More Community Colleges using InterNACHI exams & quizzes.

Interested in attending a Community College home inspection course in Southern Florida?   The next courses being offered begin in August and is 90 hours.  Basic course outline:

1st - 30 hrs. Introduction to Home Inspection – Basic knowledge of all systems to be inspected in a property and construction basics.

2nd – 30 hrs. Advance Home Inspection – How to inspect and what and how do we inspect a property. Step by step analysis of all systems in a property.

3rd – 30 hrs. Practical course – How to report and real field inspections on hand work and reports.
"In all classes we speak about how to start your own business and how to market that business. We also offer customer service tips for your office," Mary.
Interested parties should contact the instructor, Mary Kolf directly.  She teaches these courses at the local Communtiy Colleges.  She will answer your questions and register you if you like.  She teaches in Spanish as well.  Mary is also a FEMA inspector and InterNACHI member.   Her contact information is:
Mary F. Kolf
InterNACHI member
(786) 242-3341 or (954) 288-7274 or (305) 803-1976
"All phone numbers are mine so I personally will attend to anyone interested," Mary
The 90 hour course uses InterNACHI's exam and quizzes and is based on InterNACHI's Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics.
This course is approved for continuing education purposes at InterNACHI.














-----Original Message-----
From: nick gromicko []
Sent: Monday, July 11, 2005 11:08 AM
Subject: Nick


I want to pack your classroom.  Email me something about it please.



Nick Gromicko
Chief Operating Officer
International Association of Certified Home Inspectors

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