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Singapore Internachi Wood Termite/Destroying-organism Inspection

The Le Management  (2012) Pte Ltd not only specializes in the supply of RE/RTO/PEA-LTA Professional Engineer Assignee /LTA site supervisor for LTA PROMT in the local market for the construction trade for more than 500 projects but also provides NEA-licensed pest control /vector control and NDT (MPI/MT/UT)inspection and INTERNACHI-certified home/building defection inspection or survey (We have all the CPIs manpower in Singapore building market in our team,  are the founder and is also affiliated to the INTERNACHI Singapore Chapter as well as all the QP/Consultants for IAC2 build indoor air quality).

If you are keen on InterNachi Certified Wood-Destroying Organism Inspection service, please get in touch with us 

Address: 03-24 Sultan Plaza, 100 Jalan Sultan, Singapore 199001

Tel: (65)6992 2731/0 


Website: Singapore - InterNACHI®