reflecting surface no higher than 40 inches.8. Elevators8.1___The passenger elevators are located on an accessible path of travel.8.2 ___The passenger elevator doors have a clear opening of not less than 36 inches.8.3 ___The passenger elevators have wheelchair-turning spaces that are at least 68 inches wide by 51 inches deep.8.4___The passenger elevators have controls that are not higher than 54 inches for side approach, and not higher than 48 inches for front approach.8.5___The passenger elevators have controls that are labeled in raised Braille.8.6___The passenger elevators serve all public levels of the building.9. Other9.1___Notes regarding additional observed barriers are attached.9.2___Exhibits are attached.____________________
16.1 Definition of "green"“Green” describes features, technologies and products that increase efficiency in a building’s energy and water usage, help protect the health of its occupants, and reduce the commercial property’s impact on the environment. Green buildings are healthier, more environmentally friendly, and economically smarter than average buildings.Green features:
- improve energy efficiency;
- reduce pollution;
- provide healthier air;
- increase comfort;
- reduce water usage;
- preserve natural resources;
- increase durability;
- make a building quieter;
- reduce maintenance;
- lower monthly costs; and
- improve resale value.
16.2 Codes and StandardsNearly all green building codes and standards have been developed by private organizations and pertain to new construction, not existing commercial properties. Nevertheless, many existing properties, by design, by luck, or through modification, have green features that clients should know about.16.3 Purpose
16.4 Optional Add-On Inspection Service
This Standard does not require the inspector to perform this green features inspection. The Observed Green Features Report may be offered in conjunction with a complete commercial property inspection, or as a separate, stand-alone inspection service.
The following checklist is designed to help identify commonly found green features noticed by the inspector.____________________________________________
Notes regarding additional observed green features are attached.* May be implemented in existing properties.____________________
17. International Standards of Practice for Inspecting Commercial Fire Doors
17.1 About These Standards for Inspecting Commercial Fire Doors
Many buildings, including schools, high-rises, healthcare facilities, churches, office buildings, factories and warehouses are likely to have fire doors. Should a fire occur, the health, safety and welfare of building occupants and emergency responders depend on the regular inspection of fire doors.
17.2 Purpose
The purpose of this document is to establish international standards for the inspection of commercial fire doors. This document also provides a universal commercial fire door-inspection reporting form.
17.3 Definitions17.3.1 Fire Door-Specific Definitions
- active leaf: the door of a pair of swinging doors that is normally used.
- automatic closing device: a device that causes the door to close when activated by a fusible link or heat-actuated device.
- barrel: a cylindrical part of a rolling steel fire door that contains the counter-balance springs.
- bottom bar: the lower edge of the door assembly.
- coordinator: a device used on pairs of swinging doors that causes the inactive leaf to close before the active leaf.
- flame baffle: a hinged piece of sheet metal that closes the space between the top of a rolling steel fire door and its hood.
- fusible link: a device consisting of pieces of metal held together by solder that melts during a fire.
- hood: a sheet metal housing that contains the rolled door.
- inactive leaf: the door of a pair of swinging doors that is normally latched.
- non-combustible: not capable of igniting when subjected to fire.
- sill: the bottom part of a doorway opening; threshold.
17.3.2 Terminology Commonly Found in Commercial Property Inspection Reports17.4 Goal of the Inspection
The goal of a commercial fire door inspection is to provide an indication as to whether the door is in a state of readiness to perform its intended function during a fire.
17.5 Limitations
It is not the purpose of this Standard to establish inspection procedures to: determine the fire rating or the degree of protection provided by a fire door or surrounding wall; determine the need for a fire door in any particular location; determine proper placement of detectors; determine the functionality of fire-detection systems; heat-test fusible links; determine the combustibility of floor coverings extending through doorways; inspect accordion, folding, hoistway, elevator, chute, access or dumbwaiter doors; inspect fire windows; or inspect fabric fire-safety curtains.
17.6 Optional Add-On Inspection ServiceInterNACHI-CCPIA's Standards of Practice for Inspecting Commercial Properties does not require the inspector to perform fire door inspections. The fire door inspection may be offered in conjunction with a complete commercial property inspection or as a separate, stand-alone inspection service.17.7 Inspection Frequency
Fire doors should be inspected after any incidents that may have damaged the door or its components, or upon noticing possible damage, but not less than annually.
17.8 Visual Inspection
17.8.1 The inspector should visually inspect from both sides of the door assembly.
17.8.2 The inspector should inspect the door opening and surrounding area for potential obstructions, items or conditions that might interfere with the free operation of the door.
17.8.3 The inspector should inspect for auxiliary items that could interfere with door operation.
17.8.4 The inspector should inspect for missing or insecure mounting and assembly bolts.
17.8.5 The inspector should inspect for evidence of field modifications that may void the door’s fire rating.
17.8.6 The inspector should inspect for open holes or breaks that exist in either the door or frame.
17.8.7 The inspector should inspect for failed glazing or glazing beads that are not intact or securely fastened.
17.8.8 The inspector should inspect for missing or broken parts.
17.8.9 The inspector should inspect for combustible sills. Sill should be non-combustible.
17.8.10 The inspector should inspect for clearances of swinging doors between the top and vertical edges of the door and the frame, and the meeting edges of doors swinging in pairs, measured from the pull-side of the door, that exceed 1/8-inch (3.18 mm) + 1/16-inch (1.59 mm) for steel doors, and + 1/8-inch (3.18 mm) for wood doors.
17.8.11 The inspector should inspect for clearances of swinging doors under the bottom of the door that exceed ¾-inch (19 mm), and 3/8-inch (9.5 mm) for doors that have sills more than 38 inches (965 mm) above the finished floor (such as repair counters).
17.8.12 The inspector should inspect the opening of sliding doors at the sides and top for overlaps that are less than 4 inches (102 mm).
17.8.13 The inspector should inspect and note whether combustible floor coverings extend through the door opening, although, depending on the rating of the door, some combustible floor coverings are permitted to extend through door openings. Determining compliance lies beyond the scope of a commercial fire door inspection. Combustible flooring should never extend through doorways protected by three-hour (or greater)-rated fire doors.
17.9 Operational Check
17.9.1 Before checking, the inspector should identify anything that might create a hazard during the operational check. If, in the opinion of the inspector, a hazard might be created by operating the door, the inspector shall not perform the operational-check portion of the inspection.
17.9.2 The inspector should open and close the door using normal operation. Doors should open and close easily.
17.9.3 The inspector should inspect the condition of any gaskets or edge seals.
17.9.4 The inspector should inspect the guides and bearings for lack of lubrication.
17.9.5 The inspector should inspect for blocking or wedging of doors in the open position, or blocked or wedged release arms and weights of sliding and rolling doors.
