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About South Africa Chapter

Welcome to Internachi South Africa

At Internachi South Africa, we are more than just a chapter; we are a community of dedicated professionals committed to setting the standard for excellence in the home inspection industry. Our mission is to empower home inspectors, foster collaboration, and elevate the quality of home inspections across South Africa.

Our Vision

Internachi South Africa envisions a future where every homebuyer and seller can trust the integrity of the inspection process. We aim to be the driving force behind a robust and reliable home inspection industry that serves the needs of homeowners and contributes to the overall health of the real estate market.

Who We Are

A Community of Experts

Our chapter brings together seasoned professionals and aspiring home inspectors, creating a diverse and dynamic network of experts. By sharing knowledge, experiences, and best practices, we strive to enhance the skills and competencies of our members.

Commitment to Professionalism

Internachi South Africa is built on a foundation of professionalism, ethics, and continuous improvement. Our members adhere to the highest standards of practice, ensuring that every inspection is conducted with precision, thoroughness, and transparency.

Advocates for Homeowners

We believe that informed homeowners make empowered decisions. Internachi South Africa provides resources and education to homeowners, enabling them to better understand the home inspection process and the condition of their properties. 

Our Services

Internachi South Africa offers a range of services designed to support our members and the community: 

Training and Certification: We provide comprehensive training programs and certification courses to equip inspectors with the latest industry knowledge and skills supported and complimented by a continued education requirement that ensures that our Certified Inspector (CPI) qualification is both current and relevant. To be a Certified Property Inspector, InterNachi requires strict adherence to membership, the Code of Conduct and the Standard Practices that form the culture and ethos of the organization. The South African Chapter is committed to maintaining that standard.

Networking Events: Through InterNachi regular networking events offer a platform for Professionals to connect, share insights and build lasting relationships within the industry. InterNachi South Africa intends to expand this platform in such a way that it is uniquely South African and satisfies the South African need. 

Educational Resources: From articles and guides to webinars and workshops, we offer a wealth of educational resources to keep our members at the forefront of the home inspection field. InterNachi South Africa is committed to create educational resources that are both relevant to South African conditions and regulation.

Join Internachi South Africa

Whether you're a seasoned home inspector or just starting your journey, Internachi South Africa welcomes you. Join us in shaping the future of the home inspection industry in South Africa. Together, we build trust, ensure quality, and elevate standards.

Dave Wates
South African Chapter Manager