PRESS RELEASE: InterNACHI® Names Chuck Evans 2017 Member of the Year


InterNACHI® Names Chuck Evans
2017 Member of the Year


BOULDER, Colo. (Jan. 2, 2018) — InterNACHI® Founder Nick Gromicko is proud to announce that Texas member Chuck Evans has been named the recipient of the InterNACHI® Member of the Year/Gromicko Award for 2017.

Chuck is the founder of the Houston-based HomeCert, LLC, home inspection company. He has been a TREC-Licensed Professional Inspector (#7657) since 2004. He is also a Level-III Thermographer certified by Infraspection Institute®.  A Certified Master Inspector®, Chuck has been a member of InterNACHI® since 2006. 

The InterNACHI® Member of the Year program was created to publicly recognize an InterNACHI® member for superior performance during the past calendar year. The candidates are nominated and voted on by the membership. The program is administered by the InterNACHI® Awards Committee.

Nick said, "Chuck's contributions to InterNACHI are unfailingly positive and informative. He's always there to reach out to welcome new members, as well as lend a friendly hand to veteran members.  He's exactly what the Member of the Year Award was meant to embody, and I'm pleased that his fellow members think so, too."

Chuck said, “This is humbling and very much appreciated. I did not expect to be nominated, much less to receive this award. Many thanks to InterNACHI for providing this forum and all of the great services that members enjoy. Thank you to the Awards Committee, and to everyone who contributes to keeping InterNACHI the great source of learning for new and experienced inspectors that it has always been. Much of what I have learned over the years has been due to the gracious contributions of other members.”



InterNACHI® is the world’s largest home inspector association and education provider. With 20,000+ members in more than 40 countries, InterNACHI® offers online, video and live Continuing Education that has earned more than 1,400 accreditations.  InterNACHI® Certified Professional Inspectors® follow a comprehensive Standards of Practice and a strict Code of Ethics to ensure that their clients receive the best and most professional service possible. 

Founded in 2004 by Chuck and Deb Evans, HomeCert, LLC, based near Houston, Texas, provides home inspection and thermography services to clients throughout the greater Houston area. For more information, visit