17.9.6 The inspector should inspect for kinked, pinched, twisted, or excessively worn chains or cables of sliding and rolling doors.
17.9.7 The inspector should inspect the condition of any fusible links and heat–actuated devices (if equipped). Links should not be painted or coated with dust or grease.
17.9.8 The inspector should inspect signs installed on the surface of the fire door for interference with the proper operation of the door.
17.9.9 The inspector should inspect for signage that exceeds 5% of the total area of the face of the fire door to which it is attached.
17.9.10 The inspector should inspect for signs that are attached by mechanical means, such as screws or nails. Signs should be attached to fire doors by the use of adhesive only.17.9.11 The inspector should inspect for rating and inspection labels and tags that have been painted over. Labels and tags should not be painted over.17.10 Simulation (Drop) Test
17.10.1 Before testing, the inspector should identify anything that might create a hazard during testing. If, in the opinion of the inspector, a hazard might be created by testing, the inspector shall not perform the testing portion of the inspection.
17.10.2 The inspector should perform all testing and re-setting of the release mechanism in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. If instructions are not made available at the time of the inspection, the inspector should continue only if s/he has knowledge and understanding of the operating components of that type of door.
17.10.3 The inspector should inspect for missing closing devices (self-closing or automatic). Every fire door should have a closing device.
17.10.4 The inspector should test any self-closing devices of swinging doors to assure that they close and latch the door completely when operated from the fully-open position.
17.10.5 The inspector should inspect closing mechanisms of swinging doors for hold-open features. Closing mechanisms should not have hold-open features unless they are on doors that are designed to automatically close during an alarm condition.
17.10.6 The inspector should test any coordinators of dual-leaf doors for failure to close the inactive leaf before the active leaf. A coordinator is not needed where each door leaf closes and latches independently of the other.
17.10.7 The inspector should inspect for latching hardware that fails to operate or fails to secure the door when it is in the closed position.
17.10.8 The inspector should inspect for normal operation and full closure of sliding and rolling doors with an initial simulation (drop) test.
17.10.9 The inspector should inspect the closing for speeds slower than 6 inches per second (152 mm/sec.), or faster than 24 inches per second (610 mm/sec.).
17.10.10 The inspector should perform a second simulation (drop) test of sliding and rolling doors to verify that the automatic closing device has been re-set.17.11 Sample Reporting Language____________________Commercial Fire Door Inspection ReportClient: ______________________________________________________________________Location of fire door: ______________________________________________________________________This inspection was performed in substantial compliance with InterNACHI-CCPIA’s Standards of Practice for Inspecting Commercial Fire Doors. It is designed to provide an indication as to whether the door is in a state of readiness to perform its intended function during a fire. Fire doors should be inspected after any incidents that may have damaged the door, or upon noticing possible damage, but not less than annually. A signed copy of this report should be maintained and made available to the authority having jurisdiction, insurance representatives, employees, and other interested parties.
___The inspector was not able to visually inspect from both sides of the door assembly.
___The inspector noted obstructions in the surrounding area that could interfere with the door's operation.
___The inspector noted missing or insecure mounting or assembly bolts.
___The inspector noted auxiliary items that interfered with door operation.
___The inspector noted open holes or breaks that existed in either the door or frame.
___The inspector noted evidence of field modifications that may void the door’s fire rating.
___The inspector noted failed glazing, or glazing beads that were not intact or securely fastened.
___The inspector noted missing or broken parts.
___The inspector noted combustible sills.
___The inspector noted clearances of swinging doors between the top or vertical edges of the door and the frame, or the meeting edges of doors swinging in pairs, measured from the pull-side of the door, that exceeded 1/8-inch (3.18 mm) + 1/16-inch (1.59 mm) for steel doors, and + 1/8-inch (3.18 mm) for wood doors.
___The inspector noted clearances of swinging doors under the bottom of the door that exceeded ¾-inch (19 mm), and 3/8-inch (9.5 mm) for doors that have sills more than 38 inches (965 mm) above the finished floor (such as repair counters).
___The inspector noted overlaps at the sides or top of horizontally sliding doors that were less than 4 inches (102 mm).
___The inspector noted combustible floor coverings extending through the door opening, although, depending on the fire rating of the door, some combustible floor coverings are permitted to extend through door openings. Determining compliance lies beyond the scope of this inspection. Combustible flooring should never extend through doorways protected by three-hour (or greater)-rated fire doors.
___The inspector identified a condition that might create a hazard during the operational check and so did not perform the operational-check portion of the inspection.
___The inspector noted that the door did not open and close easily using normal operating procedures. Doors should open and close easily.
___The inspector noted that the gaskets or edge seals were in poor condition.
___The inspector noted that the guides and bearings lacked lubrication.
___The inspector noted blocking or wedging of doors in the open position, or blocked or wedged release arms or weights of sliding or rolling doors.
___The inspector noted kinked, pinched, twisted, or excessively worn chains or cables of sliding or rolling doors.
___The inspector noted that the fusible links or heat–actuated devices (if equipped) were painted or coated with dust or grease.
___The inspector noted that the signs installed on the surface of the fire door might interfere with the proper operation of the door.
___The inspector noted signage that exceeded 5% of the total area of the face of the fire door to which it was attached.
___The inspector noted signs that were attached by mechanical means, such as screws or nails. Signs should be attached to fire doors by use of adhesive only.___The inspector noted rating or inspection labels or tags that had been painted over. Labels and tags should not be painted over.___The inspector identified a condition that might create a hazard during testing and so did not perform the simulated (drop) testing portion of the inspection.
___The inspector noted that the manufacturerÙs testing and re-setting instructions were not made available at the time of the inspection.
___The inspector noted missing closing devices (self-closing or automatic). Every fire door should have a closing device.
___The inspector noted that the self-closing devices of swinging doors did not close and latch the door completely when operated from the fully-open position.
___The inspector noted that the closing mechanisms of swinging doors included hold-open features. Closing mechanisms should not have hold-open features unless they are on doors that are designed to automatically close during an alarm condition.
___The inspector noted coordinators of dual leaf-doors failed to close the inactive leaf before the active leaf. A coordinator is not needed where each door leaf closes and latches independently of the other.
___The inspector noted latching hardware that failed to operate or failed to secure the door when it was in the closed position.
___The inspector noted abnormal operation or partial closure of sliding and rolling doors with the initial drop test.
___The inspector noted that the closing speed was slower than 6 inches per second (152 mm/sec.), or faster than 24 inches per second (610 mm/sec.).
