Our Guest Speaker will be Tiffani K. Thornton, Esq. Her primary areas of practice are estate planning, trust administration, real estate, and real property.
These areas encompass assisting in matters pertaining to landlord/tenant relations, condominium and homeowners' associations, real estate transactions, and property disputes.
Ms. Thornton will discuss the best practices from a litigation perspective to avoid being captured in a breach of contract or failure to disclose lawsuits.
Zoom Meeting Access Information is as follows
Meeting 838 0327 7263 Passcode 606172
Ms. Thornton attended USF ST. Petersburg and Stetson University College of Law.
If you would like to learn more about Ms. Thornton, please visit her website at
http://About (thorntonlawlady.com)
We look forward to seeing you in our Zoom meeting.