Advanced Cracks in House Inspections: As a home inspector, you see cracks in every home. Your customer sees them too! You see cracks in slabs, cracks in brick, in block and in drywall.
How do you know which cracks are of structural significance?.. What the corrective action and expense might be?.. Who to call when an expert opinion is needed and how to explain all this to your client without upsetting the real estate agent who referred you?
Those are just a few of the reasons that you need to be at this meeting. And we would love to learn from your own experiences, as well as answer any questions you may have! *Special speaker, Chase Watkins of Alpha Foundations
Everyone is welcome to attend... New inspectors, old inspectors as well as friends, partners and spouses of home inspectors.
Please do not park in front of the Keller Williams real estate office.