___The inspector noted that the second drop test of sliding and rolling doors failed to re-set the automatic closing device.This inspection was performed by: _________________________Signature: _____________________________This inspection report expires on _________________________ (one year from the date of this inspection).____________________
18.1 About These Standards for Inspecting Fireplaces and ChimneysAlthough this Standard applies to both commercial and residential fireplaces and chimneys, it exceeds the requirements of both InterNACHI-CCPIA’s Commercial and Residential Standards of Practices. The inspection shall include examination of readily accessible and visible portions of solid-fuel-burning, low-heat fireplaces and chimneys.18.2 PurposeThe purpose of this document is to establish international standards for the inspection of fireplaces and chimneys. This document also provides universal fireplace and chimney inspection reporting language.18.3 Definitions18.3.1 Fireplace and Chimney-Specific Definitions
- accessible: in the opinion of the inspector, can be approached or entered safely without difficulty, fear or danger.
- chimney: a structure containing one or more flues for removing gases to the outside atmosphere.
- cleanout: an opening in a chimney that provides access to the flue for cleaning purposes.
- clearance: the minimum distance through air measured between the surface of something heat-producing and the surface of something combustible.
- connector: the pipe that connects a fuel-burning appliance to a chimney.
- crown: the sloped top of a masonry chimney designed to shed water away from the flue; also called a splay or wash.
- damper: a manually operated plate for controlling draft in a flue.
- fireplace lintel: a horizontal, non-combustible member that spans the top of the fireplace opening.
- flue: a passage through which gases move from the fire chamber to the outer air.
- hearth: the floor within a fireplace.
- hearth extension: non-combustible material in front of and at the sides of a fireplace opening.
- mantel: a shelf or horizontal ornament above a fireplace opening.
- Phase I: a type of fireplace and chimney inspection that exceeds the standards required by a traditional home inspection.
- single-wall metal chimney: a field-constructed chimney not permitted in one- and two-family dwellings.
- solid fuel: wood, coal, pellets, and other materials that can be burned for heat.
- thimble: the tube or lining through a wall that a connector passes through to enter a flue or that a flue passes through to exit a roof.
- wall protector: non-combustible shield between a wall and anything heat-producing for the purpose of reducing the required clearance.
18.3.2 Terminology Commonly Found in Commercial Property Inspection Reports18.4 Goal of the InspectionThe goal of the inspection is to provide observations which may lead to the decrease of hazardous conditions associated with fireplaces and chimneys.18.5 LimitationsThe inspection is limited to readily accessible and visible portions of the fireplace and chimney. The inspection should not be considered all-inclusive or technically exhaustive.This Standard does not require the inspector to:
- inspect appliances, wall furnaces, stoves, water heaters, incinerators, mechanical draft systems, draft regulators, catalytic converters, pollution-control devices, heat-reclamation devices, spark arrestors, induced-draft chimneys, fire-stopping, or for condensation issues.
- determine fire rating, adequacy of combustion air, status of product listing, compliance with manufacturers' instructions, proper clearances, proper load paths, combustibility, proper placement of flue size changes, proper thimble installation, or repair history.
- remove or inspect fireplace inserts, stoves or accessories.
- determine the need for fire-stopping, chimney enclosures, hearth thickness mitigation, or seismic reinforcing.
- test smoke detectors or carbon-monoxide detectors.
- perform video scans, smoke tests, flue-gas measurements, or engineering calculations.
These Standards do not apply to the inspection of mobile homes.18.6 Optional Add-On Inspection ServiceAlthough InterNACHI-CCPIA's Standards of Practice for Inspecting Commercial Properties and InterNACHI’s Standards of Practice for Performing a General Home Inspection do not require the inspector to perform a Phase I Fireplace and Chimney Inspection, it may be offered in conjunction with a complete commercial or residential property inspection, or as a separate, stand-alone inspection service.18.7 Inspection FrequencyThe inspector should advise his/her client that all fireplaces and chimneys should be inspected prior to the client's first use, and not less than annually.18.8 Visual Inspection18.8.1 Initial Inspection18.8.1.1 The inspector should inspect for solid fuel-burning appliances or fireplaces improperly located where gasoline or other flammable vapors or gases are present. The inspector should inspect for unused openings in chimneys and flues. The inspector should inspect for lack of a smoke detector. A smoke detector should be installed in the same room as the fireplace. The inspector should inspect for lack of a carbon-monoxide detector. A carbon-monoxide detector should be installed in the same room as the fireplace.18.8.2 Fireplaces18.8.2.1 The inspector should inspect for combustible lintels above fireplace openings. The inspector should inspect for combustible material within 6 inches above fireplace openings that projects out 1½ inches or less from the face of the fireplace. The inspector should inspect for combustible material within 12 inches above fireplace openings that projects out more than 1½ inches from the face of the fireplace. The inspector should inspect for throats or dampers located less than 8 inches above fireplace openings. The inspector should inspect for manually operated dampers that do not operate or close properly. The inspector should inspect for dampers and damper components that have rust