Greetings Chesapeake Chapter of InterNACHI Members and Friends!
We invite you to attend the March 2012 New Year meeting of the Chesapeake
Chapter of the International Association of Certified Home Inspectors. Our
always fun and informative meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 20th at
6:00 PM and will convene in the Captain's Room of:
Doubletree Hotel
Ports of Call Restaurant
210 Holiday Court
Annapolis, MD 21401
At 6:00 we will call the meeting to order. After introductions and agenda
items the floor will be open to the attendees for discussions. Attendees
may order food and/or beverages as desired throughout the meeting at their
own expense from our assigned wait staff (not required). The meeting will
adjourn at about 9:00 PM.
Agenda items include:
* Welcome and opening remarks by Gene Swier
* Chapter Education by Bob Pavlik
* Open Discussion
* Closing