During this three day event, the student will inspect five vacant homes. Approximately 3 hours will be spent on each house.
Friday will be mostly discussion between the group and the instructor(s). The goal is to find out what you know and replace what is missing or misunderstood. There is no documenting during this day.
Saturday and Sunday's inspections will be spend by you using an 1.5 performing an inspection of the property as an individual. The next 1.5 hours will be spent in a group environment going over the issues found in the home and how those issues would be discussed with our future clients.
The instructor will use this time to fill in missing, or misinterpreted, information in the students knowledge base.
At the end of the five inspections you will receive a spreadsheet with your findings, and everyone else who inspected the same properties findings, so you can compare your findings with everyone else. This is designed as a self awareness process and is not a pass or fail event.
Fee: $600 for all five houses in this three day period. ($120 per house)
Click Here: https://calendly.com/chicagolandhi/field-training
Instructor: Charles (Charlie) Bellefontaine - 630-327-2700 - Charlie@ChicagolandHomeInspectors.net