or corrosion.18.8.3 Hearths, Hearth Extensions and Fire Chambers18.8.3.1 The inspector should inspect for hearth extensions that have a thickness of less than 2 inches. The inspector should inspect for hearth extensions that are less than 16 inches in front of or less than 8 inches beyond each side of fireplace openings (6 square feet or less). The inspector should inspect for hearth extensions that are less than 20 inches in front of or less than 12 inches beyond each side of fireplace openings (greater than 6 square feet). The inspector should inspect the hearth, hearth extension and chambers for joint separation, damage or deterioration.18.8.4 Single-Wall Metal Chimneys18.8.4.1 Initial Single-Wall Metal Chimney Inspection18. The inspector should inspect for single-wall metal chimneys in one- and two-family dwellings. Single-wall metal chimneys should not be used in one- and two-family dwellings. The inspector should inspect for wall protectors (heat shields) with less than 1-inch air gaps. Interior Single-Wall Metal Chimneys18. The inspector should inspect for exposed interior single-wall metal chimneys that are not continuously enclosed where they extend through closets, storage areas, or habitable spaces, or where the surface of a chimney could come into contact with people or combustible materials. The inspector should inspect for interior single-wall metal chimneys for distances less than 18 inches from wood frame walls or combustible materials. The inspector should inspect for interior single-wall metal chimneys 18 inches or under in diameter that are less than 2 inches from non-combustible walls. The inspector should inspect for interior single-wall metal chimneys over 18 inches in diameter that are less than 4 inches from non-combustible walls. Exterior Single-Wall Metal Chimneys18. The inspector should inspect for distances between exterior-mounted, single-wall metal chimneys that are less than 2 feet from doors, windows or walkways. The inspector should inspect for distances between exterior-mounted, single-wall metal chimneys that are less than 18 inches from wood-frame walls or combustible materials. The inspector should inspect for distances between exterior-mounted, single-wall metal chimneys 18 inches or under in diameter that are less than 2 inches from non-combustible walls. The inspector should inspect for distances between exterior-mounted, single-wall metal chimneys over 18 inches in diameter that are less than 4 inches from non-combustible walls.18.8.5 Chimney Outlets18.8.5.1 The inspector should inspect for missing ventilating thimbles where chimneys pass through combustible roofs. The inspector should inspect for chimneys that terminate less than 3 feet above the highest point where they pass through the roof surface. The inspector should inspect for chimneys that terminate less than 2 feet above any portion of a building (ridge, wall or parapet) within 10 feet. The inspector should inspect for chimneys that terminate less than 3 feet from adjacent buildings or building openings. The inspector should inspect for chimneys that terminate less than 10 feet above grade or walkways. The inspector should inspect for chimney outlets that jeopardize people, overheat combustible structures, or that might cause flue gases to enter nearby building openings. The inspector should inspect the crowns of masonry chimneys for slopes that direct water into flues.18.8.6 Flues and Liners18.8.6.1 The inspector should inspect for galvanized flues and connectors. Flues and connectors should not be galvanized. The inspector should inspect readily accessible and visible flues for rust or corrosion. The inspector should inspect for masonry chimneys that are not lined. All masonry chimneys should be lined. The inspector should inspect for linings that don’t extend the entire length of the chimney to a level of 2 inches or more above the crown, splay or wash. The inspector should inspect for liners that are visibly softened, cracked, deteriorated or damaged. The inspector should inspect readily accessible and visible flues and liners for excessive accumulation of creosote, soot, or other combustible material. The inspector should inspect for flues that have two or more openings at the same level. The inspector should inspect for venting into the space around and between liners. The remaining space surrounding a chimney liner should not be used as a vent.18.8.7 Flue Size
The inspector should inspect the size of the flue, if visible, and compare it to the size of the fireplace opening. This relationship is the most important factor in achieving sufficient draft. A flue that is too small relative to the fireplace opening will be unable to lift and remove hazardous flue gases to the outside.
Round Flues | Maximum Fireplace Opening |
4 inches in diameter | 150 square inches |
5 inches in diameter | 235 square inches |
6 inches in diameter | 339 square inches |
7 inches in diameter | 461 square inches |
8 inches in diameter | 603 square inches |
9 inches in diameter | 763 square inches |
10 inches in diameter | 942 square inches |
11 inches in diameter | 1,140 square inches |
12 inches in diameter | 1,357 square inches |
13 inches in diameter | 1,592 square inches |
14 inches in diameter | 1,847 square inches |
15 inches in diameter | 2,120 square inches |
16 inches in diameter | 2,412 square inches |
17 inches in diameter | 2,723 square inches |
18 inches in diameter | 3,053 square inches |
19 inches in diameter | 3,402 square inches |
20 inches in diameter | 3,769 square inches |
21 inches in diameter | 4,156 square inches |
22 inches in diameter | 4,561 square inches |
23 inches in diameter | 4,985 square inches |
24 inches in diameter | 5,428 square inches |
25 inches in diameter | 5,890 square inches |
26 inches in diameter | 6,371 square inches |
27 inches in diameter | 6,870 square inches |
28 inches in diameter | 7,389 square inches |
29 inches in diameter | 7,926 square inches |
30 inches in diameter | 8,482 square inches |
