Awards Committee Bylaws
The International Association of Certified Home Inspectors Awards Committee
I. Purpose
The Awards Committee is tasked with four major purposes:
1. to publicize the awards offered by the International Association of Certified Home Inspectors to its members to encourage the involvement of outstanding qualified nominees;
2. to evaluate nominations by employing the established criteria and determine eligibility for InterNACHI® Member of the Year/Gromicko Award;
3. to review suggestions for new awards, develop criteria and guidelines, and to implement those awards developed; and
4. to revise the Bylaws as needed.
II. Committee Selection, Size, and Length of Terms
The Awards Committee is comprised of the Chairman, Vice Chairman, and selected Committee Members. The selection, size, and length of term of each committee member, Chairman and Vice Chairman are separately established by the Awards Committee Members. The Awards Committee Chairman and Vice Chairman will serve for a term of two years or more, as voted on by the members, with at least two years' committee experience. Voting may be waived by unanimous consent of all the members. Open elections will be held during the month of November every two years or more, as voted on by the members, with at least two years' committee experience, for Chairman and Vice Chairman. Voting may be waived by unanimous consent of all the members. Those eligible to vote include members of the Awards Committee only. Chairman and Vice Chairman seats are available to current Awards Committee Members with at least two years' experience on the Awards Committee.
III. Reporting Procedures
Awards will be announced throughout the year. The Chairman or Vice Chairman will report this information through the InterNACHI® Awards Awards Committee Forum. The Committee will ensure that the awards are listed in the InterNACHI® Portal Chapter, which is available to all InterNACHI® members here:
IV. Duties and Responsibilities
The Awards Committee Members prepare and submit announcements concerning awards for publication and dissemination on the InterNACHI® Message Board or other available means (i.e., email, etc.). The Awards Committee establishes deadlines for award nominations. Policy questions regarding criteria or eligibility for an award may be directed to the Awards Committee for necessary clarification. From time to time, the Awards Committee will review awards criteria and procedures and adopt any changes by a majority vote of the current Committee Members on any revisions that may be appropriate. The Committee may recommend new awards to InterNACHI Director Nick Gromicko for review and acceptance. The Awards Committee also evaluates awards and may make changes to guidelines proposed by members of InterNACHI®. Should new awards be approved, the Awards Committee is responsible for drafting appropriate award criteria and procedures. The InterNACHI® Awards Committee is the final authority of issuance of any award or change by a majority vote of its members.
V. Recruiting New Member of the Committee
Award Committee Members are comprised of InterNACHI® members who are willing to volunteer their time and offer their opinions, and gather information for the optimal functioning of the Awards Committee. Members must collaborate with other Committee Members to execute policies, criteria, and new awards for the InterNACHI® Membership. Each Member of the Committee will be expected to contribute to the Awards Forum and post in the Awards Forum to show their presence and activity. An InterNACHI® member wishing to join the Awards Committee must be an active member of the association currently and for the previous five years, as well as active on the InterNACHI® Message Board, with a history of helpful posts both to members and/or the general public, and have a clear understanding of the general membership constituents who take part on the Forum. The Awards Committee is the final authority of any membership request by a unanimous vote of its members.
Any voting, open to the general membership, is limited to members who are regularly active on the forum.
To request joining the Awards Committee, contact any of the Awards Committee Member listed below:
Marcel Cyr at
VI. Meetings
The Committee normally meets online on the InterNACHI® Awards Committee Forum, or at another location to be announced by the Chairman or Vice Chairman. These meetings do not entail any travel or expenses. Meetings will be accomplished online.
These Bylaws were enacted by majority vote and revised and adopted January 26, 2020.