Chapter Meetings and Events are open to ALL home inspectors and their partners, spouses, office staff, plus those wanting to learn more about starting, maintaining, or growing a home inspection business.
- There are no regular Chapter dues or fees at this time.
- There is only a fee if you attend an event or meeting that has an advertised cost (such as food or a special paid speaker).
- The fee, if any, for Chapter events will be announced in advance and advertised via the website.
- Chapter meetings are open to any home inspector, regardless if they are members of InterNACHI or not.
- Chapter meetings are also open to anyone wishing to learn more about becoming a home inspector.
- The regular Chapter meeting location will be announced via the website well in advance of the meeting.
- The date, time, and location for special Chapter events will be announced on this website well in advance of the event.
- The Chapter President will direct the proceedings of all Chapter meetings and events unless another person has been directed to do so by the President.
- Meeting and event attendees will conduct themselves in a manner of courtesy, professionalism, and respect. This includes language, gestures, and written correspondence.