6" | 7" | 8" | 9" | 10" | 11" | 12" | 13" | 14" | 15" | 16" | 17" | 18" | 19" | 20" | 21" | 22" | 23" | 24" | 25" | 26" | 27" | 28" | |
4" | 240 | 280 | 256 | 288 | 320 | 352 | 384 | 416 | 448 | 480 | 512 | 544 | 576 | 608 | 640 | 672 | 704 | 736 | 768 | 800 | 832 | 864 | 896 |
5" | 300 | 350 | 400 | 450 | 400 | 440 | 480 | 520 | 560 | 600 | 640 | 680 | 720 | 760 | 800 | 840 | 880 | 920 | 960 | 1000 | 1040 | 1080 | 1120 |
6" | 360 | 420 | 480 | 540 | 600 | 660 | 576 | 624 | 672 | 720 | 768 | 816 | 864 | 912 | 960 | 1008 | 1056 | 1104 | 1152 | 1200 | 1248 | 1296 | 1344 |
7" | 420 | 490 | 560 | 630 | 700 | 770 | 840 | 910 | 784 | 840 | 896 | 952 | 1008 | 1064 | 1120 | 1176 | 1232 | 1288 | 1344 | 1400 | 1456 | 1512 | 1568 |
8" | 480 | 560 | 640 | 720 | 800 | 880 | 960 | 1040 | 1120 | 1200 | 1024 | 1088 | 1152 | 1216 | 1280 | 1344 | 1408 | 1472 | 1536 | 1600 | 1664 | 1728 | 1792 |
9" | 540 | 630 | 720 | 810 | 900 | 990 | 1080 | 1170 | 1260 | 1350 | 1440 | 1530 | 1296 | 1368 | 1440 | 1512 | 1584 | 1656 | 1728 | 1800 | 1872 | 1944 | 2016 |
10" | 600 | 700 | 800 | 900 | 1000 | 1100 | 1200 | 1300 | 1400 | 1500 | 1600 | 1700 | 1700 | 1900 | 1600 | 1680 | 1760 | 1840 | 1920 | 2000 | 2080 | 2160 | 2240 |
11" | 660 | 770 | 880 | 990 | 1100 | 1210 | 1320 | 1430 | 1540 | 1650 | 1760 | 1870 | 1980 | 2090 | 2200 | 2310 | 1936 | 2024 | 2112 | 2200 | 2288 | 2376 | 2464 |
12" | 576 | 840 | 960 | 1080 | 1200 | 1320 | 1440 | 1560 | 1680 | 1800 | 1920 | 2040 | 2160 | 2280 | 2400 | 2520 | 2640 | 2760 | 2304 | 2400 | 2496 | 2592 | 2688 |
13" | 624 | 910 | 1040 | 1170 | 1300 | 1430 | 1560 | 1690 | 1820 | 1950 | 2080 | 2210 | 2340 | 2470 | 2600 | 2730 | 2860 | 2990 | 3120 | 3250 | 2704 | 2808 | 2912 |
14" | 672 | 784 | 1120 | 1260 | 1400 | 1540 | 1680 | 1820 | 1960 | 2100 | 2240 | 2380 | 2520 | 2660 | 2800 | 2940 | 3080 | 3220 | 3360 | 3500 | 3640 | 3780 | 3136 |
15" | 720 | 840 | 1200 | 1350 | 1500 | 1650 | 1800 | 1950 | 2100 | 2250 | 2400 | 2550 | 2700 | 2850 | 3000 | 3150 | 3300 | 3450 | 3600 | 3750 | 3900 | 4050 | 4200 |
16" | 768 | 896 | 1024 | 1440 | 1600 | 1760 | 1920 | 2080 | 2240 | 2400 | 2560 | 2720 | 2880 | 3040 | 3200 | 3360 | 3520 | 3680 | 3840 | 4000 | 4160 | 4320 | 4480 |
17" | 816 | 952 | 1088 | 1530 | 1700 | 1870 | 2040 | 2210 | 2380 | 2550 | 2720 | 2890 | 3060 | 3230 | 3400 | 3570 | 3740 | 3910 | 4080 | 4250 | 4420 | 4590 | 4760 |
18" | 864 | 1008 | 1152 | 1296 | 1800 | 1980 | 2160 | 2340 | 2520 | 2700 | 2880 | 3060 | 3240 | 3420 | 3600 | 3780 | 3960 | 4140 | 4320 | 4500 | 4680 | 4860 | 5040 |
19" | 912 | 1064 | 1216 | 1368 | 1900 | 2090 | 2280 | 2470 | 2660 | 2850 | 3040 | 3230 | 3420 | 3610 | 3800 | 3990 | 4180 | 4370 | 4560 | 4750 | 4940 | 5130 | 5320 |
20" | 960 | 1120 | 1280 | 1440 | 1600 | 2200 | 2400 | 2600 | 2800 | 3000 | 3200 | 3400 | 3600 | 3800 | 4000 | 4200 | 4400 | 4600 | 4800 | 5000 | 5200 | 5400 | 5600 |
21" | 1008 | 1176 | 1344 | 1512 | 1680 | 2310 | 2520 | 2730 | 2940 | 3150 | 3360 | 3570 | 3780 | 3990 | 4200 | 4410 | 4620 | 4830 | 5040 | 5250 | 5460 | 5670 | 5880 |
22" | 1056 | 1232 | 1408 | 1584 | 1760 | 1936 | 2640 | 2860 | 3080 | 3300 | 3520 | 3740 | 3960 | 4180 | 4400 | 4620 | 4840 | 5060 | 5280 | 5500 | 5720 | 5940 | 6160 |
23" | 1104 | 1288 | 1472 | 1656 | 1840 | 2024 | 2760 | 2990 | 3220 | 3450 | 3680 | 3910 | 4140 | 4370 | 4600 | 4830 | 5060 | 5290 | 5520 | 5750 | 5980 | 6210 | 6440 |
24" | 1152 | 1344 | 1536 | 1728 | 1920 | 2112 | 2304 | 3120 | 3360 | 3600 | 3840 | 4080 | 4320 | 4560 | 4800 | 5040 | 5280 | 5520 | 5760 | 6000 | 6240 | 6480 | 6720 |
25" | 1200 | 1400 | 1600 | 1800 | 2000 | 2200 | 2400 | 3250 | 3500 | 3750 | 4000 | 4250 | 4500 | 4750 | 5000 | 5250 | 5500 | 5750 | 6000 | 6250 | 6500 | 6750 | 7000 |
26" | 1248 | 1456 | 1664 | 2080 | 2288 | 2496 | 2496 | 2704 | 3640 | 3900 | 4160 | 4420 | 4680 | 4940 | 5200 | 5460 | 5720 | 5980 | 6240 | 6500 | 6760 | 7020 | 7280 |
27" | 1296 | 1512 | 1728 | 1944 | 2160 | 2376 | 2592 | 2808 | 3780 | 4050 | 4320 | 4590 | 4860 | 5130 | 5400 | 5670 | 5940 | 6210 | 6480 | 6750 | 7020 | 7290 | 7560 |
28" | 1344 | 1568 | 1792 | 2016 | 2240 | 2464 | 2688 | 2912 | 3136 | 4200 | 4480 | 4760 | 5040 | 5320 | 5600 | 5880 | 6160 | 6440 | 6720 | 7000 | 7280 | 7560 | 7840 |
29" | 1392 | 1624 | 1856 | 2088 | 2320 | 2552 | 2784 | 3016 | 3248 | 4350 | 4640 | 4930 | 5220 | 5510 | 5800 | 6090 | 6380 | 6670 | 6960 | 7250 | 7540 | 7830 | 8120 |
30" | 1440 | 1680 | 1920 | 2160 | 2400 | 2640 | 2880 | 3120 | 3360 | 3600 | 4800 | 5100 | 5400 | 5700 | 6000 | 6300 | 6600 | 6900 | 7200 | 7500 | 7800 | 8100 | 8400 |
18.8.8 Connectors (Solid Wood-Burning Appliance to Chimney) The inspector should inspect for connectors from solid fuel-burning appliances that have a rise to the chimney of less than ¼-inch per foot. The inspector should inspect for connectors that are not as short or straight as practicable. The inspector should inspect for connectors that are covered with insulation. The inspector should inspect for connectors of natural-draft appliances connected to the positive pressure-side of a mechanical draft system. The inspector should inspect for larger connectors entering a flue above smaller connectors.18.8.9 Cleanouts18.8.9.1 The inspector should inspect cleanouts for doors and frames that are not made of metal, pre-cast cement, or other non-combustible material. The inspector should inspect combustible materials projecting beyond the faces of chimneys that are within 18 inches of cleanout openings. The inspector should inspect for combustible materials stored within 18 inches of cleanout doors. The inspector should inspect cleanout doors that are obstructed or do not close tightly. The inspector should inspect the interior cleanout’s lower edge for heights above the lowest accessible floor level that are less than 16 inches. The inspector should inspect the exterior cleanout’s lower edge for heights above grade that are less than 16 inches. The inspector should inspect the bases of chimney flues for distances that are not between 6 and 12 inches below the bottom edges of their cleanout openings.
