Meetings will be held the 2nd Tuesday of each month.
The location of the meeting will be predetermined. Members will be notified by e-mail and/or voice mail.
Those having dinner must arrive and complete dinner before the start of the meeting.
All meetings will start promptly at 6:30 PM.
The Chapter President or Co-President will direct the proceedings of the meeting.
All meetings will open and close with Prayer from the Chapter Chaplain.
To maintain membership in the North Georgia Chapter, the member must attend one meeting per quarter. If member is dropped from the chapter, due to lack of attendance, the member must attend two quarters before being reinstated.
All members and guests must have official NACHI ID or printed Chapter name tag and wear them during each meeting.
Printed name tags will cost $1.00. A temporary name tag will be issued one time at no cost to the member or guest.
All members and guests shall record their own attendance.
Each member will be responsible for recording the required information for continuing education credits on the NACHI web site.
All members and guests will be asked to donate $2.00 per meeting for Chapter accessory fund. Contributing is not required.
The Chapter secretary will provide an update of income and expenses of the accessory fund as requested by the members.
Members will conduct themselves in a manner of courtesy, professionalism and respect. This includes language, gestures and written correspondence.
Cell phones must be turned off or in silent mode. If you must answer, please leave the room before answering.
All meetings will close after a Q & A session has been concluded from any and all members or guests present. The Chapter president will facilitate the session.
I have read and agree to the by laws of the North Georgia Chapter of NACHI. My signature is on file.