1 HOUR CEU and Joe Denneler ESQ " Home Inspector Claims and Best Practices to Avoid Them." Mr Denneler has been a litigation attorney for over 20 years, almost exclusively representing home inspectors in litigation and Arbitration matters. He has successfully litigated issues involving SOP'S, contract issues, consumer fraud, and inspector licensure. He has earned a reputation as a fierce defender of inspectors. Joe serves as General Counsel of EliteMGA and is the first line of defense for TPREIA/InereNACHI members insured through Elite's captive insurance carrier EliteRE. Its not often you have an attorney to ask any question you've ever wanted on inspection liability, claims, insurance company responsiblity, etc. We will cut off at 50 so the room is not over crowded. Sign up ASAP to get your seat. If you sign up show up. Don't take someone's seat. Thanks