18.9 Sample Reporting Language____________________
Phase I Fireplace and Chimney Inspection Report
Client: _____________________________________________________________________________Location of fireplace and chimney: ______________________________________________________________________This inspection was performed in substantial compliance with InterNACHI’s Phase I Standards of Practice for Inspecting Fireplaces and Chimneys. It exceeds what is required by InterNACHI-CCPIA’s ComSOP and InterNACHI's Residential Standards of Practice. The inspection shall include examination of readily accessible and visible portions of solid fuel-burning, low-heat fireplaces and chimneys. The inspection is not all-inclusive or technically exhaustive. The goal of this inspection is to provide observations which may lead to the decrease of the hazards associated with fireplaces and chimneys.___The inspector noted solid fuel-burning appliances or fireplaces located where gasoline or other flammable vapors or gases were present.___The inspector noted unused openings in chimneys or flues.___The inspector noted missing smoke detectors. A smoke detector should be installed in the same room as the fireplace.___The inspector noted missing carbon-monoxide detectors. A carbon-monoxide detector should be installed in the same room as the fireplace.___ The inspector noted a combustible lintel over the fireplace opening.___The inspector noted combustible material within 6 inches above the fireplace opening that projected out less than 1½ inches from the face of the fireplace.___The inspector noted combustible material within 12 inches above the fireplace opening that projected out more than 1½ inches from the face of the fireplace.___The inspector noted the throat or damper was located less than 8 inches above the fireplace opening.___The inspector noted that the manually operated damper did not operate or close properly.___The inspector noted that the damper or damper components had rust or corrosion.___The inspector noted that the hearth extension had a thickness of less than 2 inches.___The inspector noted that the hearth extension was less than 16 inches in front of or less than 8 inches beyond each side of the opening (fireplace opening less than 6 square feet).___The inspector noted that the hearth extension was less than 20 inches in front of or less than 12 inches beyond each side of the opening (fireplace openings 6 square feet or greater).___The inspector noted hearths, hearth extensions or chambers that had joint separation, damage or deterioration.___The inspector noted single-wall metal chimneys in one- or two-family dwellings. Single-wall metal chimneys should not be used in one- and two-family dwellings.___The inspector noted wall protectors (heat shields) with less than 1-inch air gaps.___The inspector noted an exposed interior single-wall metal chimney that was not continuously enclosed where it extended through closets, storage areas, or habitable spaces, or where the surface of the chimney could come into contact with combustible materials or people.___The inspector noted an interior single-wall metal chimney less than 18 inches from a wood-frame wall or combustible material.___The inspector noted an interior single-wall metal chimney 18 inches or under in diameter less than 2 inches from a non-combustible wall.___The inspector noted an interior single-wall metal chimney over 18 inches in diameter less than 4 inches from a non-combustible wall.___The inspector noted that the distance between an exterior-mounted, single-wall metal chimney was less than 2 feet from a door, window or walkway.___The inspector noted that the distance between an exterior-mounted, single-wall metal chimney was less than 18 inches from a wood-frame wall or combustible material.___The inspector noted that the distance between an exterior-mounted, single-wall metal chimney 18 inches or under in diameter was less than 2 inches from a non-combustible wall.___The inspector noted that the distance between an exterior-mounted, single-wall metal chimney over 18 inches in diameter was less than 4 inches from a non-combustible wall.___The inspector noted a missing ventilating thimble where a chimney passed through a combustible roof.___The inspector noted a chimney that terminated less than 3 feet above the highest point where it passed through a roof surface.___The inspector noted a chimney that terminated less than 2 feet above a portion of a building (ridge, wall or parapet) within 10 feet.___The inspector noted a chimney that terminated less than 3 feet from an adjacent building or building opening.___The inspector noted a chimney that terminated less than 10 feet above grade or a walkway.___The inspector noted a chimney outlet that jeopardized people, overheated combustible structures, or that might cause flue gases to enter nearby building openings.___The inspector noted the slope of a crown of a masonry chimney that directed water into the flue.___The inspector noted galvanized flues or connectors. Flues and connectors should not be galvanized.___The inspector noted a rusted or corroded flue.___The inspector noted a masonry chimney that was not lined. All masonry chimneys should be lined.___The inspector noted a lining that didn't extend the entire length of the chimney to a level of 2 inches or more above the crown, splay or wash.___The inspector noted a liner that was visibly softened, cracked, deteriorated or damaged.___The inspector noted a liner that had excessive accumulation of creosote, soot, or other combustible material.___The inspector noted a flue that had two or more openings at the same level.___The inspector noted an appliance venting into the space around and between liners. The remaining space surrounding a chimney liner should not be used as a vent.___The inspector noted that the size of the flue was too small relative to the size of the fireplace opening. This relationship is the most important factor in achieving sufficient draft. A flue that is too small relative to the fireplace opening will be unable to lift and remove hazardous flue gases to the outside.___The inspector noted a connector from a solid fuel-burning appliance that had a rise to the chimney of less than ¼-inch per foot.___The inspector noted a connector that was not as short or straight as practicable.___The inspector noted a connector that was covered with insulation.___The inspector noted a connector of a natural-draft appliance connected to the positive pressure-side of a mechanical draft system.___The inspector noted a larger connector entering the flue above a smaller connector.___The inspector noted a cleanout door or frame that was not made of metal, pre-cast cement, or other non-combustible material.___The inspector noted combustible materials projecting beyond the face of the chimney that were within 18 inches of a cleanout opening.___The inspector noted combustible materials stored within 18 inches of a cleanout door.___The inspector noted a cleanout door that was obstructed or did not close tightly.___The inspector noted that the height of an interior cleanout’s lower edge was less than 16 inches above the lowest accessible floor level.___The inspector noted that the height of an exterior cleanout’s lower edge was less than 16 inches above grade.___The inspector noted that the base of a chimney flue was not between 6 and 12 inches below the bottom edge of its cleanout opening.This inspection was performed by: _________________________Signature: ____________________________________________Date: ________________________________________
19.1 About Radon and These Standards for Inspecting Radon Mitigation Systems
Radon is a radioactive gas that has been found in homes, schools and buildings around the world. Radon comes from the natural breakdown of uranium in soil and rock, and moves up into the indoor air that people breathe. Radon is the leading cause of lung cancer in non-smokers. Radon mitigation systems reduce radon levels in homes and buildings. Inspection of these systems helps assure that they were installed properly and are performing as designed.
Although this Standard applies to both commercial and residential radon-mitigation systems, this Standard exceeds the requirements of InterNACHI-CCIPA’s ComSOP and InterNACHI's Residential Standards of Practice.
19.2 Purpose
The purpose of this document is to establish international standards for the inspection of radon mitigation systems. This document also provides universal radon mitigation inspection reporting language.
