Colorado InterNACHI Chapter meeting Sat., Dec. 11th, 2004 2-4:30pm.

Dear Colorado Home Inspector:

I am personally inviting you to join me at the next Colorado InterNACHI Chapter in Denver on Saturday December 11th, 2004 from 2pm - 4:30pm. 
Our guest speaker will be:
Lorne Steiner, CEO of Porter Valley Software and InterNACHI's Director at Large.  Lorne will be giving a seminar on "Advanced Communications for Home Inspectors" which includes:
- Effective Marketing to increase business.
- Best Business Practices for the Home Inspection Industry.
- How to effectively Avoid Litigation.
As part of the seminar he will be showing the company's premier home inspection report-writer... InspectVue Residential.
Lorne Steiner, CEO of Porter Valley Software has a degree in Architecture, is a licensed Contractor in the State of California and developer of a number of well known software programs that can be found on thousands of computers around the globe. 
InspectVue Commercial will soon be released. It’s a remarkable program that has all of the virtues of our residential program, but is based on ASTM standards and facilitates cost estimating and inspections on buildings ranging from apartments, condominiums and strip-malls to skyscrapers. 
Nothing can stop litigation, but sometimes it can be avoided

As we all know, litigation is threatening the livelihood of inspectors nationwide, and they can never be too cautious!  For this reason, Porter Valley Software’s president, Keith Swift, who has performed literally thousands of home inspections, has written a number of informative essays on the subject of avoiding litigation.  Many of these have been published in various trade journals throughout the United States. They are interesting and educational and, among other things, they point out the weakness inherent in industry standards and contracts, and the ultimate power of possessing a computerized report-writer, and of having immediate access to a library of thousands of industry-standard narratives.  However, there are many other interesting discussions involving the use of specialized instruments, as well as the power of the plain truth and the written word!  We at Porter Valley regard ourselves as part of a growing family of users, and take pride in the fact that we put service to our clients ahead of profits, which is why we are offering this collection of twelve essays to InterNACHI members for free.  We sell these on our website for $35.00, however we don't charge InterNACHI members.  They can request their copy for free.

This is a InterNACHI-exclusive free offer made to no other association or group.

For those of you who’ve never thought about doing commercial inspections, you might want to think about it now. First of all, commercial inspections offer you more work and greater revenue. And, let’s face it, you probably already have the expertise, experience, and necessary tools to do the job, and commercial clients are so much easier to work with. Residential clients usually develop a personal attachment to a property and can become quite emotional over truly insignificant defects, whereas commercial clients are really only interested in the bottom-line, or in knowing the cost of essential repairs, necessary upgrades, and that of maintenance. Interestingly, commercial and residential inspections tend to be remarkably similar, except that commercial systems are somewhat larger and typically more complicated than residential ones. And for this reason, many new commercial inspectors often elect to subcontract aspects of the inspection to specialists, such as structural and mechanical engineers, plumbers, and electricians. However, inspectors also tend to learn quickly, and usually end up becoming sufficiently qualified to evaluate the vast majority of systems for the mselves, and the reby reduce the ir costs and increase the ir revenue. Naturally, marketing techniques for commercial properties are different from residential ones, and have to be restructured somewhat, but the profit is usually worth the effort. Think about it, more work, more money, more prestige as an inspector, and a less stressful enterprise! And, all you really need that you don’t already have is a truly sophisticated software program like InspectVue Commercial, which would make the whole endeavor worthwhile!  
As always, InterNACHI members and only InterNACHI members get an exclusive $100 discount.
Lorne Steiner
Porter Valley Software, Inc.
PS:  InterNACHI members can also get our Avoiding Litigation CD at no charge (exclusive deal, free for InterNACHI members only).
Plus:  Russel Spriggs will also be giving a status report on our group marketing efforts including our newest website: 
The meeting will be at 2pm to 4:30pm at:
CB & Potts 
1257 West 120th Avenue
Denver, CO  80234

located just about a mile or less west of I-25 on 120th in Northglenn
Buy whatever you want to eat.  Choice of: Burgers, Chicken Sandwich, Sirloin, pasta, Entree Salad.
RSVP me if you plan to attend.
Thank you.