19.3 Definitions
19.3.1 Radon Mitigation System-Specific Definitions
active soil-depressurization system: one or more of the following types of radon mitigation system types involving mechanically driven soil depressurization: sub-slab depressurization; sump (pit) depressurization; drain-tile depressurization; sub-membrane depressurization; hollow-block wall depressurization; and crawlspace depressurization. crawlspace depressurization: an active radon mitigation system that lowers the air pressure inside a crawlspace in relation to the rooms adjacent or above the crawlspace. A fan draws air directly from the air space of the crawlspace and discharges the air outside. This type of system is typically not the best choice because of the great potential for appliance back-drafting and energy loss. defect: a condition of a radon mitigation system that may have an adverse impact on its performance. depressurization: a negative pressure created in one area compared to an adjacent area. discharge: the end of a vent stack pipe open to outside air. drain-tile depressurization: an active soil-depressurization system whereby a suction point is located at a drain tile. heat-recovery ventilation (HRV) system: a system that lowers radon levels by using outside air to dilute and pressurize indoor air. HRV systems are considered active radon-mitigation systems. hollow-block wall depressurization: an active radon-mitigation system that depressurizes the open spaces within concrete block foundation walls. inspection: a non-invasive, visual examination of a radon mitigation system. manifold pipe: pipe between a vent stack pipe and suction-point pipe with two or more suction points. radon mitigation system: any system designed to reduce the radon concentrations of indoor air. radon system piping: the piping of a passive or active radon mitigation system that is composed of a suction-point pipe, manifold pipe, and vent stack pipe. readily accessible: a system or component that is, in the judgment of the inspector, capable of being safely observed without the removal of obstacles, detachment or disengagement of connecting or securing devices, or other unsafe or difficult procedures to gain access. sub-membrane depressurization: an active radon mitigation system creating low air pressure under a vapor retarder. A common example is when a vapor retarder (polyethylene plastic sheet) is installed over the exposed dirt floor of a crawlspace. The radon fan draws air from below the vapor retarder and sends it outside. sub-slab depressurization (active): a radon mitigation system that creates low air pressure under a concrete floor using a fan. sub-slab depressurization (passive): a radon mitigation system that creates low air pressure under a concrete floor without the use of a fan. suction point: the end of a radon mitigation system that penetrates the slab, wall, vapor barrier, sump cover, or drain tile. sump (pit) depressurization system (active): a radon mitigation system that has a suction point installed in the sump (pit). vent stack pipe: pipe leading from the suction point (in a system with a single suction point) or the manifold pipe (in a system with more than one suction point) to outside air. In active radon mitigation systems, the radon fan is installed vertically in the vent stack pipe.19.3.2 Terminology Commonly Found in Commercial Property Inspection Reports
19.4 Goal of Inspection
The goal of the inspection is to provide observations which may indicate that a radon mitigation system was installed improperly, is not performing as designed, or is in need of repair.
19.5 Limitations
The inspection is limited to readily accessible and visible portions of the radon mitigation system. The inspection should not be considered all-inclusive or technically exhaustive. It is not a substitute for a radon level measurement.
This Standard does not require the inspector to:
- inspect any portion of the system that is not readily accessible and visible.
- activate a system that has been turned off, unplugged or deactivated.
- measure the radon level.
19.6 Optional Add-On Inspection Service
Although InterNACHI-CCPIA's Standards of Practice for Inspecting Commercial Properties and InterNACHI’s Residential Standards of Practice do not require the inspector to perform radon mitigation system inspections, one may be offered in conjunction with a complete commercial or residential property inspection, or as a separate, stand-alone inspection service.
19.7 Visual Inspection
19.7.1 Radon Mitigation System Type The inspector shall describe the radon-mitigation system as one of the following types:
- active sub-slab depressurization;
- passive sub-slab depressurization;
- sump (pit) depressurization;
- drain-tile depressurization;
- sub-membrane depressurization;
- hollow-block wall depressurization;
- crawlspace depressurization; or
- heat-recovery ventilation.
19.7.2 Drain-Tile Depressurization Systems
The inspector should inspect drainpipes that extend to daylight for missing devices, such as one-way flow valves, or water traps that prevent outdoor air from entering the sub-slab area.
19.7.3 Sub-Membrane Depressurization Systems
The inspector should inspect the vapor retarder used for sub-membrane depressurization systems (passive or active) for seams that are lapped less than 12 inches, and edges that are not sealed to the walls, posts or other penetrations.
19.7.4 Hollow-Block Wall Depressurization Systems
The inspector should inspect hollow-block walls for cracks, openings and open top-courses.
19.7.5 Crawlspace Depressurization Systems
The inspector should inspect the crawlspace for the presence of asbestos-like material, and combustible fuel-served appliances located within the crawlspace or spaces adjacent to the crawlspace.
19.7.6 Heat-Recovery Ventilation (HRV) Systems
The inspector should inspect the area around the HRV system for the presence of asbestos-like material.
19.7.7 Piping and Fittings
The inspector should inspect for:
- piping that is not PVC, ABS or downspout (outside);
- piping subjected to weather or physical damage that is not Schedule 40;
- pipe and fitting connections of different materials;
- piping that isn’t solid and rigid;
- reducers that are installed in the direction of air flow; and
- piping that is not continually sloped toward the suction point.
19.7.8 Piping Supports
The inspector shall inspect for:
- supports installed more than 6 feet apart on horizontal runs; and
- supports installed more than 8 feet apart on vertical runs.
19.7.9 Discharges
The inspector should inspect for:
- discharges less than 10 feet above ground level;
- discharges less than 6 inches above a roof edge, rake or gable that its stack passes by;
- discharges that exhaust less than 12 inches above a roof surface through which its stack pipe passes;
- discharges that exhaust below the roof surface of the highest roof of the building; and
- discharges within 2 feet directly above or less than 10 feet from any window, door or opening, including those in adjacent buildings.
19.7.10 Radon Fan
The inspector should inspect for:
- interior radon fans installed in occupied or conditioned spaces;
- exterior radon fans installed underground;
- radon fans that are not connected to the piping with removable couplings or flexible connections; and
- radon fans that are not mounted vertically.
19.7.11 Condensate Bypass
The inspector should inspect for missing condensate bypass mechanisms on systems in cold climates.
19.7.12 Electrical
The inspector should inspect for:
- cord and plug assemblies supplying power to radon fans that are more than 6 feet in length;
- cord and plug assemblies supplying power to radon fans that pass through walls, floors or ceilings, or are concealed within building components;
- missing means of disconnect, such as a dedicated, labeled electrical breaker or switch, or an electrical plug cord;
- means of disconnects not in sight of their radon fans;
- missing grounded receptacles (required within 6 feet of radon fans installed under roofs);
- missing GFCI receptacles (required within 6 feet of radon fans installed above roofs); and
- missing electrical junction boxes (required within 6 feet of radon fan locations of both active and passive systems).
19.7.13 Condensate Drainpipes
The inspector should inspect for condensate drainpipes that are not directed into condensate pumps, not directed into trapped floor drains, or do not have 6-inch or greater standing water-trap seals.
19.7.14 Monitoring Device
The inspector should inspect for missing air-flow or pressure-monitoring devices, which are required to provide easily visible or audible indication of system failure or performance in active systems.
19.7.15 Labeling
The inspector should inspect for:
- missing piping labels (required on each floor to identify piping as part of a radon-mitigation system);
- missing labels on the plastic vapor barrier (if installed);
- labels that are illegible from a distance of 3 feet;
- piping or vapor barrier labels that fail to display one the following: “Radon Mitigation System,” “Radon Reduction System,” “Radon System,” or “Radon Removal System”;
- a missing main label that contains the mitigator’s name and contact information, date of installation, and a recommendation to test the building for radon every two years; and
- a missing “Radon,” “Radon Fan” or “Radon System” label at the disconnect breaker controlling the electrical circuit to the radon fan.
19.8 Sample Reporting Language____________________Radon Mitigation System Inspection ReportClient: _____________________________________________________________________________
Location of radon-mitigation system: ______________________________________________________________________
This inspection was performed in substantial compliance with InterNACHI-CCPIA’s International Standards of Practice for Inspecting Radon Mitigation Systems. It is designed to provide an indication as to whether or not the radon mitigation system was installed improperly, is not performing as designed, or is in need of repair. It is not a substitute for a radon level measurement.
Radon is a radioactive gas that has been found in homes, schools and buildings around the world. Radon comes from the natural breakdown of uranium in soil and rock, and moves up into the indoor air that people breathe. Radon is the leading cause of lung cancer in non-smokers. Radon-mitigation systems reduce radon levels in homes and buildings.
The inspector noted that the radon-mitigation system type was:
___ active sub-slab depressurization;
___ passive sub-slab depressurization;
___ sump (pit) depressurization (active);
___ drain-tile depressurization;
___ sub-membrane depressurization;
___ hollow-block wall depressurization;
___ crawlspace depressurization; or
___ heat-recovery ventilation.Drain-Tile Depressurization System
___ The inspector noted that the drain pipes that extend to daylight were missing devices, such as one-way flow valves or water traps, that prevent outdoor air from entering the sub-slab area.
Sub-Membrane Depressurization System
___ The inspector noted that the vapor retarder used for the sub-membrane depressurization system (passive or active) had seams that were lapped less than 12 inches, or edges that were not sealed to the walls, posts or other penetrations.
Hollow-Block Wall Depressurization System
___ The inspector noted that the hollow-block walls had cracks, openings or open top-courses.
Crawlspace Depressurization System
___ The inspector noted that the crawlspace had the presence of asbestos-like material, or combustible fuel-served appliances located within the crawlspace or spaces adjacent to the crawlspace.
Heat-Recovery Ventilation (HRV) System
___ The inspector noted the area around the HRV system had the presence of asbestos-like material.
Piping and Fittings
___ The inspector noted piping that is not PVC, ABS or downspout (outside).
___ The inspector noted piping subjected to weather or physical damage that was not Schedule 40.
___ The inspector noted pipe and fitting connections of different materials.
___ The inspector noted piping that wasn’t solid or rigid.
___ The inspector noted reducers that were installed in the direction of air flow.
___ The inspector noted piping that was not continually sloped toward the suction point(s).
Piping Supports
___ The inspector noted supports installed more than 6 feet apart on horizontal runs.
___ The inspector noted supports installed more than 8 feet apart on vertical runs.
___ The inspector noted discharges less than 10 feet above ground level.
___ The inspector noted discharges less than 6 inches above a roof edge, rake or gable that its stack passed by.
___ The inspector noted discharges that exhausted less than 12 inches above a roof surface through which its stack pipe passed.
___ The inspector noted discharges that exhausted below the roof surface of the highest roof of the building.
___ The inspector noted discharges within 2 feet directly above or less than 10 feet from a window, door or opening.
Radon Fan
___ The inspector noted interior radon fans installed in occupied or conditioned spaces.
___ The inspector noted exterior radon fans installed underground.
___ The inspector noted radon fans that were not connected to the piping with removable couplings or flexible connections.
___ The inspector noted radon fans that were not mounted vertically.
Condensate Bypass
___ The inspector noted missing condensate bypass mechanisms on a system in a cold climate.
___ The inspector noted cord and plug assemblies supplying power to radon fans that were more than 6 feet in length.
___ The inspector noted cord and plug assemblies supplying power to radon fans that passed through walls, floors or ceilings, or were concealed within building components.
___ The inspector noted missing means of disconnect, such as a dedicated, labeled electrical breaker or switch, or an electrical plug cord.
___ The inspector noted means of disconnects not in sight of their radon fans.
___ The inspector noted missing grounded receptacles (required within 6 feet of radon fans installed under roofs).
___ The inspector noted missing GFCI receptacles (required within 6 feet of radon fans installed above roofs).
___ The inspector noted missing electrical junction boxes (required within 6 feet of radon fan locations of both active and passive systems).
Condensate Drainpipes
___ The inspector noted condensate drainpipes that were not directed into condensate pumps, not directed into trapped floor drains, or did not have 6-inch or greater standing water-trap seals.
Monitoring Device
___ The inspector noted missing air-flow or pressure-monitoring devices, which are required to provide easily visible or audible indication of system failure or performance in active systems.
___ The inspector noted missing piping labels (required on each floor to identify piping as part of a radon system).
___ The inspector noted missing labels on the plastic vapor barrier (if installed).
___ The inspector noted labels that are illegible from a distance of 3 feet.
___ The inspector noted piping or vapor barrier labels that failed to display one the following: “Radon Mitigation System,” “Radon Reduction System,” “Radon System” or “Radon Removal System.”
___ The inspector noted a missing main label that contains the mitigator’s name and contact information, date of installation, and a recommendation to test the building for radon every two years.
___ The inspector noted a missing “Radon,” “Radon Fan” or “Radon System” label at the disconnect breaker controlling the electrical circuit to the radon fan.
This inspection was performed by: _________________________
Signature: ___________________________________________
The International Standards of Practice for Inspecting Commercial Properties is a living document. Revisions will be made and posted at www.nachi.org/comsop.htmInterNACHI-CCPIA is currently focusing on:
- assisting companies that produce reporting software for commercial inspectors;
delivering education and training for commercial inspectors; and producing versions of this Standard in various languages.Please offer suggestions for improvements to this Standard, and join us in our message board discussion regarding this Standard at: www.nachi.org/forum/showthread.php?p=275613
Formal requests should be emailed to fastreply@internachi.org or sent to:InterNACHI-CCPIA1750 30th Street, Suite 301Boulder, Colorado 80301
Home Inspector Pro and HomeGauge have templates for the Commercial Standards of Practice.
Copyright © 2007-2022
International Association of Certified Home Inspectors, Inc., andCertified Commercial Property Inspectors Association
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